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months, years?; many of my friends replace ipods like hell, one firend told me the his old nano was very defective which broke soon but then he bought an ipod video last may and it still works great.
tell me from your experiance?

2007-02-01 10:11:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

6 answers

I've had mine for almost a year and I've never had to replace it. As long as you take good care of it, as you should with any electronic device, it should last for a while. I love my iPod video. It was a great investment.

2007-02-01 10:19:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The 1st generation Nano (the one that comes in black or white and the case design was based off the Video) did have problems with cracks in the screens and such, but generally speaking you should be able to continue using the hardware for a long time (there are people who still use the original iPod, which was discontinued in all capacities when the 3G was released in early 2004), provided you don't mind getting the battery replaced every three years or so (since Li-Ion batteries begin to corrode internally from the day they're manufactureed, and will eventually go bad just from old age alone, three years is a rough estimate on how much life you'll get out of any Li-Ion battery). The biggest thing is to avoid dropping them as much as possible. That's where the most damage will occur, especially if you drop one that has a hard-drive while it's playing. Getting a silicone case can help protect against damage from being dropped, as the rubbery material will soak a fair amount of the force of impact.

2007-02-01 11:34:44 · answer #2 · answered by the_amazing_purple_dave 4 · 0 0

From experience, ipods work great.. they live until u break them.
But most people love to get the hottest thing and update form a nano to video because you do more. So the answer is that apple always comes with one or two fatures on the new ipod for those people who just can't stop getting the best there is.

2007-02-01 11:06:35 · answer #3 · answered by Andy 2 · 0 0

All relies upon. in case you simplest decide on song then flow for the needed, you receives better GB for far less funds. nonetheless, in case you opt on to browse the internet, facebook and play video games etc the contact should be better proper for you (bearing in mind it calls for a wireless connection) I have an ipod contact regardless of the indisputable fact that for my area, i favor the classic as im better of a "better music than video games" kinda guy and that i'd be ready to tournament far better music onto the needed than the contact. regardless of the indisputable fact that you is actual not disenchanted with both - each and each iPods are stunning and also you cant make a foul decision proper the following, all all the way all the way down to non-public decision!

2016-12-03 08:13:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

got mine in febuary 06' and it worked until december 06' (the iPod headphone jack got pushed it too much) but i just filled out a warranty sheet on apples website and they sent me a brand new iPod.

2007-02-01 10:20:02 · answer #5 · answered by HELLO123 3 · 0 0

I don't buy anithing from apple! It's crap!

2007-02-05 09:08:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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