I usually buy my coach bags from their factory outlet stores. They are usually a few seasons behind with the variety that they carry. But since I purchase their leather handbags, brown, red and black never go out of style.
You can also get some real bargains at their stores.I bought this fabulous Coach Soho Leather Flap normally $298 for $125 at one of their huge after christmas sales a few years ago.
2007-02-03 06:36:22
answer #1
answered by Lisa H 7
I own bags from both brands but Coach's quality is 100x better than Juicy (the leather is superb) I know that A LOT of people have Coach bags but if you want to have an unique bag make an investment and buy a really luxurious one :)
2016-05-24 06:42:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
They could be really convincing knockoffs (believe me ANYTHING visible that the factory does to supposedly make it legit can be replicated by counterfeiters these days).
Also, they could just simply be from an older or discontinued line. The bags displayed at the normal boutiques and the site are usually the newest. For example, I saw a bag on the site, and then I couldn't find it when I went back months later.
If you want to take the risk, you could find vintage or harder to find bags on eBay, but beware that there are a LOT of counterfeiters to worry about, so shop safely.
Also, if you are fortunate to find one close by, you could try a Coach Outlet for the slightly older bags usually from the previous season and such. However, if there are a lot of others there, GRAB the bag if you like it. You can put back if you decide you don't want it later, but you can't buy it if its already gone.
2007-02-02 13:15:15
answer #3
answered by Sherise 3
Many coach bags are from past seasons, or from other countries. I remember going to Cancun last summer and they had many styles that weren't available in the US. Try visitng the Coach website, international?
2007-02-02 13:07:17
answer #4
answered by shor_tee81 2
We have purchased from quite a few vendors before and the listed below one specific is considered to be my personal favorite. They provide a ton of different jerseys as well as rare ones that you could hardly find from all other vendors. The product quality and service is the ideal you might find online with such a cheap price. With this supplier, I bet you're not going to let you or your customers down..
2014-07-02 22:53:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Can try looking on ebay, I see tons of coach bags that are there that arn't any where else. Just becareful of bags that are from Hong Kong or imported from asian places, they get bused for being frauds all the time.
2007-02-02 13:07:26
answer #6
answered by Cammy 3
I actually have discovered this amazing discount shop and then bought one there. Not quite remarkable regarding the shipping speed however does save money approximately 80% and satisfied to get this discount. The quality is definitely fine and also until now not spot a problems.
2014-08-02 14:57:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
they may have been from past seasons.
they have a better selection at coach stores than department stores, so look there
2007-02-02 13:01:46
answer #8
answered by crazy_italian_chick26 3
I actually have heard of this amazing discount shop and obtained one there. Not totally remarkable on the delivery service speed but did save money about 61% and very pleased for this discount. The quality is actually fine and until now not find a flaws.
2014-05-23 05:23:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they probably have connections or they buy ones from seasons ago online like on ebay or craigslist
2007-02-05 09:56:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous