Avarice. From all directions. Business, churches,individuals and government.
Wrath, because people no longer behave as civilized beings. Look at how they drive or behave in public.
Sloth, very few people doing their jobs, particularly in the higher paid slots.
Lust, they all want my bod... well, ok, scratch lust.
Envy, because I'm such a nice guy.
Pride, because our elected employees think they're smart, but they are mistaken.
Gluttony, fast food joints assail mine eye at every turn.
Lapidation is in order for many.
2007-02-02 07:11:53
answer #1
answered by Gaspode 7
1) I'm not a victim. I make my choices, I pay my dues, and accept my consequences of my choices.
2) The sins are not really "hurled" at me. I do not need to turn on the TV/radio/snoozepaper/music or any other source of temptations. That I do is a temptation that comes FROM WITHIN me. There is the world, the flesh, and the devil. Interestingly, during Jesus' millenial reign on earth, He rids us of the devil and the evil world system of temptations. 1,000 years later, there is an astonishing number of humans still ready to follow Satan and rebel. We really underestimate how powerful our flesh is and how much it weakens us.
3) People are as nice as they let themselves be. I always am polite when I'm biking, and people are (generally) nice in return. Some are even happy to get a smile and a wave. Then there are the drivers who look as if they're trying to run me down. Some of them might well be the same people. If I'm kind and polite to everyone, however, I feel better.
2007-02-02 07:17:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i've got faith There Are greater effective than 7 Sins. yet those 7 incorporate The Sins that are maximum risky. motives why they're stated as "deadly Sins." Is because of the fact Christians have faith That by using Doing The issues listed As Sins Will deliver You To "Hell." There Are Sins In different Religions additionally, however the 7 deadly Ones in the Christian faith Are what's going to deliver You To "Hell." The Seven Sins: Lust Gluttony Greed Wrath Sloth Envy delight
2016-11-24 19:34:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There are so many people that are really nice to me. There are also many that are nasty. To the nasty people, I simply respond with nastiness, and although that is a cycle, I refuse to make any ones day great if they attempt to ruin mine.
2007-02-02 07:08:37
answer #4
answered by ? 3
People will take what you give to them. If you appear weak they will strike, if you appear strong, they will be more amiable. People are opportunists, and will exploit a situation whenever they see an opportunity to do so. People learn to mask their intentions by accusing others and acting in the name of righteousness, but their motives are almost always selfish.
2007-02-02 07:10:56
answer #5
answered by martin h 6
Unfortunatly people are more nasty. I try and change the day they are having by smiling at them even if they don't smile back. It usually works.
2007-02-02 07:07:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
People are always very nice to me.
I like to think it's my winning personality, but the large caliber pistol strapped to my side may also have something to do with it
2007-02-02 07:07:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
pride glutton lust slouth envy greed wrath.......
I am dealing with a coworker who is totally nuts! She hates me and is making my life hellish!
I will crawl before no one!!!! Bring it on!
2007-02-02 07:18:01
answer #8
answered by GiGi 4
everyone's nasty to me, so i do the same
2007-02-02 07:07:19
answer #9
answered by undefined 2