spoiled,so sorry ot hear men are creeping you out.Iam a man, please hear me out,try not to look at the situation as though guys are hitting on you.Granted men can at times be too forward or gross,but you seem to be a greater person so try to forgive them.I'm sure your beauty in being a red head and the consequences that go with it are being shared by many ladies.Perhaps if you think and take these advances men are making towards you as Compliments it may give you a different reaction as towards how you feel about them.It appears you may be an unusually excellent or fine beauty and some men donot know how to cope or handel it.You say you don't even want to talk to men anymore,perhaps that's kind of extream,keep talking and listening and take it as a Compliment!
2007-02-02 14:31:03
answer #1
answered by Robert B 5
It Has Nothing 2 Do With Ur Hair Color...Nothing. The Reason U Get Hit On Is Cuz Guys R Just Pervs & Ur Very Pretty. Men These Days Hit On All Women No Matter What. The Guys R Creeping Me Out 2 Hun.
2007-02-02 20:13:22
answer #2
answered by Abby 6
Because real redheads are rare. Personally, I love redheads. I always have. I may have even annoyed you once. I can't help it. I'll drive off the road checking out a redhead walking down the side of it. Of course you maybe should take a tip from the following quote;
"It's better to be looked over than overlooked." - Mae West
2007-02-02 14:01:54
answer #3
answered by kdrevette 2
Ok, I will admit I am one of them. The reason is physical and I can't go into details. But redheads are usually very smart and they look gorgeous especially when wearing white. I have a friend who is a redhead and when she is wearing a white dress it makes her hair look even more beautiful, its like the color is amplified.
2007-02-02 14:02:03
answer #4
answered by Robert L G 2
Actually this is pretty funny.. i hated red heads as a child and then when i was in my teens i saw what i thought was the most beautiful redhead in the world and then i realized actually i love brunettes and even better coal black hair and black eyes . awesome combination.
2007-02-02 14:04:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Thats a sprint bit a strange question. good females dont particularly care approximately hair shade, looks do rely however the guy must be captivating too. while you're something like Rupert Grint im particular you will do superb with females. :)
2016-11-02 04:27:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
men instinctively like exotic women, like those with tanned skin, or Orientals. this probably ensures that their gene pool is remotely related from their own, which is an asset. red hair is also exotic, because it's rare. i bet if you dyed it a bit browner you'd stop being harassed so much.
2007-02-02 13:59:57
answer #7
answered by JetAlone 2
red, fire, hot. Natural redheads sans freckles are very rare therefore very hhottt. So are salon redheads.
2007-02-02 14:11:52
answer #8
answered by jhnjohnstone 1
hahah i dont know they think of red heads as a hot sex toy
2007-02-02 14:02:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Red heads are famed for their fiery tempers, and their fiery love making!
Are you an animal in bed, so it is true then.................lol
2007-02-02 13:56:41
answer #10
answered by tattie_herbert 6