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Real jewelry? I want to buy some of those bamboo gold earrings and have my name put in them but I am skeptic b/c how would I know if the jewelry is actually real, there $200 so I dont want to get ripped off. Has anyone ever bought real jewels online?

2007-02-02 10:45:05 · 7 answers · asked by *sexy mocha* 4 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

7 answers

Yes, but get it from a reliable company that has a local store too and isn't just online ordering

2007-02-02 10:50:17 · answer #1 · answered by Courtney 3 · 0 0

Online jewelers are typically able to offer more competitive pricing in contrast to the conventional jewelry stores. To begin with make sure that the jeweler is a member of better business bureau because only those companies who maintain the maximum levels of customer satisfaction can uphold membership. When buying jewelry online one should always take into consideration how much information the retailer is providing about the products that they are offering. In the case of emerald earrings you can select the type of gold according to your preference white, yellow, then select the design according to your taste and see which the jewelry store is offering you a better deal for the purchase.

2016-05-24 06:25:30 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My Aunt has and everytime she got the real thing. She wanted real gold and rubies, and she got them. But one time she ordered them and it took 3 years for her to recieve them. So they might take a while but there is a better chance of them being real then not.

2007-02-02 10:52:20 · answer #3 · answered by Friends4ever 2 · 0 0

Only if I knew it was from a real store like Tiffany's or something, it's kinda scary buying something online like that.

2007-02-02 12:15:59 · answer #4 · answered by SeriousDisco 2 · 0 0

yea but i dont remember what it was exactly. one that i do remember is this knoted ring from tiffany so it was reliable. it depends on where youre getting it. those earrings sound cute though.

2007-02-02 10:55:34 · answer #5 · answered by jessica :] 5 · 0 0

http://jewelrywarehouse.blogspot.com has good information and links to all the newest trends and styles of jewelry.


2007-02-03 08:08:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-05-13 08:37:05 · answer #7 · answered by Jewelry Discounts 2 · 0 0

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