And you expect an honest answer from a repuglican, fat chance. To many people are still dieing for it to be going good, even our own intelligence is telling us that is a dire situation.
2007-02-02 09:34:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The main difference is at least the republicans want it to go good and we really mean it when we say we support the troops and really want to win the war on terror. Negotiating and having war protests does absoulutely nothing positive for the morale of the troops or our trying to win the war on terror which by the way is very real. I will admit that things are not going all that well but the things that are going well are never reported by the bias liberal media anyway. Why don't you try telling an American soldier your viewpoints on the war? Another difference is democrats have absoulutely no game plan at all and never have had one other than to blame the President for everything in a purely political manner for their own selfish gain instead of what is best for the country. We had all better stand together as a nation or we will surely fall. The strong survive where the weak fail.
2007-02-02 17:51:57
answer #2
answered by toughguy2 7
We've made some serious progress in Iraq. There are obviously setbacks but nothing that we can't overcome. The state of affairs in Iraq is not nearly as dire as the left believes.
2007-02-02 17:33:32
answer #3
answered by VoodooPunk 4
Only the ones with a fat war contract for their business. Those guys hope this drags out for decades.
2007-02-02 21:41:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
to many, unfortunatly the democrats hold demonstrations with all of these rehahed has been like fonda and other vietnam causers, we need a third party now !
2007-02-02 17:31:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know its going better than what the media says.
2007-02-02 18:38:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
first of all your reported ..for a slur and second considering your alive and al qaeda is not attacking us domestically and if clinton wouldve kept it zipped up we wouldnt even be here right now...first wtc, uss cole, etc,. it looks to me just fine and dandy.
2007-02-02 17:38:43
answer #7
answered by koalatcomics 7
To many...
2007-02-02 17:35:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
All of them.!
2007-02-02 17:31:59
answer #9
answered by itsdabigbadwolf 3
I doNt THinK maNy PeOplE thiNK ITS goING good
The DIfFErence is THat THE REpUBLicANs acTuaLLy WANt iT tO go GOOd
the DeMOcRatS wAnT it TO coNtiNue To Go bAdlY
ItS gooD foR TheIr poLiTics
2007-02-02 17:31:52
answer #10
answered by Anonymous