intercourse alone may but does not always result in orgasm,you can stimulate the clitoris before or during intercourse even after to make her orgasm,experiment and learn together what you both like and want!as long as your both satisfied
2007-02-02 05:16:12
answer #1
answered by jewel 4
I am 25 and the only time a man has caused an orgasm was twice. I can cause my own orgasm regularly so I think you and your wife have a great sex life.
2007-02-03 15:27:09
answer #2
answered by riss criss 2
She definitely needs to have an orgasm every time you two have intercourse. If she's fine with that now I guess it okay, but she should look into ways that she can maximize her sexual experiences by having intense orgasms more often. This will involve her getting more comfortable with will need to learn what does it for her in order to do this.
2007-02-02 04:33:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Holy Cow!! For everyone saying that twice a week is normal, what planet are you from?
Actually, I have read that alot of women can't achieve orgasm, which is unfortunate. I have at least one every time my hubby and I have sex, which is at least every other day. Most of the time I have two every time we have sex. I am one of the lucky few I guess. Of course, my husband also makes sure that I have at least one and he doesn't finish until I do.
2007-02-02 10:00:23
answer #4
answered by hollyrenee21 2
Any women that has a Orgasms before the age of 30's is lucky.Am in my 30's but I have them all the time when I have fun.
2007-02-02 04:29:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
why are guys on here answering questions about women's orgams?!?! if i only had 2 orgasms a week, i would be climbing the walls!! i usually have about 3 a day (with or without my boyfriend). i might just have a high sex drive, but most of my friends are like that too. your wife's sex drive just might be a lot lower. that doesnt mean anything bad, but try talking to her about it. ask her if she wants sex more often. or try to initiate sex more often. a lot of women are shy about sex and won't act like they want it when they do. good luck!!
2007-02-02 07:43:59
answer #6
answered by luvn_bois_is_sin 2
Normal is relative! One woman might consider it "normal" to have one orgasm a month. Another woman might consider it "normal" to have two or three a day. Still other women have gone their entire life without ever experiencing one.
It all depends on what is satisfying to each individual woman.
2007-02-02 04:33:18
answer #7
answered by Nepetarias 6
I think that everytime you have sex is a great time to have an orgasm. Twice a week seems pretty low for someone sexually active in their 20's.
2007-02-02 04:29:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you're having sex more than once a week with her & she is only getting off twice you're doing it Right. Don't be in such a hurry to "hide the salami" Give her "the velvet buzsaw" first
2007-02-02 04:34:42
answer #9
answered by boatworker 4
as often as it is satisfying and a climax and enjoyable and physical and sexual attraction and as long as a person has sex and the longer you have sex
2007-02-06 01:23:28
answer #10
answered by ? 3