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I love the way high heels look and have plenty of high heeled boots and slip on shoes but I have a problem when it comes to pumps. They always seem to slip off the back of my heel. I've tryed smaller sizes but the same thing happens no matter how smooshed the front half of my foot is. I don't know if I'm walking wrong or what. Does anyone have any suggestions?? I've tryed those little cusions in the back of my heel but with no luck. I got an awesome pair or heels today. The lady that helped me got me into a 6 1/2..I normally wear a 7 1/2 or and 8. They slipped off less then the others but are tight on my toes and are still slipping off. How do you know when a heel like this fits?? Any way to check?? The sales lady told me that they would strech a bit and then be fine to wear. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!

2007-02-01 16:44:16 · 6 answers · asked by april5683 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

6 answers

Party feet worrk 99.9% of the time. They're like silicone incerts and you can get them for your toes, bottom of your heels and behind your heel where it slips. :)

2007-02-01 20:40:09 · answer #1 · answered by question_asker 2 · 1 0

Wearing shoes that smash your toes and put pressure on them is a very bad idea. Your toes could form thick calluses on the edges and even cause permanent damage to your bones and posture.

It's best to find some pumps with ankle straps that hook from the back around to the front, but make sure they fit comfortably and aren't too snug or you'll sweat in them.

You don't want to end up in a wheelchair before your time...

2007-02-01 18:48:54 · answer #2 · answered by llpsychotic_clownsll 1 · 1 0

Try these: Foot Petals Strappy Strips. You put it on the back heel of the shoe and it keeps it from slipping. My sister wore them on her shoes (the same pair as in the picture!) for my wedding and it was perfect.

2007-02-02 01:44:33 · answer #3 · answered by hotdoggiegirl 5 · 1 0

Most sales people will tell you anything to get a sale, never buy shoes that are too small. try on different sizes until you get the correct fit . Maybe a shoemaker could give you some tips.

2007-02-02 07:45:17 · answer #4 · answered by lovepacprincess360 2 · 0 0

I have that problem too. My heels are very narrow. Sometimes I just get lucky though and will find a random pair that is cut narrow as well.

2007-02-01 17:02:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

try stuffing a piece of a small material or tissue in front of your toes

2007-02-01 17:00:44 · answer #6 · answered by smoovkay 2 · 0 0

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