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As more and more farms are stolen from white farmers and handed to people that have no idea how to farm, how long will it be before South Africa goes down the same road as Zimbabwe and ends up begging America and the West to bail them out?

Any ideas?

2007-02-03 00:14:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

warr 31 - that's kind of funny, but actually you nailed it. The millions starving right now are an inconvenience to the US taxpayer.

2007-02-03 00:27:43 · update #1

China - run by vicious Communists that dictate how many children their citizens can have, torture and murder dissidents and saw millions murdered during Mao's purges.
Iran - run by religious fanatics that want to convert the planet to their barbaric, violent religion.
You judge someone by the company they keep.

2007-02-03 07:17:21 · update #2

Oh, and your famine is definitely coming. Faster than you think.

2007-02-03 07:18:49 · update #3

glynis - better get used to it, babe, I ain't going anywhere.

2007-02-03 13:45:46 · update #4

Observer212 - This is about famine, son, not about blame.

2007-02-03 13:47:57 · update #5

r m - why should the USA get rid of Mugabe? As I recall, it was the black majority that voted him in over two decades ago.
The USA pulled companies out of South Africa because they had the rest of Africa as an example of how the country would disintegrate under majority rule.
Mandela sold those weapons to other terrorists, because he's a terrorist himself - the company you keep and all that.

You're absolutely right about the States putting Mandela in power. Now it's turned around and bitten the USA in the a*s.

2007-02-03 13:55:51 · update #6

Oh, there's no such thing as a 'legal' invasion,

2007-02-03 13:57:53 · update #7

r m - you and I are actually on the same page, so why are we arguing?
I agree with EVERY SINGLE thing you said, except your generic reply about the war in Iraq being about oil.
You see Mandela for the thug that he is, and the organization he represents for the greedy criminals they are, and my sympathies also go out to the farmers and larger white minority that's having current genocide inficted on them.
Your assessment of the USA's extremely flawed foreign policy is dead on, just as its ability to define a strategy to deal with conflict is flawed.
The United States originally, correctly, supported the previous government, as it was acutely aware that the conflict of that time was about ideologies - Communism/Socialism vs. Capitalism - the same conflict that had swept Africa for decades - moving South - and ending in South Africa.
Majority rule governents - supposedly for the people - had thrown out the evil colonialists, making sure to keep every technological advance left behind

2007-02-03 17:03:48 · update #8

Then these governments had set up shop and proceeded to play out the plot of George Orwell's 'Animal Farm', with themselves in the role of the pigs - which is exactly what has happened in South Africa.
The Afrikaners, it could be argued, brought this upon themselves by confusing the issue by implementing a brutally inexcusable racially driven political system.
The EXACT SAME system that's being inflicted on them now.
So, the USA caved to world pressure, led by do-gooders with nothing to lose, and ushered in the racist thugs currently ravaging South Africa.
Any business decisions to pull companies out were smart ones. I wouldn't want to operate a business in South Africa, either.

2007-02-03 17:13:41 · update #9

The USA s driven by an illogical philosophy of altruism. It believes that it should be the 'policeman of the world', which is utter bullsh*t. People don't like it when you stick your nose in their business, and the USA has yet to learn this - we have plenty of problems over here to occupy our time.
An entire war - Vietnam - was fought because of this, with the USA doomed to lose as there was nothing to gain, which is the only reason wars are fought.
Which brings me to your take on Iraq - which is dead wrong. It's not about oil, but the USA is losing the conflict because it's lost sight of what any conflict in the Middle East should be about - revenge for 9/11 and nothing else.
Bush SHOULD"VE invaded Iran - the world's chief state sponsor of terror, an invasion that has to happen, anyway, but that's a separate issue.
At least Bush did something, but the USA's idiotic adherence to the Geneva Convention has crippled the US troops facing an enemy that observes no such thing, and has a

2007-02-03 17:43:36 · update #10

suicidal resolve. We're heading for another 9/11.

2007-02-03 17:45:55 · update #11

8 answers

this is a kind of funny coming from an ex south african pretending to be american now - where did you grow up? was your head permanently up your butt?

1_ if the states is so worried about humanitarianism, WHY isn't it spending a fraction of its international aid in getting rid of robert mugabe, and actually helping the innocent BLACK and WHITE victims there, instead of the billions its costing you to fight in countries the states invaded illegally? may i add - WITHOUT PERMISSION? you want to know why? cos they don't have OIL.

2_AS FOR THE "FAMINE" - don't confuse south africa with zimbabwe - they are two entirely different countries.
let me REMIND you that the FIRST thing that happened after mandela came into power, was the cut and run of american owned companies like ANGLO AMERICAN from the country, as they didn't want to employ affirmative action unskilled labour, therefore INCREASING unemployment, quite contradictory to the famous bragging about how much they HELP south africa rebuild.

i can't stand mandela, but i tend to see his point when he turned around tO the states and told them to get stuffed, and not to tell him how to run his country when he sold millions in arms to the middle east, your competition.


2007-02-03 12:08:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

What a joke, can you name one country in Africa that the US tax payer has bailed out? The US or China or the UK all do things out of their own self interest. The US doesn't even bail out it's own citizens as evidenced by the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The mighty US taxpayer has no control over how their tax dollars are spent anyway, they have already spent over 300 Billion on a war in Iraq that half of them didn't even want in the first place and the other half only agreed because they thought it would cure their pain over 9/11. (It didn't by the way and now they all want out).

Zimbabwe made a really stupid decision. I don't care what you think you know about Zimbabwe but this land grab had more to do with maintianing political power for Zanu PF than it did with providing landless Zimabweans with land. Africans can be quite sophisticated when it comes to maintinging their iron grip on power. South Africa will not follow this route on such a large scale, I can't say that it won't happen at all though, this is still Africa.

Judging by your post I will guess that you are a white guy so I would say that the whites also made a terrible blunder. They were more than happy to watch many black Africans remain in poverty, they should have been building schools in rural areas in an attempt to show themselves as good neighbors. When you are in a country where you are such a minority you have to realize that sooner or later your head will be on the chopping block, the only way to keep it off is by giving opportunity to the masses.

South African whites failed to educate the black masses and now you have an angry population that can't even compete on the same level as a Zimbabwean in terms of education.

Before you go blaming other people why not look at what brought us to this situation in the first place. There is enough blame for everyone both white and black.

Sorry for rambling.

2007-02-03 18:28:07 · answer #2 · answered by observer212 3 · 2 1

Brad, I totally agree with you about the state of the country. But what I can understand is that you were born in SA, am I right. So now you moved to USA, have been paying your taxes for a few years and now it gives you the right to slag SA off? Why don't you leave it to the US citizens that were actually born in the country as it is more their right than yours you traitor. You just go on and on over the same thing, in every question you post, if I can call it a question, and frankly, it is getting quite boring. Why don't you just try some other topics to discuss for a change hey?

2007-02-03 15:40:44 · answer #3 · answered by stevieboy69 3 · 3 0

That answer from Take Notice Now kind of sums up the moronic thinking of the people who put the ANC into Government. Whilst China is busy recolonising Africa there initial approach will be that of the benevolant Father but just wait until the Africans have swallowed the bait. If they think China or Iran interests extend beyond minerals then they are in for a big shock.Already the South Africans have a $3 billion trade deficit with China and the Chinese arent even trying yet.When it is out of control for the South Africans then the extortion and manipulation will begin. Only those required to deliver the minerals to China can expect to be fed but the rest are on their own.
However, the US and the UK are probably aware of the likely scenario and will bail out another African disaster with tax payers money and I will have to put up with Bono or Geldoff on the TV holding out the begging bowl on their behalf. Makes me sick but at the end of the day we have only ourselves to blame. The UK were the prime movers in putting the ANC into power and the US forgot about the South Africans who halted Communism in Angola etc.Africans have only ever learned how to ask for handouts and we have always obliged under the concern of Communism and now radical Islamists. I read some ex Mossad guy say the other day that World War 3 has already started so maybe the battlefields will be Africa and the Middle East with a resultant new population educated to look after themselves.

2007-02-03 16:02:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

I could not care less by this question, but wanted to comment on one of your comments. "Judge someone by the company they keep", interesting coming from you... Thank god I don't know you, or people would judge me as idiotic, whinging, self righteous fool! Oh and I hasten to add, bored as well, or is it unemployed? Do you not have anything better to do with your time.

I have not been here for 2 months and still the same bullsh!t coming from you. Give it a rest!

2007-02-03 17:30:14 · answer #5 · answered by glynis18 3 · 2 0

IF South Africa ends up having a famine(which i doubt),like Zimbabwe we will ask China and Iran to help us ,not America.
So dont worry.

2007-02-03 15:08:21 · answer #6 · answered by TakeNoticeNow 3 · 5 0

next year i believe its the year of the scarecrow people all over the world will starve just to inconvenience the united states

2007-02-03 08:25:26 · answer #7 · answered by warr31 4 · 2 1

Not long....you can Smoke a Cigarette in the meantime.....

2007-02-03 19:11:39 · answer #8 · answered by §§ André §§ 3 · 1 1

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