Maybe you should start using your head instead of just your hands. Go to school part time and get a job nearby. You can probably get a grant or a loan to go to school. When you get out and are earning $50 an hour you can pay off the loan. But you must be motivated and study an area that has jobs. You don't want to finish school and end up driving a cab. Be creative and think long term, you've been thinking one day at a time for too long!
2007-02-03 13:49:24
answer #1
answered by Ray S 2
I can't think of answers for all your problems but one thing that you should be very careful about is the company that promises to find you a place to rent. They're all ripoffs, all they do is put the newspaper information in a sheet and hand it to you. You'll find that many of the places they send you to have been already rented weeks before. If it was me, I try to sleep in car.
2007-02-03 13:41:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Come to Los angeles mission to the skid row once you're there make sure you stay close the police site OR station go to the library and look at Craig's list los angel es for roommates find the most compatible(not for personal relations)you have too much in your plate)then try to get a job i know one they pay $12.00/hr
2007-02-03 13:55:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Is there anyone else willing to get an apartment with you? Try getting roommates and if you cant find anyone right away do try to sleep in a hotel. Even thou your boss might understand your situation that does not look good.
2007-02-03 13:45:44
answer #4
answered by myvote01 2
i think i saw your question the other night. if i were in your situation , i would break the lease, find a local ymca,and get the tranny fixed. the ideal situation would be to find a roommate, or someone to sublet,so you would not have to pay for breaking the lease.but if you dont know anyone in your area, that may be tough,unless you advertise. p.s.- be sure to let your boss know that you appreciate his help. and- you might want to review your spiritual beliefs.praying for guidence and believing you will be heard will ensure that you will get all that you need. i will be glad to pray for you to get the help you need,even if you dont. best wishes.
2007-02-03 14:11:13
answer #5
answered by DEBI M 3
Why not try to get a place with roommates? It might save you some money. Get a second job.
2007-02-03 13:42:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i am much in the same boat except worse so i cannot give advice. my ex stole my car, so i got fired, have no job no car rent is now 3 days late dont know what to do. i dont know what to tell you, but its gotta get better sometime. thats what everyone tells me. good luck
2007-02-03 14:43:31
answer #7
answered by alexandria1_1999 5
What is your question?????????????
2007-02-03 13:43:23
answer #8
answered by Maureen B 5