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philosophical, psychological, or even from your own opinion

2007-02-03 04:55:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

19 answers

I believe in reincarnation . I think before we are born we chose our parents usually for karmic reasons. I believe we never die we keep reincarnating on earth or any other planet and keep doing it until we evolve into supreme beings or soul guides...

2007-02-04 08:29:35 · answer #1 · answered by naomi b 1 · 0 0

Before I was born, the universe was almost exactly as it is now. Although my birth was very important to my immediate family, it was much less so to the attending nurses and obstetrician, and of almost no interest to anyone or anything else.

After I die, the universe will continue to be almost exactly as it is now. My death is unlikely to make much of a difference to anyone outside my immediate family (again, apart from the professionals and technicians whose mission will change somewhat when I die).

From the point of view of the planet, the human species is a transient blip that started registering less than a quarter-million years back and will doubtless be gone a few hundred thousand years hence, although the achievements and damage wrought during our time at-bat will doubtless last rather longer than we do, Assuming we never achieve interstellar colonization and we avoid thermonuclear destruction, any particular member of our species is inconsequential in the broader scheme of things. Certainly I am; I matter only to myself, my family, and the other organisms in my immediate ambit.

If there is an all-powerful deity in the classical sense -- one who is caringly aware of every individual's trajectory and destiny -- I would guess that each individual human such as myself has an importance somewhere between that of a potato and that of a forest or lake.

2007-02-04 12:25:22 · answer #2 · answered by Joe S 3 · 0 0

Well, being a Christian, I believe that the earth and all other creation were brought into being by God. I believe that we came from God, too, being part of that creation.

I really, as a practical person, cannot accept the Big Bang theory, as it is just NOT realistic. Ram any other simple things together and you do not even get one complex organism, much less all of the complex organisms present in our world. Just doesn't make sense. A complex mind must have been responsible for both planning and creating our earth and the galaxies, a mind way more complex than our own. We are not even able to understand how many of the organisms work, or why. The brilliant minds necessary to do research and come up with inventions, cures, and basic knowledge are not capable of what was necessary to create this world we live in. They can't even imagine what tools were used. In some cases scientists can isolate chemical compounds, etc., but where did these chemicals come from, and how were they combined to create our world and all its inhabitants? That would take a mind which just isn't VISIBLE in this world. I believe that God has that mind...IS that mind, and because He is eternal, oversees all things before we were, and after.

As for where do we go after we die, I believe heaven or hell, depending on the choice that we make: trusting in Jesus Christ as our savior, or not. All the world is already going to hell, unless they accept Christ. Some choose to blame God, using the premise that He would never SEND anyone to hell. In actuality, it is quite the reverse. All of us are going there, until we ACCEPT His FREE gift of grace and forgiveness. You see, we ALL sin! We all know inside that we do things that hurt others and ourselves, and that these things aren't good, and they do separate us from God. Therefore, if we want to restore that relationship with Him, since we aren't perfect, and God is, we have to get back with Him in some other way. Jesus Christ was the blood sacrifice for us, so that we wouldn't have to. it's a FREE GIFT, I repeat, so in actuality, God is the One who has created a way for us to be restored to Him. He's not the one who condemns us. We just have to choose to ACCEPT what He did for us through His son, Jesus.

A little lengthy, but that's what I believe about before we were born, and what will happen after we die.

I put several Bible verses below, but for those of you who are skeptics, cynics, or just like to read practical no-nonsense thoughts and facts that prove/attempt to prove these beliefs, try reading:

Mere Christianity, by C.S.Lewis, and
Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell

2007-02-07 04:11:14 · answer #3 · answered by getawayfromMK 2 · 0 0

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed - this we all know.

There is more and more evidence mounting to suggest that birth and death are not the harsh realities that we once thought.

According to Japanese folklore there are people who eat, breathe and consume things just like everyone else - but they are spiritually dead - they might be homeless or in the throws of some kind of addiction when you see them - they are called "hungry ghosts". The idea is that a person who does not become "enlightened" is doomed to live in this state for an indeterminable amount of time.

I think that our "energy" just breaks apart into billions of little memories and words and ions and neutrons over the course of a lifetime and rejoins with the "energy" of others... not exactly a moment of death but a process... I think that the death process starts long before the heart stops beating... and the life process - well, that started long ago...

2007-02-05 18:34:16 · answer #4 · answered by rabble rouser 6 · 0 0

Before we are born we exist in the realm of greatness and excellence and where all the highest and noblest hopes and dreams of mankind's ideas and thoughts await to be born. They exist as stars waiting for their chance to dance upon the earth of man.

Like a wave they come inside each one of us that is one born ..back and forth. While many land on man's shore and become real alas most never do because the earth is corrupt and filled with ignorance and rebellion and violence and hate and fear and war. Those people do not like to live in sunlight but in darkness. They reject the truth of where they came from and would rather ive in the word of unbelief and scepticism.

Only the children of truth change the lives of man and make the world a better, loving, safer, and peaceful place, They dare to challenge their fellows to hgiher depths of conduct and thinking and behaviour, and create new inventions and knowledge for the betterment of mankind. This includes even his morals and form of worship.

So when the children of truth (who by the way choose never to grow up in the hatred and fear and lies of man) die physically they are granted an eternity to discover the ideas and thougths of magnificence and splendor. It exists in a kingdom of forever children. The civiliazations and inventions and new knowldege yet to be realized they will have a hand in creating. The new earth and new heavens that we shall see created again. Front row seats we will have. We will rejoice as stars in the morning.

The children of truth will have an etnerninty to dance and rejoice inside the kingdom of excellence and wonder and mystery and love. And never worry about fear, or death, or hunger, or war or selfishness or greed.

2007-02-04 19:32:26 · answer #5 · answered by Uncle Remus 54 7 · 0 0

before we are born....birds and the bees.....

during birth, your soul is crafted to "fit" your body. So God makes you for the body. So "big brain" usually means a better understanding, as you usually have a high IQ and knowledge capacity, but you may be less right briained....

Your body rots and return to the dust from whenced it came, your spirit returns to God, cuz well, it only works if you need to communicate with God/any spirit in general, while in the physical realm. Your soul (your "essence": your mind, moral will, and emotions. Your brain is used to upload the physical and mental into the soul) is what goes to Heaven or Hell. that's death for you.

2007-02-03 16:33:59 · answer #6 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 0 0

before you are born, your parents had sex, an egg was fertilized, an embryo grew, and low an behold a child is born. after you die, your body becomes embalmed, you have some sort of funeral and people stand around and talk about what kind of person you were... some people may cry, some may be sad, and yes, the sick and twisted are happy

2007-02-03 11:36:02 · answer #7 · answered by angela s 1 · 1 0

maybe just before we are born, the energy that powers us to life gets into us ie. the soul and after we die, probably the energy leaves us and gets into another body to complete it's quest to salvation.

2007-02-03 04:59:00 · answer #8 · answered by ZXSpectrumDX!! 2 · 0 0

"All of your life is a long dream. that happens on a long sleep. and you'll wake up as soon as you die, but all your beloved will remain on your dream until they had enough sleep."

I copied those words out of a book, i still dont get clear what those words mean, but i think it explains alot.
I hoped that helped.

I don't know if those words are true, you can believe on them if you want, and if you dont, fine.

2007-02-03 12:18:48 · answer #9 · answered by Shadow 2 · 0 0

before we are born our new location is given to us and after we die a new location is again set for reincarnation.

2007-02-03 09:02:14 · answer #10 · answered by rakhshas a 2 · 0 0

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