make sure they have good feedback. Pay with credit card. Paypal usually offers a money back guarantee but if you get ripped off and Paypal doesn't come through, you can call your credit card co and have them reverse the charge because of fraud. Believe me, ebay wouldn't tollerate any high-profile theft -- anyone selling jewelry with more than 50 positive feedbacks is safe in my opinion.
2007-02-03 09:23:49
answer #1
answered by emsjoflo 2
I wouldn't trust them, but it depends on the seller and price. I've bought plenty of jewelry on eBay, and all the sellers claimed that the jewels were "natural". However, I knew before I bought the item that the emeralds and rubies were fake, due to the price. $9 for approx 7 carats of real emerald? Sure.
Feedback doesn't mean a thing; most buyers of mass jewelry sellers on eBay know from the beginning that the gems are fake, and the gold is probably just cheap plating. But the ring is pretty and cheap, so they buy anyway, and ignore the fact that the seller lied. Such sellers that I've bought from usually have feedback ratings of 97% to 100%, despite the fact that everything they sell is fake.
Besides, something as important as an engagement ring isn't exactly something that I would scrimp on, unless you really need the money you save.
But, if you do choose to buy off eBay, definitely make sure they say that everything about the diamond is real, and get the ring checked for authenticity as soon as you recieve it. If the seller lies about the ring, and you can prove it with papers, then you should be able to get your money back, as long as you pay with Paypal.
2007-02-03 09:35:13
answer #2
answered by Sailor Jupiter 4
The only thing with ebay is that you have to read extremely carefully. A lot of rings will say diamond when you search for them, but when you read further, it says it was either lab created or cz or simulated. Lots of sellers try to trick potential buyers into getting fake rings by saying they're genuine...the only thing is that they're genuine cz. Also, pictures can be deceiving...they blow the detail of the ring up a lot and it often looks bigger (as far as band size/amount of gold) than it really is.
So, if you do feel like buying from there, I suggest you search for the ring you want, but also put "-cz -simulate, -simulated, -lab
-created" into your query.
If you want to know if they're legit, they will still be selling the ring for a lot of money and will often offer you certificates of authentication and appraisals.
2007-02-03 09:36:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You've been together four years, and have two children. Make an appointment down at the court house, and get married, for Heaven's sake. You have allowed his childish behavior for all these years. Why would he be in any hurry to set a date, when he is already getting what he wants? The poster who said don't push him, he's not ready for a commitment, has got it all wrong. When a guy says he is not ready for a commitment, that is not your signal to roll over and make babies with him! Now that children are involved, you both need to grow up, and take responsibility for what you have done.
2016-05-24 00:21:18
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Don't you want to be able to look at it, make sure it looks like the one you want in person? Do you want to risk it just not 'feeling right' or not fitting? You have to see the ring, give it some time, make sure it is right. So don't rush into it by buying one online. Better to see it in person, lighting affects it quite a bit, the way the gold/platinum/white gold reflects light and the way the diamond reflects light. You might want to make sure it looks good on your fiancee as well.
2007-02-03 09:33:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I personally wouldn't, I've bought stuff on Ebay before and they send you the most retarded stuff! Like I wanted to buy a menu from a restrurant from this movie and the sent me a fake thingy a 2 year old can print on the computer! So personally, I wouldn't.
2007-02-03 09:26:17
answer #6
answered by deleted. 2
Absoultly NOTT
2007-02-03 14:52:36
answer #7
answered by Zara 3
NEVER, because it could not be a real diamond or whatever stone you are willing to purchase!
2007-02-03 09:23:52
answer #8
answered by sportyshortie964 1
no....two reasons why....a) ebay's just not one of those sites you trust for serious things...b) your girl will hate you if she ever finds out you bought it on EBAY, she'll think you're cheap and she's not worth it and then you'll be all embarrassed and boo hoo you'll be all sad
2007-02-03 09:24:47
answer #9
answered by random_person 2
No, but dont take the risk for all you know it could be fake.
2007-02-03 09:22:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous