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I do not feel this way, in fact I am just the opposite, I believe in saving yourself for marriage.

Just wondering, does anyone on here feel that it's best to have sex at a young age? Have you done it and you don't regret it? Why do you feel this way?

2007-02-02 14:24:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

17 answers

I believe a lot has to be said about a person in this day and age that saves their virginity for their spouse. What an amazing gift to give yourself and your husband or wife. What a tremendous amount of love and respect you must have for yourself to do that. Looking back at my life things definately would have been much easier if I didn't buckle to peer pressure at such an early age. To have intercouse for the first time and it actually be "making love" instead of just something mechanical to do as a release. Sex is supposed to be a healthy activity. Girls these days are forced to grow up way too fast. There is enough to worry about as a teenager and young woman let alone worrying about pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Waiting to find the right man or woman is a very honorable thing to do. Although I wouldn't have my daughter or my two step sons if my husband and I listened to this advice, it would have been amazing to "save" our virginity for the other. What an honorable thing you are doing. I commend you.

2007-02-02 14:37:26 · answer #1 · answered by McKenzieT 2 · 5 0

I think this is a personal choice, but i do have respect for all the people who do save themselves for marriage. I however did not but i do not regret it. I had a serious relationship for 4 years and lost my virginity to my first real boyfriend because i thought i was in love. I do not regret it in fact in my opinion i could not marry someone i have not has sex with because sex is a major part of a relationship and if the sex is not good most times its something that cant be fixed, and i could not have a successful marriage for lets say 50 years if i was not geting satisfied, so like i said its a personal choice some people are more sexual than others, but trust me once u experience your first moment of pleasure i don't know how u could not love it and want it all the time. Plus i think that people need to find themselves and establish themselves as individuals first before getting married. Thats why most people get divorved they did not establish themselves first. You must date, you must have sex because if u don't you will regret it later because you will feel like you did not live enough or experienced enough out of life. Like i said thats just my opinion, but i did read a fact that out of all virgins who stay virgins until marriage have only a 2% chance of being together and most split up after two years, but don't quote me on that i just read that somewhere unless ofcourse those are arranged marriages. anyways honey i respect you and i think its a wonderful choice but its your choice and everyone is different, so its a choice each individual has to make for themselves if i could go back in time i would not change a thing. i hope this helps with your research. plus i think when u do find the right person why not share such a beautiful thing together.

2007-02-02 14:38:12 · answer #2 · answered by ... 3 · 4 0

I believed in saving myself for marriage and ended up not following through like I had hoped. Luckily, the person I lost my virginity to and the only one I ever gave myself to, I married. Not a lot of girls are that fortunate. I don't regret it due to the fact that I did marry the only person I'd ever been with. Saying that, I don't think it is best to have sex at a young age. Most girls are too naive to be having sex. I got lucky, and like I said before, a situation like mine rarely happens. Saving yourself for marriage is something I'm all for. It's much more romantic, and you would be so proud of yourself for it. I wish I had just because I'd be prouder of myself if I had.

2007-02-02 14:34:19 · answer #3 · answered by herefordsun 4 · 3 0

I had sex at exactly 15 since it was like a birthday present from my 18 year old girlfriend. Sometimes I regret having sex that young because I mean it was great but I think I was too young and innocent at the time. I believe because I had sex that young it pushed me to have sex too much and sorry to say but now I have had sex with people that I regret having sex with and ruining lives of those that I cared for because of sex. So sometimes I regret my young choices while other times my experience seems to satisfy my partners.

2007-02-02 14:29:47 · answer #4 · answered by jrnywebdesign 1 · 7 0

Listen to this.
I don't believe you should run around and have sex when you are twelve. I think you should atleast wait until the time is right.

My grandma told me once that she would have never married my grandfather (he died when she was 30). She only married him becuase she wanted to sleep with him. She never really loved him, just wanted to have sex with him.

Also, if you don't have sex when you aren't married...how do you know if you like guys or girls? (I am bisexual and HAVE had sexual experiences (Not intercourse) with both sexes).

The whole idea of women waiting for marriage was created waaay back in the day. It was created when women were getting married at the ages of 13/14/15. This is when people usually think about having sex. Now a days, people wait to marry until usually after 20.

I don't think you should run around looking to have sex...wait until the time is right FOR YOU. Not when the "law" or what people tell you to believe is the right time.

2007-02-02 16:31:20 · answer #5 · answered by ... 2 · 0 1

I waited till i was 17 and still regret it. So no its not better to have sex at a young age its very stupid actually. I believe you have good morals and I am glad to hear that there are still young adults out there that can make good choices!!

2007-02-02 14:33:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

im 16.. and still a virgin, dont plan on having sex any time soon..... i mean, i dont feel that it is BEST to have sex now... but i dont believe you HAVE to be married. just as long as you have been with that person for awhile, and you feel totaly comfortable with it, without any presure or anything. i know many kids at 13 and 14 who are pregnant, just because they werent careful. they thought they were in love... but turned out it wasnt love... just lust... and the fact it was unprotected.
but i do believe, if you have sex not married, you better use a condum.
even some married couples still arent ready for sex (not many though)

yeah it would be nice to have sex for the first time on your wedding night with your husband.... but i dont think it is a must

2007-02-02 14:35:09 · answer #7 · answered by =] 4 · 4 0

I am glad you are saving yourself for marriage. Its a hard thing to do. A very respectable thing to do. I am sure you feel the hormones just raging like we all have. My personal opinion? You will know when the time is right. You will know if that person is right to give it to. Listen to your heart before giving yourself. If you listen to what your body wants, you will find yourself having sex. Hormones are strong, you can beat them if you stop and think of what your heart and soul wants first. I applaud you for waiting. When people are young, they let the hormones get the best of them and alot live with the guilt afterwards for doing so.

2007-02-02 14:35:59 · answer #8 · answered by hbuckmeister 5 · 2 2

im 16 and honestly... im not even sure if i regret it or not.. the only part i regret about it was how young i was.. but i have the satisfaction that i did it with someone who really means alot to me.. and even though i might not be with him for the rest of my life, he was and will always be special to me... and my very best friend... i guess i should be regreting it cause im so young.. but i really dont. i dont advice other girls to do it at young age cause its wrong and that you will regret.. but do it with someone really special so it is a beautiful memory.. not something horrible and not worth remembering,... full of regret.

2007-02-02 14:54:03 · answer #9 · answered by Jessie 4 · 4 0

I've never had it and not plannign to for quite awhile, but i think that some but not all of the younger girls that have been having sex probably just feel that if they have sex with a guy he will love them more. This isnt true in most cases. Good for you for wanting to wait.

2007-02-02 14:30:33 · answer #10 · answered by nevermore 2 · 3 2

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