Jessice Simpson , Paris Hilton , Susan Summers , Peg Bundy ,
Roseanne (the dumbest and most annoying )
2007-02-02 12:27:46
answer #1
answered by SARAH♫☼ 3
Sir Issac Newton(1) pushed a needle through his eye just to see what would happen. Pretty stupid for someone who is considered a genius,
Intelligence can be measured in many ways but establishing certain parameters will always exclude some others.
the more intelligent a person the quicker and more accurate his response to a certain problem will be, the more areas he covers the more globally intelligent he will be considered, yet there will always be a certain area for which he is just plain stupid.
like wise the more stupid a person is the lesss areas he is quick to give an accurate response but there will always be an area for which he is not stupid.
As an example you can quote an extreme, autistic persons
were called " les idiot savants" the smart idiots, fort they are unable to communicate with their external world but they have other outstanding capabilities in math or music.
I hope this helps you in your report
2007-02-02 20:54:03
answer #2
answered by the light at the end of a tunnel 1
Well if you want fictional characters- Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson, Chief Wiggum, Barney Fief, Gomer Pile, Forrest Gump, Peter Griffin, Fry (Futurama), Chris Griffin, D.J. Conner, Kimmy Gibbler, and others.
2007-02-02 20:30:42
answer #3
answered by jjc92787 6
Jim Carey
2007-02-02 21:47:09
answer #4
answered by vulcan_chef 2
Paris Hilton or maybe Jesicca Simpson. Everybody calls Paris dumb, and everyone knows those quotes about chicken of the sea and buffolo wings, even if they have never listened to her songs. Also, a great one would be president Bush. Who doesn't think he's stupid after about six years of office?
2007-02-02 20:31:47
answer #5
answered by bosanskiqueen 1
for me this must be a classic toss up between monty python and peter sellers lolol and i adore both of them! they are both intelligent ppl, but did a LOT of dumb parts in movies and made a fortune, even though they're both embarrassed about the roles they played :-)
2007-02-02 20:40:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Forrest Gump.
2007-02-02 20:28:19
answer #7
answered by jim h 6
Yeah, Bush.
2007-02-03 20:42:54
answer #8
answered by toplessone19700 1
Marilyn Monroe
2007-02-02 20:27:30
answer #9
answered by Winters child 6
Your premise is incorrect. We've all done "stupid" things. Being stupid and/or ignorant doesn't make one unintelligent. Remember "Dumb and Dumber?"
2007-02-02 20:28:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous