Grow up first.
2007-02-02 04:59:37
answer #1
answered by wizjp 7
Oh god WHY do these children want to have babies?!?! Honey, why do you want to have a child at such a young age? I'm sure you may have heard this before, but it is worth your hearing it again. You ABSOLUTELY need an education to support a child at any age, and unless you are already out of college with a degree, you really have to finish your education. There is no way in the world you will be able to sufficiently support a child without a good job and it takes a degree to get a good job.
I also know that you don't want to hear that you are too young, but you really ARE too young to handle the responsibility of having a child. At 15, everyone thinks they know everything, but really you don't. I'm telling you, I'm 32 and still learning a lot about life. I grew up in New York City, partied in my time, held several jobs and met people from all over the world. I STILL am learning about life!! And there are things that you will learn much later than 15 that will be helpful in raising a child.
Which brings me to another point which is that having a child takes up all of your time. I hope you don't have a fantasy that a baby is all sweet and will love you and can take it everywhere with you and it'll be all peachy. That is not the case. When you have a baby, your life becomes all about THAT BABY. There is no you anymore. There is no going out to see your friends, there is no going shopping, there is no getting a phone call at the last minute to go up to the lake and go water skiing for the weekend. You have to put all your time, focus and energy into making sure that child does not die, is healthy, is clean, eats, is happy, warm, dry, not crying, not puking, not feverish, etc. It is a full time job. If you don't believe me I urge you to ask any woman who has a baby already and ask her if people even SEE her when she has the baby around. Ask her when the last time it was she even had a chance to do her nails. Sounds kind of shallow, but doing your nails is a very simple, innocuous task, but with a child around, you can't even do it. Do you see what I am saying?
Please go to a psychiatrist if you can afford it or a counselor if you can't. It distresses me that you are willing to give up the happiest days of your life to jump right into having to take care of a baby and get a job and pay bills and MEDICAL bills (you know that's expensive girl). There may be an issue that you have that unresolved at this time is making you think that a baby will solve. Talk to someone. Having a child is a very major step and it is not something to be taken lightly, or a decision to be made on a whim. Because once you have the child, there is no turning back. Again, I urge you please to talk to someone and try to work out whatever is going on in your head.
The best of luck to you!!
2007-02-02 05:17:03
answer #2
answered by lanibear55 3
hey hun thats a bit out there don't you think? i'm only 16 myself and was scarred shitless last year when i thought i was pregnant. Its not an easy thing. i have 3 siblings younger than me the youngest being 4 and i know whta its like to have kids running around getting into your things, having a baby cry in the middle of the night and having to feed it(i helped my mom out A LOT when she was way tired)...i even know what its like to have a child with a problem. my youngest sister had a heart problem and was on a moniter. any time it went off she had to go to the hospital. its a lot of work are you sure your ready for all that? also do you have a job and a father with a job that you know FOR SURE will stick around? and what will your parents think of this? i don't know you but i bet your a bright girl with many talents and friends with a bright future. don't throw it away. wait a few years and then see how your attitude towards it is. Better yet, if you have a friend or family member who just had a baby in their house ask them if you can stay for a week and follow the mothers tracks. then see how much you want one. i know what its like. i've wanted a baby at times too and then you look at all the things that you wouldn't get to do and it makes you want to wait. and don't have sex on your period...EWWW! lol.
2007-02-02 06:16:12
answer #3
answered by redheadedbandgeek 1
do u have aim i thin k i really need 2 talk 2 u u shouldnt even be think about having a baby at your age you need 2 finish high school go 2 college or get some kind of degree so u can make $ 2 even afford a baby ur family will be mad u'll never get 2 hang with ur friends u dont understand the resonsiblity that comes with mother hood i guess y do u want a baby??? do u want the boy ur having sex 2 have a reason 2 stay with u orr???? wow im not even a mother and im smarter than that
2007-02-03 11:45:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
why do you want a baby. the father wont stick around. you will need to put your babay first if you do keep it. no friedns. no movies ,no social life, waking up all the tiem in the middle of the night. you are a child . babies are cute. but they are a full time responsibility... do tou also have over $20,000 a year? thousands of dollars a month to spend on this child? you cant even work yet. you arent 16. this wont be fair to your parents. while you are off at school one of them will need to waste their money for an illogical mistake you are going to make. you will be teased at school, you will be labeled as a sl ut and a wh ore. there is alot more to life. get maaired go to college an dhave a career. you have yoru whole life ahead of you to have a child and live with the father who loves you and your child...
reconsider. you will have no life when you have this child. for the next 18 to 21 years they will alwys be first before you... buy a dog or a rabiit. buy a chinchilla... or somethign to teach you responsibility other than gettign pregnant.
2007-02-02 06:06:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You need to go on the Maury show. Or you could wait until you get pregnant and have the baby and go on to find out who the dad is.
Getting pregnant at 15 presents such a bright future... Minimal education, no job, no money. How are you going to pay for the baby? You're 15, exactly how are you going to get your baby to the doctors for all of those appointments? How will you pay for all of those appointments, welfare?
You ask for "HELP!" Here's some help for you. Go tell your mom that you need to see a psychiatrist because you've lost your mind.
Embrace your youth while you still can. Look forward to college. Get into a serious relationship and a stable job before you think about this again.
2007-02-02 05:05:53
answer #6
answered by Cadillac 2
I hope you're joking, but if not, you should reconsider what you're about to do, I'm 28 years old and just had a child, I'm just gonna talk about my own experiece. After I had this baby, I don't have a social life anymore, I can't go anywhere I want to, it's like having both of your arm tied up behind your back.
You're being selfish if you want one right now, can you guarantee that can you can provide it with the best? A child requires many things that are very expensive such as food, health care, and education. Can you even teach the child, when you didn't even complete the education your self?
2007-02-02 08:12:19
answer #7
answered by 結縁 Heemei 5
Girl, you are a baby! Take care of yourself first. You have no clue what it takes to be a parent, and when i say parent i meant PARENT. Not some young girl trying to act grown and end up living off her parents because she never graduated and has to work at a McDonald's or even work at all. You will be miserable not having the same opportunities like the rest of your peers. Don't tell me your doing this for some guy?! Who will leave you as soon as he finds out. You wanted help i'm giving it to you!!
Owww, and you have no idea what it will do to your body...stretch marks, hemorrhoids, constipation, yeast infections, weight gain like you wouldn't believe. Not to mention you will actually have to have this baby. Labor is no joke. Also you will have this child for the rest of your life.
I suggest you read a pregnancy book or talk to someone who had a child at such a young age and let them tell you what they went through. This is not a game or some baby doll you throw to the side once your bored with it, this baby actually cries, poops, pee's, eats and cries some more!!
Grow up first, fall in love, get married and then have a baby.
PS~ You asked this question 2 months ago and said you would wait until you were older. What happened??
2007-02-02 05:12:59
answer #8
answered by Curious J. 5
to answer your would be extremely rare for you to get pregnant on your see, the period is the remnants of a succulent lining that the uterus sets up to accept a fertalised egg so that when it implants it can start to attach and develop...if the body recognizes that there was no fertalised egg, the endometrium sloughs this lining...hence you have a period...but I remember my professor in med school saying that if the man (or boy) ejaculates semen into the vagina, fertalises the egg, then the process could be stopped and pregnancy ensues...i do not know what the odds of this are, but I would still ask yourself...why at 15, do you want a baby? I am sure that you have weighed all of the pros and cons...but have you really thought about all of the consequences?
good luck
2007-02-02 16:35:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Teen Pregnancy :
- Mothers Too Soon
- A Global Tragedy
- Facing the Challenges of Teen Motherhood
- Help and Protection for Young Ones
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2007-02-02 18:37:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Why on earth do you want to do this? 15 is way too young to be a mom. You don't know what you're getting into and babies deserve to have mature, well adjusted mothers which clearly you're not because you are a child yourself. I suggest you find out first what's like to be a teen mom by asking input from those that have gone through the experience. You'll see what a mistake it is.
2007-02-02 05:11:51
answer #11
answered by Georgewasmyfavorite 4