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# 10. The Body/Mind Connection - people can at times cause a relief in medical symptoms or suffering by believing the cures to be effective—whether they actually are or not
# 9. Psychic powers and ESP
# 8. Near-Death Experiences and Life After Death
# 7. UFOs
# 6. Déjà vu
# 5. Ghosts
# 4. Mysterious Disappearances - the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and Natalee Holloway, some people seem to have vanished without a trace
# 3. Intuition - gut feelings, a “sixth sense
# 2. Bigfoot - not a single body has been found. Not the absence of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films.
# 1. The Taos Hum - Some residents and visitors in the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for years been annoyed and puzzled by a mysterious and faint low-frequency hum in the desert air. Oddly, only about 2 percent of Taos residents report hearing the sound.


2007-02-03 01:07:50 · 35 answers · asked by Reborn 1 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

OK guys, let's tell those scientists what we know that they do not know...hahaha

2007-02-03 01:08:54 · update #1

Thanks guys - for the answers and for the laughs! This list of unexplained phenomena are not from me, it's from Livescience.com. I just wanted to hear everyone's opinion about them. I do enjoy your answers, lol!

2007-02-03 18:31:33 · update #2

Rabble Rouser, you put it so simply! ROFL

2007-02-03 18:38:26 · update #3

Shadow, thanks for your shadowy answers. Er, are you but a figment of my imagination? (grins)

2007-02-03 18:41:55 · update #4

You are right there Mr. Matt...so... have you any explanations for those mysteries you mentioned???

2007-02-03 18:51:00 · update #5

Just want to tell you guys, I accept "spiritual" answers (though we are not in that category). My answers all run on the spiritual side, but I'm not gonna answer my own Q.

2007-02-04 23:00:08 · update #6

35 answers

1- something in the area such as bad water or raditation or something may be affecting the health of the towns hearing thus causing them to hear ringing.
2- bigfoot was a hoax, once the guy died his kids came out and talked about how they set it up.
3, 6, 9- all three of these can be scientifically explained. they electrons in every one of our molecules are constantly moving around and jumping in and out of this dimension. they do go back and forward throughout time for the briefest of seconds. this is how we can know whats going to happen(intuition and esp) and subconsiously not know that we have seen it already until we are reminded by seeing it again.
4. coincidence people dissapear all the time, runaways, murders, kidnappings, ect ect so who is to say that it was not the same in past days
5. spirits live on after they die. they may not be actuall ghosts but they do exist and therefor we can feel their presence when they so allow.
7. crazy people on LSD look up and go "look man i think there are aliens up there" or if you belive in god then who is to say he didnt make this world go **** they are all a bunch of screw ups and then make another one?
8. everyone has a soul or spirit. we have life after death because the spirit does not depend on the body but rather the other way around.
10. by having faith in something they are willing themselves to heal and their brain can actually do heal the body without negative hormones caused by stress getting in the way.

2007-02-04 12:00:33 · answer #1 · answered by allyalt 2 · 0 0

10. The Body/Mind Connection - people can at times cause a relief in medical symptoms or suffering by believing the cures to be effective—whether they actually are or not

The brain directs the body, the brain is responsible for processing all information from the body. The body/mind "connection" is not a mystery. Of course your mind is connected to your body. Your mind is a product of your brain.

# 9. Psychic powers and ESP

Lots of studies have been done on people who claimed to be psychic. No proper study has ever proven that ESP even exists.

# 8. Near-Death Experiences and Life After Death

Your neurons are firing away, weird chemical things happen while you are near dying. It hardly seems strange that people would have these nde's. Life after death? This is one thing that we can't prove or disprove, can we? It is up in the air.

# 7. UFOs

Unidentified Flying Objects. Okay, well how about we start with "unidentified". They have not been identified.

# 6. Déjà vu

Neurons firing away.

# 5. Ghosts

Paranoia. When I hear a strange noise, I don't think it is footsteps. When I wake up paralyzed, I realize my mind is in a wakeful state but my body is not yet wakeful. I don't assume some strange force is holding me down. When I see a piece of fluff on my pictures, I realize it is a piece of fluff, not a ghost or "orb".

# 4. Mysterious Disappearances - the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and Natalee Holloway, some people seem to have vanished without a trace

Kidnapping, drowning, murder...

# 3. Intuition - gut feelings, a “sixth sense

Using past experiences to guide your behaviour.

# 2. Bigfoot - not a single body has been found. Not the absence of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films.

Exactly. Support comes down to eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films.

# 1. The Taos Hum - Some residents and visitors in the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for years been annoyed and puzzled by a mysterious and faint low-frequency hum in the desert air. Oddly, only about 2 percent of Taos residents report hearing the sound.

Do you know about the singing sands? Do you also know about different frequencies of sound? I have never heard of the "Taos Hum", but these would be my first thoughts.

There are a lot of phenomena that are unexplained, and I will always be looking for proof that these theories are real, but for now I am convinced that "paranormal" phenomena are products of the human mind.

2007-02-03 01:56:41 · answer #2 · answered by citrus punch 4 · 1 1

# 10. The Body/Mind Connection - look in to "placebo effect".
# 9. Psychic powers and ESP - None-existent. There is a one million dollar prize for anyone who can prove they can do anything like that. Nobody has even passed the preliminary round of tests, ever. http://www.randi.org/research/index.html
# 8. Near-Death Experiences and Life After Death - That's not a phenomenon!
# 7. UFOs - None have been proven to exist, ever.
# 6. Déjà vu - Statistics.
# 5. Ghosts - None.
# 4. Mysterious Disappearances - Suicides, weather, etc.
# 3. Intuition - Statistics.
# 2. Bigfoot - All evidence faked.
# 1. The Taos Hum - People go to Taos to see if they can hear it. They can't, but decide they can unintentionally.

2007-02-10 10:57:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

10. Perception is all in the mind. The reports of curing cancer by believing is crap, though.
9. People are sensitive at many levels, however, most ESP falls to pieces under controlled double blind studies.
8. Consciousness and how the brain works is still very poorly understood. However, inducing hypoxia using High G forces produces effects similar to NDE's.
7. Weather balloons, stealth aircraft, meteors, and bored rednecks.
6. A glitch in the neurochemistry of the brain where a new experience reaches the memory a few nanoseconds before it reaches perception.
5. Nightmares, folklore, and low frequency vibrations of the interior oculus.
4. Jimmy Hoffa got whacked by the mafia. There are lots of places to hide a body. Amelia Earhart crashed into the ocean. Its a big place. Natalee Holloway was just one of the hundreds of thousands of missing people each year, if she wasn't cute, white, and rich, you wouldn't have even hear about her.
3. People process much information at a subconscious level. Somethings register there and trigger alarms but are not processed to the conscious level.
2. If you were out in the woods smoking weed and drinking beer for long enough with some hippie friends, you'd see bigfoot too.
1. Mass tinnitus.

2007-02-04 14:44:00 · answer #4 · answered by nyc14gauge1 2 · 1 0

Yes I can explain some of them. Your choice whether or not you decide to believe the explanation. If you want proof, thats going to take a hell of a lot of writing for the ten questions you have asked. Proof is out there though.

10. The mind is a powerful thing. We only use a small amount of our brains so we really don't know what our full capabilites are.
9. ESP is a natural ability that everyone has. It is a mental faculty that has to be practised just like any other skill. We are all born with ESP we just have to learn how to advance it.
8. There have been thousands of cases of near death recorded by medical doctors. People have experienced the afterlife briefly AFTER brain death. Read all the books out there of case studies if you want proof.
7. Aliens have visited us for centuries. They are far more advanced. For all we know aliens could be our God. There are paintings on cave walls by the Myans showing them doing brain surgery. Proof is out there. The government is hiding the evidence.
6. Deja-Vu occurs when you have tapped into events of a past life or ESP.
5. Ghosts are souls who have gone on to the afterlife paying a visit.
4. I would have to read up on these disappearances, but there is a probable explanation I am sure. We don't leave earth unless we die. We have to be in spirit to leave our bodies.
3. Intuition is the same thing as ESP. It's a natural ability.
2. Bigfoot is probably a prehistoric creature who has survived in his species. There are many prehistoric creatures still in the ocean. The giant sea turtle is one of them.
1. Probably picking up on electrical discharge. I hear it quite often from tv's, radios and so forth.

2007-02-03 05:57:09 · answer #5 · answered by Bewitched 2 · 2 0

10- This is a psychological phenomenon called the placebo effect. Just by believing that the cure is effective, a person can actually improve his/her symptoms.
9- I'm not sure about this one.
8- Near death experiences can be caused during brain surgery or similarly invasive surgeries. During these procedures, a center of the brain can be triggered that's sole purpose is to experience religious phenomena. The person under the procedure then reports seeing bright lights and hearing the voice of God or that of dead relatives.
7- Early reports of UFOs correlate with government tests of stealth airplanes. This is why information on those sightings are still classified. More modern reports can be contributed to the effects of greenhouse gasses and schizophrenic psychological symptoms.
6- This is a simple hiccup of the memory centers of the brain. They signal a recognition to things that haven't been encountered before.
5- Certain rock formations and minerals can record electrical records of current events and, when disturbed, play them back for years in the future. This is why reported ghosts perform the same actions over and over.
4- Everyone goes somewhere. Jimmy Hoffa was killed by mob associates and his body hidden, Amelia Earhart was performing a secret mission for the US government when her plane was brought down in waters near Japan. Everyone goes somewhere sometimes it's just hard to find the bodies.
3- Intuition is the application of past experiences and held beliefs to current situations. It can also be the application of biological knowledge.
2- If a creature such as Bigfoot does exist, which I'm not sure it does, it might be more similar to humans than we think in that it may collect its dead and bury them. Also, if they live in such remote areas, it is possible that people just haven't discovered a body before it has decomposed.
1- There a similar hums around the country. The bedrock or limestone strata underneath such towns can sustain the sounds of traffic and the like over long distances. It has also been contributed to pockets of electricity in the atmosphere or under the ground.

2007-02-03 01:21:37 · answer #6 · answered by PUtuba7 4 · 3 0

these are my theories...

#10 - the soul(which your mind is a part of) controls the brain, the brain controls the body. Since we don't know fully what the human body can do, placebos and mind-over-matter excersizes can release chemicals that are hard to trace, but enhance the immune system.

#9 - again, the soul has man secrets. some people are born with abilities that defy logic and even what we perceive as physical. Some attain it through immoral practices. Some attain it through the Holy Spirit.

#8 - you're not dead 'til the spirit separates from the soul and the body. After death, your soul has to go somewhere.....to Heaven or Hell.

#7 - human imagination, the result of mental illnesses, halucinations, occult, the physical manifestations of cultics who worship the celestial...

#6 - souls are tricky. Born with it, attained it, Holy Spirit. Some may be just the cause and effect, like if you dream you will be in a car accident tomorrow, and tomorrow you drive, worrying about it instead of watching the road and you crash.

#5 - halucinations, occult manifestations, OBEs, an eye problem...

#4 - disintegration, occult, "rapturings"

#3 - Born with it in your soul, Holy Spirit

#2 - halucinations, expantion of fottprints by water, one genetic disorder (not with the skeleton) that someone saw and then everyone believed even after Bigfoot's death, the result of occult practices that lead to the physical manifestation of an imaginary being

#1 - humans can't hear everything, some can just hear strange frequencies.

I'm basically stumped...

2007-02-03 16:23:39 · answer #7 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 0 0

#8 Near Death Experience. What's the mystery? Everyone already knows what they will see so they all see the same thing. If they see something else then it's not classified as a near death experience.
#6 Deja Vu You see something similar to what you have seen before and it seems like you have seen it before.
#3 Intuition you see a problem and have a gut feeling about the answer. It's because some of the facts you need are in your sub conconsious.

2007-02-03 09:02:47 · answer #8 · answered by bill j 6 · 0 0

10- it is all a matter of what you beleive will work for you.
9- if you believe in them and have them, use them to give me the winning lotto numbers please.
8-there exists life after death, as there is more to the universe than we actually know
7-sure they are out there, I see unidentified flying objects all the time... especially when people throw crap out their windows on the highway!
6-this goes back to the life after death issue, well if you do not get things right the first time, they send you back to try again
5-Ghosts are the people who left their physical body and could not find anything else to do with their time
4-Jimmy Hoffa's body is in concrete at Cobo Hall in Detroit Michigan, Amelia drown, and Nat well she off and married some guy to live the island life.
3-intuition and gut feelings are a part of your untrained ESP/psychics
2-if you believe it, then it exists
1-Taos Hum, perhaps they are all crazy and hear things

2007-02-03 11:26:35 · answer #9 · answered by angela s 1 · 0 0

It is almost impossible to live with tinnitus but you don't have to. If you are hearing the noises, whether all the time or intermittently, you must seek treatment immediately. But sadly, conventional treatments only treat the symptoms of tinnitus and may provide temporary relief at best.

The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.

You can find more info about this method here http://tinnitus.toptips.org

2014-09-24 09:45:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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