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I saw the movie "Interview with the Vampire" yesterday on HBO and it was so good and convincing that it made me ask "so do vampires really exist?" LOL

2007-02-02 20:23:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

13 answers

Not like in the hollywood movies, no. There are some freaks out there that think they can be vampires by drinking blood, but that's just gross, really. The true "vampire" was supposed to be Count Dracula, but even he wasn't a real vampire. He was just Vlad the Impaler who enjoyed impaling people on sharp spikes while he watched during dinner, and then enjoyed bathing in their blood.

2007-02-02 20:26:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

there are some cases reported about this behavior, and the doctors have discovered that this vampire thing it`s real... as much as i know, a "vampire" is a person that needs a continuous change of the blood, and for that there is also the need they have for fresh blood... it`s a kind of a disease... in the past, the people that had that was rejected by the society cause of their religious closed mind and ,oh well, they got to live alone, usually eat the animals that they can catch and also drink the blood of chickens or something...they had to go look for food at night and so on... of course, there is always the possibility to kill somebody by drinking his blood and u can imagine a starved "vampire" doing that, even though he doesn't really want to do that...it`s an addiction, u know...and that`s how the myth was created. More than that, we can recognize a "vampire" for his special teeth's...that part is true, they have those two really special theet`s that scares out some people... but well, if u look well to many people, u can see almost like vampire`s ones...that doesn't mean that they are vampires, just that it`s normal... u know, it`s like... the body hair thing... some have almost nothing, and they think they are normal, some have lots, and they know they are not so normal...but that`s it in the end

2007-02-03 04:39:53 · answer #2 · answered by sclipym 2 · 1 0

Yes, but not exactly like on the movies! There really are disgusting, perverted, weirdos out there in our world that "think" that they are vampires and do drink the blood of animals or humans. Although they try and resemble vampires, they cannot fly...or bite someone in the neck and suck all their blood out in one suck! Oh yeah, and they also cannot stand in front of a mirror and be unseen! Good question though....I'm obsessed with vampire movies!!

2007-02-03 04:29:31 · answer #3 · answered by Brandi Girl 2 · 1 0

Not the kinds from the movies. There are people who have conditions that are similar to a vampire though.

2007-02-03 09:36:13 · answer #4 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

Medically, yes, but in reality I would have to say no, Bram Stoker created the vampire legend from a 12th century dictator from romainia named "vlad Tepish", he was defending his country from invasion from the turks, and he "impaled" the ones he captured and lined the road to his castle fortress with them, this was sort of a "scare tactic" and a warning for the turks if they should return, hence the term "vlad the Impaler" or dracula.

2007-02-03 20:45:17 · answer #5 · answered by trekkie1972566 3 · 1 0

i dont see what is so funny about asking whether vampires exist or not... there are vampires. just not like in the movies. we can do anything that a mortal can do plus more.

the reason that you dont hear about vampires in school with you is because we dont like to share with people what we are. cause we dont really feel like being killed. (i've had someone tell me that if they ever saw a vampire, that they would kill them on the spot. not very comforting....)

2007-02-03 09:33:35 · answer #6 · answered by Yathena 2 · 0 0

Not the popular novel/movie type. By definition a vampire is a parasitic creature that subsides on the blood or life-energy of others.

They are not the sexy, urbane "I have been around for five hundred years" type.


2007-02-03 10:03:57 · answer #7 · answered by H 7 · 0 0

Yes they do there are immortal vampires which you will probably never meet one and if you do you wont know they are a vampire, then there are psi and sag the more common mortal vampires also there are just plain freaks who call themselves vampires who shame the whole race immortal and mortal alike

2007-02-04 12:41:33 · answer #8 · answered by Avaria 6 · 0 0

thers no such thing the term vampire came from a king known as vlad the conquerer. whenever we went to battle its said that he brutially decapitated each one. hung them on a stick. then when he died gis ghost kept on reapearing.

2007-02-03 04:57:36 · answer #9 · answered by yp_stephanie_el_monte 2 · 0 1

Yes, they are a real pain in the neck.

2007-02-05 11:29:49 · answer #10 · answered by pnn177 4 · 0 0

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