Tom Science 4 = John Conner
Yeah, I don't like it either, but Bush isn't satanic. He's just a lousy President.
2007-02-01 06:09:31
answer #1
answered by Richardson '08 3
I agree with writesome Bush is not Satanic just a lousey President. On January 20, 2009 he will no longer be President and cannot run again. Meanwhile we must keep vigilence and in touch with our representitives letting them know what we approve of and what we disapprove of. They cannot represent us if we do not let them know how. With oversight from the Democratic controlled Congress I don't believe Bush and company are going to get away with as much as before when the neocon controlled Congresses let them run amok.
2007-02-01 06:13:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What beast? You talking about the Boogie man? Not everyone falls for that revelation poope! Was this question directed at everyone or just the simple-minded christians that would agree with your fear crap?I'm 48 and grew up with a so called minister for a dad. Do you have ANY idea how many people I've been told was the Anti-Christ?To answer your question; NO NO NO NO. Watch some Saturday Night Live episodes and relax a while.
2007-02-01 06:17:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Do you have some evidence to support that Bush is pushing this?
If so, I'd like to see it.
Anything like that will start with the military, at any rate. It always does. And since I know people there, no talk of implantation, at this point.
2007-02-01 06:12:04
answer #4
answered by ? 7
Tom, you seriously need to take an antidepressent. First and foremost it's about securing our nation from attacks from terrorist. 9/11 changed alot about what we do as a country.
2007-02-01 06:14:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I read the scriptures and you are wrong about Bush. I know that your hatred is contaminate your mind.
2007-02-03 02:39:18
answer #6
answered by c1523456 6
I have not seen anything about Bush wanting to tattoo 666 on anyone's forehead...grow up...
2007-02-01 06:13:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I guess there is no point answering any more of your questions. You appear tobe absolutely incapable of well organized mature discourse.
2007-02-01 06:10:30
answer #8
answered by toff 6