Brothels use a variety of business models.
In some, prostitutes are held in bondage without the option to leave, receiving only a small portion of the money paid by the patron.
In others the prostitutes are employees, receiving a small fixed salary and a portion of the money spent by the customer. (Maison close)
In still others the prostitutes pay a fee for use of the facilities, with the brothel owner not being involved in the financial transaction between prostitute and client. (Maison de passe)
A unique business model exists in the brothel Big Sister in Prague: customers have sex for free, with the operation being financed by the sale of video recordings on the Internet.
2007-02-01 20:47:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you really feel that you are handsome, why would you feel you have to visit a brothel? Is it that you lack confidence in having sex with yr gf or else is it that you want to have easy sex with any prostitute. I wish to point out that the prostitute is only performing a job for her subsistence - no fun for her. She may have children and she is doing her work just as you may be attending school or doing a job.
You must make out your mind what is it that you really want. Nowadays, if as you say that you are handsome, it should not be a problem to have sex. It is only a question of having confidence in yourself. If you feel that you are more at ease in a brothel, then there is a price to pay - however handsome or financially good you are. Everything works on money - starting from the rental of the premises, the electricity bills, the laundry, the furniture, the beds, the sheets, the running costs ... everything, So how are you going to enjoy without paying. If you manage to do it free of cost, pleasea advise.
2007-02-02 05:11:05
answer #2
answered by amal 3
Sure JJ, and as long as you dont mind having your legs broken, you can also take a wizz in their water glasses.
2007-02-02 05:17:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sure. The most you get whacked some people
2007-02-02 07:13:15
answer #4
answered by Forgettable 5
<>Yes, you can pay no matter what you look like. And if you don't, you can get your legs broken, too.
2007-02-02 04:45:59
answer #5
answered by druid 7
No, that would be the same as charging fat or otherwise unattractive people more.
2007-02-02 04:46:03
answer #6
answered by D.L. Miller 3
***king hilarious!
I dont know. Give it a try and let me know what happens. I may try it myself...
Now give me my 2 points.
2007-02-02 04:46:18
answer #7
answered by Sir Digby Chicken Bhuna 3
Sure, if you're just visiting and don't expect any sex.
2007-02-02 04:46:15
answer #8
answered by I.M. Puffin' Stuff~ 5
You my friend are an idiot
2007-02-02 04:45:32
answer #9
answered by The_Answerer 3