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okay please answer this seriously.

i have one breast that is larger than the other...and its kind of noticable.i wear a B cup but my smaller one is more torwards an A

my mom thinks when i get older i may want to get surgery to get it fixed

does anyone know if this is normal? should i wait or is there anything else i can do about it?


(ps..this is the situation like that guy from the brady bunch who married that woman who got her breast augmented)

2007-02-01 15:35:39 · 11 answers · asked by carly m 2 in Health Women's Health

11 answers

I'm a D in one and pushing DD in the other (SO hard to find bras). Thankfully, mine are larger than yours, which makes it less noticable.

You might consider breast augmentation, but know that 25% of women have serious complications from the surgery.

Your post makes it seem as though you're young, so wait a few years and see if they even out more. In the meantime, try getting some falsies and putting one in with your smaller breast so that you don't feel so self-concious. I had a friend who had to do that, and she evened out eventually.

2007-02-01 15:42:39 · answer #1 · answered by mkbrocato 3 · 2 0

It's normal. I have at least a full cup size difference. I look for bras that are slightly but not noticeably big on the one side and slightly small on the other. Also I find that wearing horizontal stripes makes it noticeable, although at a smaller size that might not be true (d/dd+ here).

I would never have surgery for it unless all my friends were saying, 'how come one is so much bigger than the other?' or if lots of people were obviously staring from one to the other. It isn't very likely that you'll be that different, since you are not quite a full cup size different.

It's normal to view your body as kind of weird and freaky during adolescence. Relax.

2007-02-01 15:55:00 · answer #2 · answered by j s 2 · 1 0

Since you are still in your teens, just wait and see what happens in the next few years. My daughter had to start taking birth control pills when she was 15 1/2, and within 3 months she grew 1 cup size. One of hers is bigger than the other, but it isn't noticeable when she wears a bra/clothes. My advice is to just get a foam insert for the side that is smaller so that your bra will fit better. That way, no one will notice when you are wearing a tight T-shirt. And when you start dating, don't let the guy fool around with your breasts unless you know he isn't the shallow type. Get to know him really well first.

2007-02-01 16:59:03 · answer #3 · answered by TPhi 5 · 1 0

It is normal for one breast to be slightly larger than the other, but the difference is not usually noticeable. I agree with your mom, and if you are still developing they may even out more in time.

2007-02-01 15:41:46 · answer #4 · answered by userafw 5 · 1 0

I'm not sure how you can decrease them expect to lose weight, but if your petite to start then your lucky to be blessed! I say be proud of what you have and wear what you want! Don't be afraid to show what you have, who cares what people think! I bet you look fine and any man would be lucky to have a short hottie with nice big DD's!! If you got a man he's very lucky! You should show some pics! I bet you look fine; women worry about they way they look too much! be proud and show what you got!

2016-05-24 04:12:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having two breasts a different size is normal.

If you are that uncomfortable about it even with getting inserts then wait till you are around 20 (i.e. done growing) to look into surgery of any kind.

2007-02-02 07:13:51 · answer #6 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

I think this is normal. Your breasts are uneven sizes, but as you age, I think they start to even out more. Just wait a bit.

2007-02-01 15:40:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It happens. More common than you think. If you are worried about it, and the problem doesn't remedy itself by the time you are fully developed, only surgery will fix the prob.

2007-02-01 15:39:45 · answer #8 · answered by K 5 · 1 0

everyone has "parts" that don't "match up" perfectly. if it is something that you are uncomfortable with then by all means (depending on your age) go ahead if it makes you have better self esteem. if it's something that doesn't really bother you then don't worry. don't alter your body for anyone other than yourself.

2007-02-01 15:41:55 · answer #9 · answered by mcneely96 2 · 1 0

i got the same thing!! my left is 34A and my right is 30A....its is so annoying!! my doctor says it will even out, tho i heard to a couple girls that it didnt, when im 17.....depending on my size, ima get surgery. try checking in a few years....when ur an adult or late teens

2007-02-01 15:51:09 · answer #10 · answered by Eve 2 · 0 2

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