Virgo Mythology
The sign Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin.
Your sign's element is Earth.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury.
You enjoy helping others and being of service. Virgo is shy, and prefers working behind the scenes. You are highly discriminating and a bit puritanical. Virgo is intellectual, critical, fussy, shrewd, logical, methodical, practical and has teaching ability. Virgo can lack confidence and needs constant reassurance.
Possible negative aspects of the sign Virgo:
You can be highly critical, cynical, sarcastic, unforgiving, nervous, self centered, and ridden by fear. You may also have a tendency to be unfaithful.
the Earthy Virgo Character
Your Ruling Planet is
Your Element is
You are More than a Sun Sign
The relative positions of all the bodies in our Solar System to each other and their positions within the 12 Zodiac Signs, flavour your basic character that is initially set by the Ruling Planet.
An Astrologer draws your individual Birth Chart, by placing at the exact position in the Zodiac, at the time of your birth - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. Some Astrologers will also take into account a variety of Asteroids.
I can not overemphasize how this combination of influences, positions and inter-relationships, shift what a professional Astrologer considers not only for your Character at time of birth but how the chart of past, present & future moments influence your behaviour and reactions to circumstance, what the public think is predicting the future. This is in fact more like forecasting the weather but does have the advantage of totally predictable planetry positions.
Your 'Stars' or Sun Sign column as popular in magazines and web sites, use ONLY the Suns basic position in the Zodiac, it can be uncannily close at times but is only the first of many considerations when it comes to understanding you, your motives, how you react in different situations and of great importance to you - how the predictable positions of planets will influence your future. The interpretation of that comes down to the technical skills and intuitive abilities of the Astrologer.
Virgo THE VIRGIN - the sign of Discernment
The ability to choose, be selective and refine are all qualities which are part of the Virgo psyche. The desire to make the world a better place and do the right thing can bring a strong moral compass, a sense of order and purpose can be the root of all Virgo's actions. Sometimes there is a need to pay attention to the detail, rather than the bigger picture and Virgos can be relied up to take note of this to create order and integration. They have a strong sense of service and making the world a better place.
Get More from Life
By clearing your clutter, both emotionally and physically.
Ideal Careers
Doctor, dentist, anything in medicine, policeman, statistician, gardener, writer, secretary, accountant, teacher, researcher, librarian.
Advice for Partners & Friends
A good idea - Virgo's really do know what is good for you so listen to their advice.
Not so useful - to expect a Virgo to put on a show without the chance to rehearse first.
We love you at your Best ...
When you use your enormous ability to assimilate knowledge and combine what is best for mind, body and spirit. You know instinctively that everything is made up of systems, smaller components working together to create the whole. You probably invented the phrase, 'you are what you eat!" Naturally cautious, Virgos will be suspicious of wild claims and exaggeration and won't be so easily taken in by empty flattery. Great list makers, they will like to measure their success in life by ticking all the boxes. Great goal setters.
Discriminating, fastidious, analytical, meticulous, modest, precise.
.... Difficult to Live With!
Ever get the feeling that someone is looking you up and down, and finding something out of place or not the right style or colour? Could be a Virgo, who will seek, in the nicest possible way to improve you with a carefully thought out step by step method. Not only that, chaos is an anathema and although not all Virgos are clean and house proud, they do tend to have a sense of knowing where to find what they want. No surprises please.
Sun Signs You are most Compatible with
Pisces - oh so heavenly.
Scorpio - truly passionate.
Taurus - steady and enjoyable.
Capricorn - in tune with each other.
Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with
Aries - too different.
Libra - hard going.
Cancer - constant problems will occur.
Aquarius - choppy troubled waters.
Virgo - boredom in detail!
Your Opposite Sun Sign
is Pisces
2007-02-01 09:55:39
answer #1
answered by synnimyn 3
hi,im a virgo,and virgos are known for being analytical,intelligent.Not all virgos are the same.most of us share ways of thinking but were all different in some ways.I'm not going to side and say virgo is the best sign of the zodiac,but anytime i tell people im a virgo,they get curious,and very friendly/intimate for some reason.
Famous virgos include:Michael jackson,beyonce knowles,mccauly caulkin,dave chapelle,adam sandler,barry white,ludacris,J.C penney...might help you out some...
2007-02-02 22:34:35
answer #2
answered by shakeem47 2
Virgo The Virgin
Modality: Mutable
Element: Earth
Ruler: Mercury
Season: Summer
6th Sign of Zodiac
Metal: Mercury
Stone: Sapphire
Color: Blue, Beige
Anatomy: Intestines, the nervous system
Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious
Virgo's symbol is the virgin, and is often considered a shy, "lady in waiting" personality that is a little naive. Though Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their personal identity intact throughout their lives. This composure is virginal in nature.
Virgo's symbol is sometimes shown as a woman carrying a sheaf of wisdom, representing the harvesting of wheat at the time of year of the Virgo (late summer).
Virgo Symbol GlyphThe glyph for Virgo is thought to depict the sexual organs, with a tail that wraps inwards, closing itself to the world. This, in contrast to the symbol for Scorpio, which is similar, except that the tail points outward and upward in an arrow.
(The Sun is in Virgo from approximately August 21 to September 20, depending on the year).
It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, "clean freak" in modern-day Virgos. Although the sign of Virgo has evolved with the times, there are some unmistakable traits that remain. Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how.
Virgo's symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is "natural" and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. Virgos are sensitive to their surroundings, and they tend to embarrass easily. They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. However, once they feel comfortable, they can talk up a storm. Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable in the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they've convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or the other, they worry about it.
Not all Virgos are workaholics. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. The fear of under-performing is often strong. Virgos want to do things well. Some are exacting and thorough, and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete.
Virgo, as an Earth sign, has a notable connection to the body. Solar Virgos are generally very body-aware. In some cases, this shows up as some form of hypochondria, but, for the most part, Virgo is simply quite concerned with health matters and nutrition. Virgo is attracted to all that is natural and pure, but is generally unafraid to explore all that is not. In fact, Virgo is an intensely curious sign. Still, there is a strong desire to remain pure on some level, despite all of Virgo's curiosity and drive to know things. Those Virgos that find a true interest or "calling" easily become connoisseurs--their attention to details and enormous observation powers give them the ability to learn all of the ins and outs of any subject. These people love to do research, in addition to analytic or detail work. They'll happily pick apart practically anything, although they are less adept at putting things back together, and often have trouble grasping the big picture.
Virgo Suns who are stuck in the practical, material world may learn a lot about themselves if they are brave enough to try placing their lives on automatic pilot once in a while. Letting some things go will do wonders for their spirit. Virgos tend to be too hard on themselves. They worry about their health, their performance at work, all the things they haven't done, and the emails that might be waiting for them while they are away from their computer. When they're not feeling well, they can be overly critical and nervous. They fuss around, have a whole slew of assorted little complaints, and throw small tantrums.
Solar Virgos are perfectionists--there's simply no escaping it. They dream of mastery; they long to do something really well. Some Virgos are so scared of their own perfectionist qualities that they tell themselves they don't care. Others will forever dabble into one thing or another, leaving a string of incomplete projects behind them. However, the happiest Virgos accept their need to get things right, without overdoing it. Probably the best advice for Sun in Virgo people is to find something that interests them--however small or large--and master it.
Most Virgos can be rather private and fussy about their work, or their personal workspace. They get nervous when others look at their unfinished work, and they are quite protective of their methods of doing things. Despite an overall lack of confidence, Virgos can be mighty proud--even arrogant--when it comes to their work, routines, or hobbies. Secretly, they think their methods of doing things are the best. Often, they are! They do take pride in the little things they do, even though, in a broader sense, Virgos can be rather self-effacing and self-critical.
Solar Virgos often confuse people when their curiosity is mistaken for passion. The surprising part is that Virgo, although knowledgeable, doesn't always get its hands dirty. Their willingness to explore is often kept at the intellectual level. However, Virgos are often well-respected and valued in their circles for their loyalty, research skills, willingness to lend a hand, and their excellent powers of observation. They are generally kind and helpful souls who, when appreciated, do everything to make things work.
There's an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They'll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don't let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around.
Love & Blessings
2007-02-01 17:50:33
answer #3
answered by milly_1963 7
a star sign of the earth, stable, practical minds, logic, common sense, hyper-analytical.. communication skills and organization. also bitter when they get hurt..
2007-02-01 17:40:41
answer #4
answered by antVJ 2
Known for being "know it alls", controlling, self centered and very strong.
2007-02-01 21:48:50
answer #5
answered by elanabutcher 4
One thing I know is " being organized"......
2007-02-01 17:42:14
answer #6
answered by Yardqueen 2