...and the people who hate us (muslims) are NOT fascists? Get real. When you put it in perspective, we are not fascists at all...
...I mean who burns down 3,000 churhces and beheads little Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia? Who kills 200,000 people, one-third of the Christians of East Timor? Who puts a bomb in Bali to kill Westerners and the local Hindus, and then gets off nearly scot-free, or even scot-free? Who beheads Buddhist schoolteachers and monks and farmers, merely going about their business, in southern Thailand? Who kills Hindus as they happen to be passing a mosque as Friday Prayers are letting out, in Bangladesh? Who puts bombs in Mumbai? Who attacks India's Parliament building in New Delhi? Who puts bombs in Christian schools and hospitals in Pakistan? Who kills Assyrians and Chaldeans in Iraq? Who terrorizes Christian nurses and all others who dare to sing, behind closed doors, Christmas carols, or dare to read the Bible, and are seized and tortured as a result, in Saudi Arabia? Who attacks the Copts, the descendants of the original Egyptians, in their own country of Egypt, and kidnaps Coptic girls, and throws bombs into churches, and kills Coptic villagres and Coptic priests? Who slits the throats of the last French priests, and Italian monks, there on ly on a vocation of charity, in Algeria? Who seizes schools, and massacres schoolchildren, and blows up busses, and kills hitchhikers, and puts bombs that blow up pizzerias, cafes, Passover ceremonies, and bus after bus after bus, and kills, kills, kills, in Israel? Who kills the Maronites in Damour, and Jounieh, and elsewhere, cutting open the stomachs of pregnant Maronite women, and visits every conceivable atrocity on thousands upon thousands of Maronites and, indeed, other Christians? Who murders or starves to death the black African Christians of the southern Sudan, over twenty years of uninterrupted genocide, and seizes and enslaves black Africans for Arab masters? Who massacred the Christians in Kano and the rest of northern Nigeria, overnight, and then proceeded to conduct a "jihad" (as Colonel Ojukwu called it) against the Christians of southern Nigeria? Who is it who put the bombs in the Atocha station in Madrid? Who killed Theo van Gogh? Who helped to arrange the killing of Pim Fortuyn? Who applauded both killings? Who seized the school in Beslan rsulting the deaths of hundreds of schoolchildren? Who seized that theatree in Moscow, where the play "North" was being shown? Who killed elderly Jewish people in an Old Age home in Munich? Who killed elderly Jewish people who stopped in Vienna on their way from Russia to, at long last, Israel? Who plotted to poison the water supply in Milan? Who threatned to kill the journalist for the Rai and Corriere della Sera Magdi Allam, who now must go about with several armed guards? Who threatened to kill Oriana Fallaci? Who threatens to kill Geert Wilders in The Netherlands? Who threatens to kill Carl Hagen, leader of a Chrsitian party in Norway? Who threatened to kill every journalist connected to the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten, and extended that threat to include every Dane found in the lands of Islam? Who threatened the life of Robert Redeker, after he published a single article analyzing and criticizing Islam, and threatened as well the life of his family? Who threatened whom in order to botain the firing of Will Cummins from the British Council after he published a few articles critical of Islam? Who got Riley-Smith fired from his television job for making remarks deemed critical of Islam? Who organized demonstrations in the middle of Paris where people shouted death to France? Who organized demonstrations in the middle of London where people shouted "death to the English" and "death to Infidels" and "England is ours"? Who killed Jews on the street in Antwerp, and Toronto, and attacks them so often that they cannot wear any outward sign of being Jews, in Paris, in London, in god-knows-where? Who prevents speakers from speaking, shouting them down, threatening them with physical attacks, in Montreal at Concordia University, at San Francisco, at Georgetown, at in Ottawa churches, and everywhere they can?
2007-02-02 21:57:29
answer #1
answered by Adrian B 1
The truth is that you probably dont really understand what fascism is.
Democracies suggest that the will of the people will define the nature of government.
If government is leaning further to the right,then that is the will of the people.
Are you opposed to the will of the majority?
Our grandfathers did not fight to protect our countries from fascism.They fought the axis ,that had expansionist interests that threatened political,economical and territorial interests of the allies.
Fighting fascism was merely a propaganda element to make the public believe they were fighting a more noble cause that foreign imperialism.
2007-02-03 05:38:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I agree with everything you said. The state of current politics is scary to me. Many politicians can dress-up their words with an appeal to people's sensitivities and fears; and people allow themselves to be manipulated. Words like "patriotism" and "democracy" have been made a mockery. Does honest and investigative media even exist anymore?
Since media is the only connect many citizens have to other states/regions/people, it has a responsibility to educate. I think the arts also has a strong role (Shakespearean plays are being performed by troupes in Afghanistan to start dialogues about things like women's roles in society)
I think the overall culture is one that is disconnected/uninterested with its country's own foreign policy and suffering in the world...I think that is the basis of a lot of problems. I agree with what some above said...we do need a revolution/revolutionaries!!
2007-02-03 16:07:52
answer #3
answered by adangerousidea 2
Wow kelly I adore you for asking that, why? because it is true and people shy away from it because they dont want to believe it. But in time the UK and the USA are going to join and become one super power in the world, we will be apart by distance only but be together as the same unified country. Then we will be ruled with people joined from both countries and told what to do, not asked. You are very brave to ask that babe.
2007-02-03 03:32:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Thank you for asking this question -- I wish I knew! Here in the States, when we try to inform people of the crimes against the Constitution being perpetrated in the name of the "Patriot Act" and the "War on Terror," we're accused of making things up just so that Bush will look bad (as if he needs out help). And yet as someone said, voter turnout is HORRIBLE. It seems unlikely that, if we can't excite society enough to even vote, we can hardly manage enough people for a revolution. And yet it was just this sort of thing that we revolted against in 1776! (No offense to our British allies, whose own form of government was in many ways the basis of our own ).
I guess we just keep talking about it, writing about it, educating people whenever possible, and hope we reach the "tipping point" sooner than later.
2007-02-03 02:32:12
answer #5
answered by Vaughn 6
Considering how far we've slowly moved away (and still are moving) away from true freedom, I'm alarmed at what I see. Yes, while the movie "V for Vendetta" was pure fiction, it does give us a solemn warning of what might happen in the near future. Right now, in America however and seeing how far things have degraded (low voter turnouts, partisan bickering, special interests, lobbying), as much as I hate to say it, a revolution is what it'll take.
2007-02-03 01:59:53
answer #6
answered by Mike 3
It's insane how uninformed the population is on that fact. All we can strive for is an informed vote. Unfortunately, sometimes the fact that a small, political elite rules the playing field, it becomes a matter of the puppet on the left or the puppet on the right. So basically, unless the people can somehow eliminate the barriers between it and the government through more active participation, society could slip into facism.
Get involved.
2007-02-03 01:48:02
answer #7
answered by King Ebeneezer 3
Finally an intelligent question. I'm afraid in order to do that you have to get rid of all the current politicians and start over. The people who run the 'free world' are an ultra radical group of far right neo-conservative reactionary statists who don't believe in the rule of international law and don't think they have to tell the truth. Not until the world is free of their tyranny can we hope to stave off the threat of fascism.
2007-02-03 01:55:47
answer #8
answered by rick m 3
There are no religious people. just people that wear different shirts, then go on the streets and attack each other, and claim it is all done in the name of their god of peace. God said, thou shalt not kill, and I'll rip the f*cking head of anyone that disagrees. That is religious people for you.
2014-08-01 05:00:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Having a moral country and electing moral leaders who believe in the Consttution.
2007-02-03 02:18:14
answer #10
answered by ALunaticFriend 5
The Bush/Cheney administration deals in confusion and upset. Their progress is measured by the amount of chaos they can create. "If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes. It is to their interest to make the environment seem as threatening as possible, for only then can they profit. Their income, force and power rise in direct ratioo to the amount of threat they can inject into the surroundings of the people."
The Bush/Cheney government is an administration of suppression.
2007-02-03 01:49:10
answer #11
answered by ? 6