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has his mistake of going to war (under huge pressures and bad tampered advice) overshadowed all the good he has done and does he deserve to be more celebrated for his succeses.

2007-02-02 19:16:57 · 27 answers · asked by Dan Ln 3 in Politics & Government Politics

27 answers

no he is just a poodle and should be flushed down the loo. and I am english. I have supported Labour all my life and blair is the worst leader we ever had.

2007-02-02 19:23:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I find it hard to respect TB,but then i find it hard to respect any politician, as they all seem to promise the earth, then fail to deliver. No one saying its an easy job, because obviously it isn't.
But when these Parties draw up their manifesto's they should make sure they are viable and practical before announcing them. Then maybe the public would have more respect for them, As for TB being under enormous pressure to go to war, well he should have made sure of the facts before he committed, and had he made heads roll for the mistake's by his adviser's, then the blame would not rest at his feet. Just about every Minister who was sacked by TB is now back in office in one form or another. Talk about jobs for the Boys !!!

2007-02-02 23:55:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

YESSS - to each and every of the above. i imagine Blair knew precisely what he change into doing even as he 'so generously' exceeded over to Brown. in the different case i do not for one second imagine he ought to have lengthy gone even as he did. and also you'll component contained in the Iraq nonsense too. I actually have little sympathy for Gordon Brown notwithstanding. He must have common too what the authentic difficulty change into with the commercial equipment even as he change into Chancellor. And yet he enable it ensue - ok the international economic equipment has performed an excellent section in the position we, the country, are right this moment, yet a lot as i idea he change right into a good Chancellor (of all of them, human being who change into getting it precise), obviously he wasn't. Blair, giggling his way into retirement (and a Knighthood?). Brown has were given what he curiously needed - the Premiership. yet uneasy sits the crown eh.

2016-11-02 04:55:53 · answer #3 · answered by dembinski 4 · 0 0

How can anyone possibly respect this person, "New Labour" under his leadership have trolled the depths of sleaze, the Conservatives were never perfect or clean but NL has found new levels to sink to. In fact they have now perfected sleaze to such an extent that if you get caught twice in the UK league you can go to Europe and represent the country there, "go PM go PM"

Education, Education, Education was one of his prime sound bites, I make that three E's which is about the grade he has achieved.

The health service, despite record levels of cash input, is as bad if not worse than ever, over managed and under staffed, unable due to poor cleaning to prevent MRSA and other "superbugs" from speading like wildfire.

Immigration, legal and otherwise is out of control due to him signiong up to the open border policies of European burocrats who treat him and us with contempt.

The Police, shame on them, are catching too many criminals, solution--tell the courts not to send any more to jail and at the same time ease the overpopulated prisons by releasing convicted criminals early. Any other simpleton would have gone for the option of bulding more Jails, how naive can you get? On the plus side use draconian methods to exforce speed limits which were set 40 or fifty years ago to establish safe speeds for cars designed in that era. This may have some benefit in reducing trafic flow but I wonder how many uninsured, unregistered cars driven by unkown and banned drivers these catch? Still they collect vast amounts of money by this process and it doesn't clutter up jails.

The Millenium dome, this one really crept up on them, they only knew it was coming a thousand years ago. God only knows what they will do with the Olympics, so far the budget has gone up by 30% and its only just begun.

Taxes, 268 new taxes or tax increases in ten years, tahts about one every two weeks.

Petrol, highest taxation in Europe and as a soft target the motorist pays again, as do the rest of you in higher transport costs.

"Mistake" in going to war? I firmly believe that the only reason we are at war is that Bliar wanted a legacy, Thatcher, whatever your opinion of her, gained almost universal respect and admiration for her handling of the Falklands war. Churchill for World War 2 and even Major for the first Gulf war. Hmm not so dificult to see Bliars thinking here then!

Respect and Praise? never, Contempt always!

2007-02-02 22:21:08 · answer #4 · answered by streetblitzer 3 · 3 0

Tony Blair deserves the same respect he has shown the British people, namely going to war against the wishes of the majority of the nation. This in itself is an insult to us all, and all to apiece George Bush.

2007-02-02 22:09:06 · answer #5 · answered by cassidy 4 · 1 1

Good profit he made from selling titles you mean? Or perhaps the fact that education is just as bad now as it was under the Tories? Or maybe the fact that the army is MORE understaffed and under equipped than under the Tories, at a time when it is frequently used? When he comes to the heel of his political master in the US whenever he whistles? He doesn't deserve anything more than to be stripped of his title, put on trial for war crimes and fraud and locked up for the rest of his life.

2007-02-02 22:51:24 · answer #6 · answered by Mordent 7 · 0 1

The secret Downing Street memohttp://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article9112.htm
Leaked Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action

No sir, he needs to stand trail, for war crimes and lying to the people of this land. If its not enough that the man is being
investigated by the police, and I might add refusing to stand down until the investigation is complete. Our tough on crime P M. What a wonderful example he is to us all. Along with making it unsafe to travel to most of the world. Plus the fact that we are about to enter yet another war, Iran. I am sure it will help the troops who are already losing the fights, in the wars we are in, at the moment, to know that they are sitting ducks, in the south of Iraq. I might add it seems a very good way to keep yourself in power, I mean the cops only have to keep the investigation open long enough for us to jump into Iran. I myself cannot see him standing down, without a fight.
JW Dread
Maybe old news but true just the same, our we to stand by this time, as well, and do nothing.

2007-02-02 22:42:56 · answer #7 · answered by JW Dread 2 · 2 1

Change respect to die and you have a winner. Doubt they would have a public funeral for ol; Man T as people will probably still try to kill him, then vandalise his grave. He deserves it. Screw the war what about this country? What good has come since labour took charge? NOTHING

2007-02-03 02:12:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You must be trolling, you know full well Tony Blair has been a disaster for Britain, he has mismanaged the country from the start and has, I think, now lost his grip on reality by saying that to quit being PM now would be 'undemocratic'. You try to convince that to the vast majority of the electorate who think otherwise.

2007-02-02 20:43:38 · answer #9 · answered by A True Gentleman 5 · 2 1

What Tony Blair deserves is,a right good kick in the balls

2007-02-03 05:23:57 · answer #10 · answered by stef8705 2 · 1 0

i think tony blair is an asshole because if bush says jump tony he says how high thats not good leadership david cameron for prime minister young in touch with the people and when he was young smoked some weed when asked this question he did not say anything

2007-02-03 00:23:13 · answer #11 · answered by danny boy 3 · 2 0

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