Because they need psychiatric help not punishment.
2007-02-01 08:34:09
answer #1
answered by Famous Amos {not the cookies} 5
If they go to jail, they'll probably just kill themselves there! They need help to get those thoughts out of their head.
2007-02-01 08:35:16
answer #2
answered by Billy K 3
I actually have a terrible temper, and it would not take a lot to set me off like a bomb, in spite of the undeniable fact that that's only uncommon that my voice and hands shake. this occurs to me as quickly as I get right into a substantial combat with my mom and he or she or absolutely everyone for that rely only won't hear to my area. It would not ensue very in many cases. i could say that's common, except you only like have this situation every time you get pissed off. i could seem into anger administration. now and lower back you're able to sense such as you wanna kill somebody, yet next time, think of very deeply approximately it and you're able to discover which you're only questioning that on the exterior of your ideas... and in case you think of roughly it hard, and you nonetheless wanna kill somebody, or if this occurs in many cases, i genuinely advise you seem in to an anger administration direction, yoga, or something that could loosen up you once you get offended. Idk while you're in to church and God and all, in spite of the undeniable fact that it may additionally help exceptionally while you're good with God, and pray, because of the fact God can help you with something. :) wish this helps!
2016-11-23 21:04:59
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Because you are only doing harm to yourself not someone else. There is no law against trying to kill yourself.
2007-02-01 08:36:44
answer #4
answered by Marenight 7
because there taking there own life which there usually not happy with and are put in insane asylum but if you take somebody elses life against there will or even with there will you going to jail
2007-02-01 13:13:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They don't go to jail because they usually go in to psychiatric counseling as they were deemed to not be of sound mind and body and therefore can't be charged with a crime.
2007-02-01 08:36:11
answer #6
answered by RoS 3
it use to be illagal and you did go to jail if you tried to kill yourself and still might be against the law in some areas
2007-02-01 08:34:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
thy in need of counseling not judgment
mos of them are deeply depressed and lonely
2007-02-01 08:46:53
answer #8
answered by sniper 2
they go somewhere else instead where they arent allowed to have sharp objects
2007-02-01 08:39:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Whoa talk about prison overcrowding if that were to happen.
2007-02-01 08:34:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous