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my origial wedding date is scheduled for July 7,2007 all is booked and planned however we have now been told that my mom has terminal cancer and has been given 2 months and even if she is able to be here in July she lives in a different state then we and wont be able to travel, so we will now be having 2 ceremonies one with her and then again as planned in July. Any thoughts to this situation or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

2007-02-03 10:18:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

7 answers

I think having the two ceremonies is a wonderful idea.
Being that a wedding day is so important, I am sure that if you speak with the hospital staff they will help you out. Also most hospitals have a minister or preacher within a call or even on site. Also I don't believe that I have ever been to a hospital that didn't have a chapel if you would like to do that also.
Under the circumstances,depending on how many people will be attending and if there are any food restrictions. You might try calling a few restaurants to see if they will give you a discount on meals to be delivered to the room. Or what the hospital kitchen can do.
Also you might look in the hospital gift shop for flowers trinkets and memorabilia for the day.
Good luck, and may the day be everything to you and your mom.

2007-02-03 10:39:44 · answer #1 · answered by Duane"s girl 2 · 0 0

Its sad that your mum has terminal cancer.If you really love one another then it does not matter where you sayyour wedding vows.At most hospitals they have chaplains that will be more than happy to perform the service.You could organise a few simple flowers and your mum can have them after.Get dressed up in your wedding outfits.Let your mum see how happy you are going to be.I am sure the hospital staff will allow you to have a bottle of champagne to toast the happy couple and probably want to share in the occasion too..Hospitals usually pander to the needs of patients and family. When you have the second ceremony then it can be a renewal of your wedding vows with other people.Best of luck and maybe you need to think about gettting married now rather than later.My father had terminal cancer and he went pretty quickly.My prayers and thoughts are with you and your mum.

2007-02-03 10:36:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well First off I am sorry to here that.. But just plan a small simple wedding with a preacher theat will do it. Maybe a few other guest and ur mom.. I wouldnt do the whole brides maid and groomsmen thing until the original date.. But Good luk and Congratulations

2007-02-03 10:23:09 · answer #3 · answered by dontchababy 1 · 0 0

i'm sorry to hear about ur mom hun and in answer to ur question i had the same problem when i got married and we had the ceremony as set and had a second one with mom to don't feel bad about it hun it happens with me i had to travel and stuff to but in the end it was the best thing i ever did just the look and smile on moms face made it the best day of my life good luck and best wishes on upcoming marriage do what u feel is right but i quarantee u will feel better if u do this for her and urself and she will be so proud of and happy that u did god bless u all

2007-02-03 10:27:14 · answer #4 · answered by bugaboos grandma 1 · 0 0

first of all, i'm sorry that you are having this news during one of your most joyous times in your life.

i would ask your mother what she would like. she may have some words of motherly advice or something sentimental that she wishes to include in your ceremony under the circumstances... allow it to be just as special of a moment for her as well as for you.

may God bless you and yours in the coming months...

2007-02-03 10:28:04 · answer #5 · answered by annie 3 · 0 0

i think that is great having you mom there for you wedding while she is here i think it is sweet.

2007-02-03 10:22:47 · answer #6 · answered by <3 4 · 0 0

I think it's awesome you want to include her that much and want her to experience it.

2007-02-03 10:22:11 · answer #7 · answered by lucki female 2 · 0 0

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