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Climate has ALWAYS fluctuated.
Global warming cannot be proven to exist because of man YET the liberals "believe in it".

2007-02-01 07:48:51 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

41 answers

I think it is natural climate change. There have been ice ages and warm periods all throughout history - BEFORE we even existed!

2007-02-01 07:55:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

It's really climate change, because the term global warming was somewhat misleading. You see, what this climate change does is that a rise in global temperatures causes changes in Earth's climate, leaving some areas with hotter temperatures and others with colder temperatures. Areas that were too cold for farming will become new grounds for agriculture, while other places that were excellent for their hot climate turn colder. This is why there has been unusual weather patterns all around the world; extremely cold temperatures in some places and droughts in places were it shouldn't happen. That climate change is happening is FACT, evidenced by a sudden decrease of glaciers and a northern sea route opening that was once covered in ice. Not to mention the droughts in African countries. The question is whether humans are heavily responsible for this, which frankly is still heavily debated by scientists, but for some reason politicians world wide have decided to conclude that it is human's fault (despite the lack of consensus). Most likely because the politicians can use climate change as an excuse to get more money into their pockets.

2016-05-24 02:45:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

By using studies of ice cores and other sources, we can see that over the eons the earth has gone through climate cycles. By looking at these natural records, we can determine in theory how fast the climate usually changes. Now by looking at the pattern of how fast it usually changes and comparing that to how fast climate change is happening, we do find that it is occurring faster than normal. Personally, I would rather do something to get the climate back in balance and have it be not needed, than do nothing and find out it was needed.

At the same time... (to use your biased tone of argument)

Why do Conservatives who believe in GOD, who created the world 6000 years ago, believe that climate has always fluctuated?
Climate fluctuates in cycles of greater than 1000 years, and the way we determine these climate cycles is by looking back at events that happened before GOD even created the earth. So in a Conservative, young earth perspective, global warming does exist. The last ice age occurred around 25 thousand years ago. If the earth was created 6000 years ago, then the climate has only gone up! Yipes!

2007-02-01 08:01:24 · answer #3 · answered by joecool123_us 5 · 0 0

Excuse me but there is scientific evidence that human kind has made some impact on the climate of planet Earth that has not been good. Yes, climate change does take place naturally and no one is desputing that but when scientists prove that the pollution we put into the air screws up the ozone thus resulting in a climate change I suppose you think they are wrong. Well, you are entitled to put your head in the sand all you want. You can blame it all on liberals who just simply see the truth and do not live in the make believe world you live in. As for God, I believe he may be quite upset with what humans are doing to screw up his handy work. Lemming!

2007-02-01 08:03:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe in God and I'm a Liberal. I'm not sure where the information came out that Liberals don't believe in God... must have been Pat Robinson or some retard like that.

Natural climate changes... okay, explain to the thousands of people who suffered after Katrina when Bush sat there with his thumb so far up his butt it nearly poked what remains of his brain that their homes and lives were destroyed by "natural climate change."

How come Conservatives believe everything a book over 2,000 years old tells them but they don't believe a solid piece of scientific fact? Are you guys really that scared of science?

Oooohh... look out... science is coming! Run, you little Conservative puppets!

2007-02-01 09:00:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Two quick notes .
1. Sources say that the scientists meeting on the global warming issue are going to publish somewhat of a retraction on 'man's involvement' regarding global warming . Look for this sometime in the next few days or a week .
2. I'm very sad that so many Liberals and others don't believe in God . Very sad .

2007-02-01 07:57:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Liberals believe in spelling "believe" correctly, because it requires a greater amount of intellectual capacity than someone like you could have. The belief in global warming occurs after studying, reading and hearing scientific facts on the subject. You seem to have a predilection to simply believe, and take as truth what others, such as Rush Limbaugh, tell you, without bothering to read, study, or hear scientific investigative facts. You are the kind that needs to be told how to think and live, because you are incapable of doing so of your own accord. Oh, and God does not exist.

2007-02-01 07:59:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think that your just thinking of extreme liberals.

Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates are basically all the same. Just some key point differences. Most believe in god and try and do what they feel is best.

What you have to remember is that their obligation as an elected official is to the people. They should vote as there constituency wants them too. If Your a Representative from the San Fran area then you will vote differently then a Midwestern Rep. That's their obligation though.

2007-02-01 07:54:15 · answer #8 · answered by David K 1 · 2 0

The earth goes through natural periods of warming and cooling but I think it is foolish to discount that all the artificial gasses humanity is putting into the atmosphere. To think humanity is not affecting or accelerating this process is denial in my opinion.

I am a conservative and I understand climate change happens naturally but I think it is important to keep an open mind. For now this is the only planet we have don't bury your head in the sand until it is too late.

2007-02-01 07:59:57 · answer #9 · answered by crazyhorse19682003 3 · 0 1

And God can't be proven to exist either.
By the way, Natural climate change goes against creationism.
If the Earth was created 4,000 years ago how can you mention the climate fluctuations of millions of years ago?

2007-02-01 07:53:22 · answer #10 · answered by kass9191 3 · 5 0

Liberal beliefs are based upon Social Humanism. This means that they have this need to believe that Mankind Himself is God and He has total control over His Destiny.
They believe in Evolution because they need to believe that man is so miraculous that He by himself could rise from pond scum to become what we have.
They believe in Global Warming because they need to believe that even though the Earth has existed for so long, that man has the power to have such an impact.
To them, God is an irrelevant and obsolete notion because Man himself can somehow be a god.
They make the very same mistake that set Lucifer where He is today.

2007-02-01 07:57:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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