when a gas is introduced in a jar over-turned in a trough of water, the gas, being lighter than water will collect forming an air space over the level of water in the jar. this causing of water to displace downwars to accomodate the gas is known as the downward displacement of water.
2007-02-02 23:32:48
answer #1
answered by qwerty u 3
Have an upright tube full of water in a bowl, and feed the gas in from the bottom. The gas then bubbles up to the top of the tube, and displaces the water downwards until it's full of gas and not water. This method only works for gases which are not very soluble in water.
2007-02-03 07:34:17
answer #2
answered by Gervald F 7
if the gas is heavier than water i.e if the molecular wt of the diatomic gas is more thanthat of water, than to collect such gas, downward displacement meathod is adapted.
The gas is allowed to pass into a gas jar containing water till the brimm.The top of the jar is covered and gas is allowed to pass from bottom of the jar. The gas collected pushes the water downward and takes its place in the jar.
this meathod is adapted when gas is not soluble in water.
2007-02-03 07:35:37
answer #3
answered by james bond 2