Well I am certainly trying, I have purchased a bike and I try to cycle everywhere I go now. I only use my car if i absolutely have to. People do not realise how selfish they are, what we all take for granted.
The Government will lose too much money, unfortunately it is all about money, greed and selfishness.
Sadly our beautiful world is edging to its final days, its not reversible. The scientist have been yelling this for years, to the figure heads all over the globe. It is a horrible and tragic time a head of us.
2007-02-02 18:19:03
answer #1
answered by ambertottie 3
Most people are ignorant, they don't even care about their own health, until it's too late, they won't stop using cars unfortunately, but even if they did, there's still the problems of overpopulation, terrorism, & there being only 19% oxygen in the air. Best thing that could happen is bird flu, because then population & terrorists will be severely reduced, saving the planet, preserving more oxygen, stopping global warming, if I was god I'd make bird flu happen. The people who care for their health & the planet will survive. Then we could plant more trees too, creating a more oxygen rich environment which would then reduce disease. Smoking should be banned also as it is a big pollution/global warming factor really, but it makes too much money for it to be considered as a threat to global warming by the government.
2007-02-02 19:50:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am really sorry to say this but they will never do that..there's a bigger motive : Greed..the strongest of all desires ( after the very basic instincts.)..remove greed , there will be no global warming ,there will be no wars ..
2007-02-02 18:20:02
answer #3
answered by rewsna 1
One get the message that its already too late..............
fossil fuel will soon be depleted but global warming not reverseable---mankind has nuked the planet....
Science says by 2100 planet won't be able to sustain life as we know it.. heat will have ended most known life....
2007-02-02 18:01:59
answer #4
answered by cork 7
Global warming - I'm all for it
2007-02-02 18:34:46
answer #5
answered by wilster 4
I need my car for work and life so the answer from me is a big fat NO
2007-02-02 17:56:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2007-02-02 18:11:20
answer #7
answered by SANJAY G 1
nope, not as long as society tells us we need new and bigger cars and electronic doodads each year.
2007-02-02 17:58:00
answer #8
answered by Charnal_Void 3
sadly it is not just cars to blame, and no, of course not- not when there is money to be made!
2007-02-02 17:55:13
answer #9
answered by rose_merrick 7
2007-02-02 18:01:37
answer #10
answered by chav69 5