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Ummm,I asked a question like this before but I'm still confused. When you lose your virginity,does the vagina stretch or get bigger.Why do guys enjoy having sex with nonvirgins,if there vaginas are bigger(correct me if I'm wrong)?Does the vagina get bigger everytime you have sex?When you lose your virginity does the vagina go back to the size it was when you were a virgin?I'm so confused on how the vagina works!Help!

2007-02-02 17:11:36 · 9 answers · asked by ~*jAmLoN*~ 2 in Health Women's Health

9 answers

they like non virgins because they have more experience

2007-02-02 18:05:49 · answer #1 · answered by I LOVE POTC3!!! 3 · 0 1

The vagina does not get bigger with sex. It is very elastic so to speak and goes back to it's normal size. You vagina does not change size at all but with most virgins it can seem tight because they have not had a penis enter it before and you are often nervous and not lubricated enough making it seem tight. You vaginal muscles may loose some elasticity after you have a couple of children but you can do exercises to help that.

2007-02-02 17:16:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Your vagina is very elastic...that's why you can have a baby. It doesn't get bigger, it stretches like a rubberband. When he pulls out and you get up and walk around it goes right back to pre-sex size. If you are worried about your's being to big you can get some stuff called "tighten up" or "shrink it" at a sex store. It doesn't shrink it literally...it just makes it swell so it feels tighter for him and her. However, if you use to much it will swell all the way up. Be careful.

2007-02-02 17:18:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have a lot of reading to do. And until you understand how a woman's body works, and how a man's body works, and in particular how your own body works, you shouldn't be having sex. (I don't know if you are or are not, and it's not my point.)

Further, the vagina isn't a space but a potential space. And by using Kegel exercises (do a web search) you will have better control of these muscles at all times, including your first time.

As to what men enjoy or don't enjoy, that's up to each man.

2007-02-02 17:40:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If the vagina is tight before you ever have sex, it can get bigger the more it is streached wither it is a finger, tampon or a penis. The vagina can go back to normal if it is not streached for a long period of time. I found a good web site that can help you know how a vagina package works.

2007-02-02 17:18:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

ummm, interesting question. The more you do it the more it stretches. So basically, unless you're doing it like a rabbit, it will still be pretty much the same size, each time it loosens a bit, never like the first time. Then when you have kids, you'll lose some of the elasticness, lol...

2007-02-02 17:15:38 · answer #6 · answered by punkin_eater26 6 · 0 2

From what I have heard, you may't have sex till 6 weeks after that is carried out. once you've sex in the previous then it would want to get ripped out (got here about to a chum of mine). that is probably an noticeably risky piercing, if carried out incorrect it would want to reason you to loose all feeling down there. or maybe no matter if that is carried out wisely i have heard that it would want to slowly desensitise you down there besides. So i'd heavily imagine about it. i needed it myself yet reconsidered by way of hazards.

2016-11-24 20:31:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who said guys enjoy nonvigins over virgins, and yes vagins does get looser with sexual life. But it does have tendency to keep it tighness. Anyway , tell me excat waht r u worried about to be more specific about your question. Morover, if u r really worried about ur virganity and issues related, u cna add me on yahoo mesenger angel_healer_dutch@yahoo.com , for your healings and readings.

2007-02-02 17:35:20 · answer #8 · answered by Mary 1 · 0 1

vaginal opening is like a rubber. it is elastic but it returns in its original form.

2007-02-02 18:00:02 · answer #9 · answered by ♥@n$ 3 · 0 0

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