wow, 1 whole month for black people and you want to take it away
still dont want the "coloreds" to have anything do you?
2007-02-03 12:25:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If white people are so upset about Black History Month, then how about teaching black history along with white history in the school curriculum through out the year. If it is truly "equal", then teach our history right beside that of white people and there will be no need for black history month because our history will be taught 12 months out of the year instead of 1.
All races have made great contributions to our society. However we live in a society where we as blacks are a minority so we have the odds stacked against us in a sense so when we do accomplish a great feat, it is focused on more because there are many more whites in America than blacks especially with higher positions.
As for Vonhugens, you sound really racist with your comments. And please do not think that there are not many whites out robbing, killing, and maybe even worst. However the media will constantly show the black acts of violence and down play the ones committed by whites. Who runs the media. White people. So we will see what they want us to see. But lets not forget about the crimes that whites commit., Every race has good and bad people.
2007-02-07 02:58:11
answer #2
answered by WHEELJACK 4
No black history month is not racist against white people. But after reading some of the responses to this stupid question I've once again realized the ignorance that still surrounds us. Before people open their mouths to answer a stupid question they should at least know what the hel l they are talking about. Black History is just that Black History. Black history was not taught in the schools. Black people did not learn about all of their ancestors and ancestor's ancestors who have made great accomplishments, and there are many many black people who have made great accomplishments. Inventors, scientists, doctors, and I can go on and on. So black people chose one month out of twelve make dedication to their heritage and racist white people seem to have a problem with that. You never need to ask why is there still racism in this country. Questions like this one make it obvious.
2016-05-24 00:59:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You really need to check yourself, little girl. Black History is something we have fought for. You don't see it because you didn't have to wonder why you kept hearing what white person invented this or that, or anything for that matter. All we learned about Black people in school was that they were slaves and came from Africa. Now maybe that's cool with you, but we are more than that, and we've been fighting our whole existence to be considered equal, and since we aren't, we want credit for what we've done. Eveyone keeps talking about how black power is no different from white power. But sweetie, the difference is that we don't lynch, drag, shoot, burn, or go around raping liitle white kids. And we don't set churches on fire. Wise the h3ll up!
2007-02-06 06:24:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
aaaahhh hell, here we go again.
Go to school and open up a typical History book. That's all White history baby. White history is all day everyday. The history books make very little if any reference to the contributions that women and minorities have made to the development of this lovely country we live in. This is why there are times in each year where we should learn about and show our appreciation for these contributions.
There's not just Black history month in February, March is Women's history month, May is Asian Heritage Month and September is Hispanic Heritage month. Yet everyones beef with Black history month, the shortest month of the year.
2007-02-03 12:54:33
answer #5
answered by half sam, half amazing 4
Are you seriously asking this ignorant question? As lots of people have said what children in school are mainly learning is white history. There is not only black history month there is also Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Native American Heritage Month. How is it racist to to inform people about different types of cultures? America basically celebrates "white" history month everyday of the year.
2007-02-07 09:21:14
answer #6
answered by starburst5793 2
Americans DO learn about white history and white accomplishments. It's called US History A-B/101-102. You know, the required courses high school and college students have to take.
If every race that contributed to US history were properly represented in our history books (and in society in general), there would be a need for Blacks, Latinos, and Asians to have months celebrating their American history.
2007-02-06 09:47:40
answer #7
answered by Godpigeon 2
Well, the reason that there is a Black history month and all that other kind of stuff is to celebrate a culture that isn't celebrated usually. White people are "celebrated" by being the domenant race of the US, and so far being the only President's of the US, and getting all the advantages handed to them. Asking for a white-history is like asking for there to be a "People Without Breast Cancer" foundation.
2007-02-06 08:59:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I want you to think about your own question. Question: What usually happens during black history month? Answer: Martin Luther King and a few other blacks who accomplished great things are mentioned.
Question: What would happen during white history month? How would you define white history month - whites are from various different origins (Italian, Irish, German, Jew, etc). Would you just simply have a white American history month - one that ignores origins but focuses on the melting of whites in this country. Next, what accomplishments would you like to highlight?
After you have answered those questions for yourself, which part of white history haven't you learned about in school? Which white accomplishments have not been discussed by your teachers? If you can't think of any, you either haven't been paying attention in school or you have had pretty bad teachers.
I understand you point: If you acknowledge one group, acknowledge them all. That is a good point. If you truly want to celebrate you culture/race in which you are calling white, do so. Start researching white accomplishments and white culture and celebrate in your own home. Then, you can see if others want to join in on your celebration. You have the power to make things happen and to change things it you want to. That is the freedom that you possess in America. We can all celebrate our heritage and still live in peace, can't we?
2007-02-03 13:42:42
answer #9
answered by truly 6
I honestly can't believe anyone would even ask a question like this. I am appalled. Do you know and understand the history of your country or why there even is a black history month? Although blacks have been in America at least as far back as colonial times, it was not until the 20th century that they gained a respectable presence in the history books. For years, they were treated as lower class citizens even though they were also part of the wars we fought, the history of our nation and the culture of today yet they were never recognized. So now once a year, the reason we have it is to try and awaken the huge contribution they made to our nation.
2007-02-03 12:32:51
answer #10
answered by Tek ~aka~Legs! 7
It's totally racist but what else do you expect? Maybe we should have a white history month. . or white music awards. . or a unite whitey college fund. See. . .it's ok to use the n word if you are black but not if you are white. And how about the Movie "WHite men can't jump". No racism in that title huh? Maybe we should have a move "Black men can't hold a job". . . or Black men can't support their children. . . or Black men can't play hockey? Oh wait . . then Jesse Jackson and the other self serving black leaders would cry even more. Don't forget people. . . The BLACK PEOPLE IN AFRICA WERE SELLING THEIR OWN INTO SLAVERY. I am not racist and have friends of EVERY COLOR. Slavery was a HORRIBLE THING!!!! But. . . it's time to stop using it as an excuse and get off your dead butts and MAKE a life. . . not wait for someone to give it to you. SLavery is not the reason drugs, crime, rape and etc are an epidemic amongst the black culture. Look at your heros. . . 50 cent. . a no talent drug selling hoochie mamma screwing piece of garbage who should be in prison. . . . hell. . .he be dead if anybody in the hood could shoot a gun straight!!! Get over it . . .s top crying. . .and get to work!
2007-02-06 04:35:59
answer #11
answered by vonhugenstein21 1