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where can i find a penpal with no sexual intent, but preferably military just to correspond with? i've googled everything and nothing of what im looking for comes up...and i want a snail mail one instead of the email one. if anyone can find something thatd be great. thanks

2007-02-02 18:06:59 · 1 answers · asked by brighteyes 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

1. Try these....

2. Read these guidance notes....

"How to Write Letters to the Military -

When writing military men and women words of thanks and support are appreciated and heartwarming. They need upbeat notes so please don't discuss religion or politics but including a prayer or inspirational card or mentioning that you are praying for their safe return is ok.

Newsy type letters that contain interesting newspaper clippings, sports articles and cartoons are great. Send a photo of yourself and include some background info about your locale. Add a moist towelette, stick of gum or powdered drink packet.

Letters and cards from school children sharing about themselves and their schoolmates are super. Include drawings the children have done. Ask about the area where the soldier is deployed and the people and culture.

If you would like a response include your email and/or a postcard or a self addressed envelope along with paper (You don't need to include a stamp because when writing from the Middle East the military gets free mail.)"

2007-02-04 21:04:30 · answer #1 · answered by ♫ Rum Rhythms ♫ 7 · 1 0

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