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there is a large percentage of our brave men and woman comming home from protecting our freedom who are now homeless !! what the h-lls the matter with society ?? there cannot be a logical reason for this to happen !! they are our life saviours,not throw aways.. unbeleivable!!! your comments please ???

2007-02-02 05:30:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

8 answers

I guess we just think the VA takes care of them. Every time I see a homeless man or woman on the corner I give $5.00 or more if I can. Once a man said Vietnam Vet and I gave him $20.00 and I was shocked to see an ex-soldier on the corner. How do we know about soldiers coming home in our neighborhood so we can do something? If we can donate to help our VETS why doesn't TV broadcast to help them? Why aren't we being made aware that our brave men and women need help after being discharged?

2007-02-02 05:47:40 · answer #1 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 0

What are the reasons for this homelessness? Do we have a bigger responsibility to ex-military homeless than we do to ANY homeless person? Let's take this a step further. Why are there ANY homeless people in the richest country in the world? What is the logical reason for this to happen? NO ONE should be a throwaway in this country. It's shameful.

2007-02-02 06:03:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't know the incidence of homelessness, I haven't read anything on that. I do believe our soldiers should be treated with respect and thanked for what they are doing for us. You may not support the war, but support our troops. They are out there dying for you and me.

2007-02-02 05:35:22 · answer #3 · answered by Am I. Incognito 3 · 1 0

very few could have examine this questions and extremely few replied it in spite of the undeniable fact that i'm additionally between them a citizen of u.s. in the past an Indian as we can't stay a citizen of two international locations through fact being American resident we at the instant are not to any extent further Indian yet we can pass to our mom land for ever and are loose to stay there too loosing all reward if we live longer i think of , each physique loves peace and hate a place the place there is not any risk-free practices . when I see terrorism is a international challenge each physique could play his or her place . while Malala a muslim female can combat for education of girls ,while a toddler needs his or her freedom a terrorist lives in terror and not loose from its outcomes ,an afternoon might come while human beings might come forward to wipe it from human minds despite if it incredibly is merely too previous due already , there are maximum of means of destruction to wipe entire humanity if mandatory action isn't taken faster . i'm too small to take any action ,yet all form of violent action pictures could be removed from media so as that we do not have get admission to to them with the aid of any means . human beings can lease all those video clips for couple dollars and arise to combat with kin then to next neighbor then at artwork then someplace at paying for mall ,then anyplace he does not think of authentic brought about by media and components he can get admission to from cafes and celebrity greenback who supply this freedom so actual . Then we attempt to calm the strategies that's already bombarded with lots adverse tips around the international .

2016-10-16 11:12:19 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

People tend to believe that if it dosen't affect them personally in some way, it is out of sight out of mind. It the way that they protect themselves without going crazy.

2007-02-02 05:35:23 · answer #5 · answered by stringhead3 4 · 0 0

Just like what happened to them when they came home from Vietnam. Its ridiculous.

2007-02-02 05:37:24 · answer #6 · answered by Laura 5 · 0 0

Now you know how the Vietnam and Korean Vets feel.

2007-02-02 05:36:22 · answer #7 · answered by soulguy85 6 · 0 0

Yea, that's messed up.

2007-02-02 05:35:31 · answer #8 · answered by Poo 3 · 0 0

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