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Looking at hard time for accusations that are not true. I have people ready to testify in his behalf but the lawyer I hired is now not returning phone calls and acts like hes not interested.

2007-02-02 06:28:52 · 11 answers · asked by trish w 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I would like to thank everyone for your insight in this situation.
And for the 1 no, he did not kill anyone and rape????

2007-02-05 00:51:29 · update #1

11 answers

If he's looking at 20-25 years, he's either a repeat offender loser, or he raped or killed somebody.

Clean cut people who screw up once in a while do not face 20-25.

2007-02-02 06:35:10 · answer #1 · answered by Philip McCrevice 7 · 1 1

I'm a lawyer. If your lawyer is not returning your phone calls, you need to fire him. We were taught to return all phone calls within 24 hours unless we are in Court or truly unavailable. His staff should have called you back--at the least--with a message from him. File a disciplinary complaint with your state bar. He needs a serious wake-up call. You keep your sanity by addressing the issues you can solve and this is one of those issues. You also keep your sanity by living one day at a time.

2007-02-02 14:35:50 · answer #2 · answered by David M 7 · 2 0

As an attorney this is my advice. Fire the lawyer. Either he is not taking the time that is required for this case or he has cut a deal already. The prison time is too long to deal with an attorney who is not on top of this. Also, for sanity,, PRAY. I have seen some miraculous turnarounds in courts by praying moms.

2007-02-02 14:34:32 · answer #3 · answered by withluv7 3 · 3 0

Trish..law 101...lawyers don't care...maybe 1 out of 10,000, and that is stretching it...I started going to law school and it didn't take me long to understand that it was not for me...I would rather be in the middle east than be in a room of lawyers...having said that..you need a new one...I can not stress the importance of interviewing and finding the one needle in the hay stack...
Get off the computer, get on the phone...they wil do pro bono work sometimes...(free)...you need to get busy, appeals are tough, it needs to get right the first time...good luck

2007-02-02 14:38:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Then my suggestion would be to get another attorney a.s.a.p.

What was he/she charged with? Who are the witnesses and why were they not produced sooner?

No one faces that kind of time with mere accusations. There must be a basis for it and some manner of truth. Character witnesses are good, but witnesses who will not be perjuring themselves to say your 20 year old had nothing to do with it and was with them is clearly another situation.

2007-02-02 14:36:43 · answer #5 · answered by chole_24 5 · 1 0

Get a new lawyer. If he truly did not commit the crime and the witnesses have evidence to that affect you can inform the DA also. It is the DA's responsibility to reveiw all new evidence as it pertains to the case.

2007-02-02 14:51:23 · answer #6 · answered by rcbricker33 3 · 0 0

Call the state bar to report your son's counsel. If that doesn't light a fire under his *** they can point you to a good defense lawyer in your area.

2007-02-02 14:32:51 · answer #7 · answered by meathookcook 6 · 1 0

This is a tough experience. i've been there, blamed myself, did everything within my power. ..He still went to prison because he created the problem for himself. Since your son is over 18, his lawyer is not obligated to commicate with you. If you're footing his bill, send him a reminder of this fact.

2007-02-02 14:34:16 · answer #8 · answered by beez 7 · 2 0

Fire him NOW and find a new one!!! The last thing that you need is for him not to show up in court. Trust me on this, I have had an attorney do this to me!

2007-02-02 14:45:46 · answer #9 · answered by kittysoma27 6 · 0 0

Most lawyers run on money...get one receptive that you can afford.

2007-02-02 14:36:18 · answer #10 · answered by McDreamy 4 · 1 0

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