dee dee dee none of this makes sense - your period is not 14 days long - it's only a week. if you did this 14 days after the end of your last period, a sperm could swim upstream and you could get pregnant. Not likely but could. There is nothing you can take unless you can get a doc to prescribe a morning after pill - and they usually won't. your bf needs to learn how to use condoms if he's going to play so fast and loose with your fertility. You'll be calling him "daddy" if he keeps that up
2007-02-02 06:56:30
answer #1
answered by justbeingher 7
You can, and very easily.
All it takes is a small drop of semen, anywhere on your vulva, and the race is on.
Further, if you are practicing either coitus interuptus or the rhythm method of birth control, then prepare to be called Mommy for the rest of your life. Each of these methods is playing Russian Roulette with your future.
If this happened within the last 72 yours, get to a pharmacy or sexual health clinic NOW and get the morning after pill. The clinic is a far better choice, as you can also ask for get all kinds of information on birth control methods.
Now, ask yourself this question - if you understand this little about your body and his body and how they work, should you be having sex?
2007-02-02 06:56:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You could I say this because you are dealing with the reproductive system. Had you said belly other area you are in the clear. Normal reproductive success is some what contributed to the lauch effect of ejaculation but, sperm will find a way if there is a way.
I agree with other people when they say you should take precautions. Getting pregnant that way would really be a freak thing but, it is possible. It's better to be safe than sorry.
2007-02-02 06:52:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you are that confused about sexual education, you shouldn't be engaging in sexual acts. You are simply not ready for it because you are not responsible enough to educate yourself.
If sperm was rubbed or shot anywhere near the vagina, it can enter and cause pregnancy. Otherwise, no, it cannot.
2007-02-02 06:51:00
answer #4
answered by S H 6
The chances are if semen entered the vagina then Yes, it is possible to get pregnant. If you are worried take the morning after pill.
2007-02-02 06:50:27
answer #5
answered by big pappy 3
I don't think you are pregnant, but in the future, you should see about getting some birth control and take it regularly, then you can let him spurt inside whenever he wants.
2007-02-02 06:50:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If his semen gets near your vagina it is likely that you can get pregnant. Even the smallest amt. of semen can do some harm. If he puts semen near your vagina either wash it off or wipe it off with a paper towl or tissue etc ASAP.
2007-02-02 07:30:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
if not sperm went in vagina ur fine and no need for concern of pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases
2007-02-06 01:53:52
answer #8
answered by ? 3
The sperm would have to enter your vagina for you to get pregnant. I think you are "safe" this time, but please, if you do not want to get pregnant, make him wear a condom. Good luck and God bless.
2007-02-02 06:50:30
answer #9
answered by tyrailia 1
Highly Unlikely. Use Condoms Please. A child is a huge responsibility.
2007-02-02 06:49:31
answer #10
answered by fungaljoe 2