hmm ok sex at 15 is too young... but i cant tell you what to do... just make sure you want it to happen so later on you wont have regrets or think in some future that maybe it wasnt him who it was meant to be with...just wait until you know the guy better because last thing you want is to think that you allowed someone in your life who wasnt even worth it... but please think about it and dont get carried away by he moment.... that will only bring stress and maybe regrets... but if you decide to do it .. make sure you use protection... because i'm telling you by experience that even when you use protection, it will be in the back of your mind that somnething went wrong and that you might be pregnant or something.. so know that this all brings consequences... and it will change your life someway or another... be careful...
2007-02-02 12:55:39
answer #1
answered by Jessie 4
Sex at any age with out marriage is a dumb thing to do.
reason it out ask your self these questions and see if it is worth it.
1. what if the protection is a dud and does not work? What could happen? you could get a sexual diesase that may eventually kill you or kill your chances of having any children.
2. You could get preganant . will he admit he is the father ?will he support me and the baby and be a good father to the baby? Or
will he say he will then not do it?
If he does not do these things can I support and raise a child on my own? would my folks help me support and raise the baby?
If any of these answers are no what would you do with the baby?
3. would you murder it by having an abortion? If you did this could you live with your self and your conscience?
Would you adopt the baby out to a good home knowing you would never see it again but knowing it had a good home.
sex after marriage less chance of getting a sexual disease (should realley be no chance of getting a sex. disease,but this is the modern world where we lie and hide truths) He could lie here to saying he did not have sex with somebody else and did and
caught the disease from someone else
2. Father is definitly named as father on birth certificates and even the courts will help you get him to pay the support for the baby.
3. Abortion could also kill you as well as the baby.It is a life no matter what anybody else says. And I am sure you will have a hard time living with the murder of your own child.
adoption is ideal in this case but, you will live the rest of your life with wondering what the baby looks like now , is he realley happy?What school is going to ?etc etc and not knowing.
If any of the boyfriends cares for you they will respect you ever so much more when you say no to sex before marriage.
that is how my daghter in law won my son and this Saturday we are going to another wedding my son's buddy he found a girl too
that said no. Nick just turned 31 he waited that long to find something so precious
2007-02-02 21:23:06
answer #2
answered by mamayer6 5
I commend you for believing in abstinance before marriage.
Now, if he really loves you, he will stop pressuring you into having sex with him.
The age of 15 is much too young for a girl to be having sex; even though you may have the physical functions as an adult female you are still a minor until you reach the age of 18.
You don't want to become pregnant at 15, drop out of school, never go to college, or wind up without a career.
17 isn't too old for a boyfriend at the age of 15 but he'll graduate high school two years ahead of you. Of course you can still remain in contact with him when he goes away to college.
But you might want to wait until you are both of legal age before you consider marriage and sex.
2007-02-02 22:10:57
answer #3
answered by daryavaush 5
Are you ready to hear this? OK then...
Your old boyfriend was not loving. He was just in it for the physical intimacy and would have trashed you afterwards anyway. Your new boyfriend might be the same way, I don't know. But sex before marriage in general is sinful, because the Bible says so. God created sex to be a beautiful thing shared between a married man and women who are in a REAL true loving relationship that will last. But people and their sin have corrupted it and now it's become a dirty habit that is treated much too lightly. Stay away from it until you are married. Everyone will respect you for it, it'll be much more enjoyable for a longer time after marriage, and you won't regret it (imagine the memories of sleeping with different boys throughout high school & college.) Your husband will see you as even more pure, special, and beautiful! Hang in there!
2007-02-02 21:05:09
answer #4
answered by mtngrl 6
depends on the person! I was having sex when I was younger then you are now and I had been on birth control 3 years already. I was safe about it and always felt like I was pretty mature for my age. Not to be mean, but it doesn't seem like you are mature enough to be having sex and dealing with what goes with it if you are asking a question like this.
A 17 year old and a 15 year old dating usually isn't that big of a deal. It's not a big age difference. Also in my own personal opinion I think that virginity or saving yourself for that idealistic "special someone" is very overrated...
2007-02-03 00:53:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think sex is not about age, it's about maturity. I have met 15 year old girls that are more mature than some 19, 20 year old. But honey, you have your own opinions. You seemed to be very clear when you said you believe in abstinence. What i believe is: Your boyfriend's age doesn't matter. No matter how old he is, he should respect you and your beliefs, especially about such a delicate and personal subject. If he doesn't and he pressures you, he's not good for you.
What I truly believe in, is that you should have sex whenever you are ready to deal with the physical and emotional consequences of it, no matter how old or young you are!
2007-02-02 21:00:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think it's not a good idea. So many problems could come out of it. There's the possibility of STD'S and pregnancy, even if you use protection. When you have sex, you have to think long term. Kids are a huge responsibility, you need to have a good education and a stable job to be able to support them, first. I'm glad that you stood your ground- you should be very proud. I don't think 17 really is too old, if you are mature enough to handle the relationship. If ever you feel pressured to do something you don't want to, don't be afraid. If he loves you he will respect your decision. Good luck.
2007-02-02 22:07:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Your new boyfriend is definitely too old. Sex at 15 is bad and you know yourself that the safest protection for your body is abstinence. It is an insurance policy that you will graduate from high school and have lots of opportunities without a teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease.
2007-02-04 21:21:53
answer #8
answered by kathyw 7
I had sex at 15, now im 16 and pregnant. If your going to date someone who is 17 be warned that he most likely will tell you what you wanna hear to get you in bed. He might put pressure on you to have sex with him, but all guys are different.
2007-02-02 20:54:49
answer #9
answered by TooYoung4This 2
i lost my virginity at 15. personally, i think you should wait. i regretted having sex that young even though i am still with the guy to this day. i felt disgusting after i did it for ther first time. it hurt, and i cried even days after the fact because i was so ashamed of myself. not to mention the scary possibility of getting pregnant and being a mother before you're even out of highschool. give it a while. if your boyfriend really does love you, he'll wait.
2007-02-02 23:44:30
answer #10
answered by rootsyone 2