Congratulations. I was one week overdue. A fetus can change it’s position up until the water breaks. They move less in the later weeks because they are bigger and there is less room to move around. But if you do not feel your baby move for more than 4 hours call your OB, there could be something wrong. Even a slight movement or a hick-up counts as movement.
Are you sure that it is the legs that you are feeling? I thought that I was feeling legs but it turned out to be an elbow sticking out. If it is the tiny legs it’s ok too, the baby could be getting into a more comfortable position to come out. Do not worry about it, but keep track of your baby movements. If there are none for 4 hours call your OB once again congrats and enjoy your soon to be bundle of joy.
2007-02-03 09:10:44
answer #1
answered by Natalia D 5
Yes, it's natural and the baby is still able to move about because the uterus is elastic enough to accomodate any changes in it's position. Seems like your baby might be in breech positions, perhaps that's why he/she is 4 days overdue. You might end up being induced very soon; depending on the baby's size and position you may/may not have a c-section if he/she is in breech. However, your OB will definately try less invasive methods before the OB proceeding with c-section.
2007-02-03 09:11:38
answer #2
answered by Muga Wa Kabbz 5
It is very normal to feel less movement at 40 weeks. The baby is so big by now that it is consuming most of your pelvic area. And it is normal for it to change positions. It really should be getting ready for its descent down the birth canal.
Is your doctor inducing if you do not go into labor soon? I was 42 weeks 3 days with my daughter and they said she and I were so healthy they would leave her alone {but we also could not set an actual EDD for her} but they did say they would not let me pass 43 wks due to her size.
Congratulations, you should be going here any day, moment, minute!
2007-02-03 09:06:36
answer #3
answered by ChelYox 4
It is completely natural for the fetus not to move very much, not too much room in there. The baby can still change positions. It may not even be it's feet, who knows.
2007-02-03 09:19:04
answer #4
answered by indiana girl 2
the baby will move less, since you are so far along. it is totally possible for the baby to change positions that late. my little girl (now 10 weeks old) was in the head down position the friday before i gave birth and when my water broke and i went to the hospital, they kept telling me they were not feeling her head. that it felt like she had tilted her head. well, let me put this nicely by saying she was butt first. and had to be delivered by c section.
good luck
2007-02-03 09:06:41
answer #5
answered by Maddie and Jacobs mom 5
The baby generally doesn't move as much during the last few weeks/days of pregnancy. The reason being that it's pretty crowded in there, so there's not alot of room to move around. Another reason is that during the last days of being in the womb, the baby "gears up" for his/her arrival by sleeping alot--which means, they don't move around as much if they're sleeping.
2007-02-03 09:02:37
answer #6
answered by CelebrateMeHome 6
Yes they can and often do change positions. For example many babies are faceing up but when labor begins, they rotate, so they are facing down. 3 of my 4 babies did that while I was in labor. Perhaps, your labor is right around the corner!!! Good luck!!!
2007-02-03 09:04:06
answer #7
answered by bluegrass 5
Yes, it's natural. The farther along you are, the less room the baby has to move around. Congratulations on your new baby!
2007-02-03 09:03:48
answer #8
answered by bedhead 3
probably just preparing to come meet you!
Aren't you excited? It's gonna be any day/minute now!
2007-02-03 09:02:09
answer #9
answered by makinguparandomsn 2