I'm not talking about a needy, clingy man who sends you flowers every day and calls every 15 minutes. I'm talking about a true gentleman . . . confident, honest, healthy, respectful, successful, and romantic. Men like that have been all but banished in American society, because most women see them as being "boring", and go out of their way to hurt them and take them for granted.
Chivalry? Forget about it. If you open a door for a woman, she'll slap your face. Grab a woman that you don't even know and slap her on the backside? She'll think you're the sexiest bad boy alive.
Then women whine about how they can't find a good man. A bit hypocritical, don't you think?
7 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Other - Family & Relationships
It sounds to me like you're hanging out with the wrong women if they'd treat you and themselves with such disrespect. I'd LOVE to find a man who understands the concept of truly being a gentleman and who is chivalrous; a man who understands how to treat a lady, who has values (and knows that values aren't eating 3 meals a day and bathing regularly), who is successful, honest, and trustworthy. However, I've been told that I am expecting too much--more than any one man could ever give--and that if I stick to that ideology I'll be single forever. So be it; I refuse to settle.
Many women are clueless about what they want, and they think they have to settle for whoever pays them attention, or they will be alone forever. That's called being out of touch with oneself and having low self-esteem. They are the ones you hear whining all the time--no class, no tact, no manners, no clue.
Women aren't all hypocrites. That's about as fair as saying all men are pigs. You wouldn't classify yourself that way, would you? Don't give up hope. Just remember that women who appreciate men like you don't tend to hang in bars or clubs--they're not really into getting trashed on the weekend or seeing how many guys they can sleep with in a month. Look in the right places, keep having faith in yourself, and you'll find someone who's worthy (and not whiney, selfish, rude, or unappreciative) when you least expect it!
2007-02-03 10:42:34
answer #1
answered by Denise 2
WHOA! just a dang minute here......there isnt a WOMAN alive who wouldnt want a man like you...i guess you arent in the right region, SUH, where we southern women just LUV to have our door opened by a confident, honest, healthy, respectful, successful, and by all means romantic gentleman! in the hearts of all us southern WOMEN , romance is alive and well.
2007-02-04 05:33:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, womens ideals have changed since they entered the workforce and are Mother's and Wives too. Chivalry and romance are not dead. I still appreciate someone opening a door for me, but I don't like being "grabbed" or slapped on the backside
a gentle pat is ample enough.
2007-02-03 17:41:14
answer #3
answered by Queen-o-the-Damned 3
I don't know..... I still appreciate Chivalry, when the guy waits for the girl to enter the room before he does.
I totally agree with you though, it would be nice if romance could come back in the now, only legendary way.... I think that guys think that if they act nice, they'll be seen as less tough as the others.....
I don't know, you're right though....
2007-02-03 17:40:12
answer #4
answered by Crappy Haircut Girl 6
because nice guys finish last...i find the proverb very true in many ways...women like the bad boy image for short term relationships and the nice guy image for long term...its jsut harder to start a relationship in the first place as a nice guy...but i do recognize the pattern and there have been studies to what women prefer...
2007-02-03 17:36:38
answer #5
answered by guitar_dah_311 1
Yes, that is hypocritical. I'm a married woman with many single friends that constantly complain that they can't find a "nice guy", but when they do, treat them badly. However, please, please, please don't give up your chivalrous ways! There needs to be more men like you in the world. I'm all for women's lib and whatever, but still like having the door held for me.
2007-02-03 18:18:13
answer #6
answered by tms 2
None in the states cuz the gentlemen all live in Canada where chivalry is not dead
2007-02-03 17:49:30
answer #7
answered by wbyrdie 3