Generally, you do sign it. This is stating that you have received it, however, you also have the right to put any information on the paper prior to your signing it. This is where you can dispute the reprimand, or explain what has happened to cause it that will help in your defense should anything additional come from it. It's always best to put your two cents into it before signing. Never just sign it and walk away, even if you are accepting the reprimand, at least put something down regarding what caused it and what you intend to do in order to keep it from happening again. This way you have set a goal for yourself and it lets your employer know that you intend to correct the situation... Just make sure that the goal you set is attainable.
2007-02-02 09:00:50
answer #1
answered by Nicole 3
You are asked to sign the reprimand letter to prove that you have been counseled about the issue. If you don't sign it, you'll probably end up in HR and that never looks good in your file.
If you think you were reprimanded unfairly, then request a rebuttal or explanation that will be attached to the reprimand and sign THE REBUTTAL...and demand a copy of it...they have to give you onel. When an employee is reprimanded, they are supposed to be given a chance to give their side of it. If they won't offer you this chance, then don't sign it.
2007-02-02 09:00:44
answer #2
answered by LolaCorolla 7
We have the employees sign (so we can prove we talked with them) but they can write that they disagree with the letter.
2007-02-02 08:58:11
answer #3
answered by Peggy r 3
Yes, however, you can write the initials SUD after your name which means Signed Under Duress.....meaning you signed it but at the risk of losing your job if you didn't, it also means you do not necessarily agree with what it says.
2007-02-02 09:00:20
answer #4
answered by Serenayowlerlove 3
No - You can dispute the issue.
If you sign - it means you accept their reprimand.
2007-02-02 08:53:14
answer #5
answered by John W 3
Yes, you must sign or else walk out the door with your pink slip!
2007-02-02 08:57:18
answer #6
answered by Tenn Gal 6
That depends on company policy. It usually true.
2007-02-02 08:55:42
answer #7
answered by Puzzleman 5