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It's been about 7 days now, and I'm becoming concerned with my body and what it's doing.
I've never had sex, but my boyfriend and I got a little close a few weeks ago(about 31/2). Were both clothed (underwear), so I don't see how I could be pregnant, but I think the guilt's overcoming me and I'm all worried now.
My issue is that I'm in the middle of my cycle, around the time I ovulate, but I feel a little different than the other times I've ovulated.
Symptoms are decreasing now, so that may be a sign that all is ok.
Could I be making myself have pregnancy symptoms? My period isn't for a few more weeks, so I really have no idea what I should do!
Even if I'm not pregnant, I'm concerned with how my body is acting right now. Any advice that you could give me would be great!

And for the jerk people who keepcalling me stupid for thinking that I'm pregnant, shove it up your ***. It's a concern.

2007-02-01 05:04:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

1 answers

You should go to the doctor or health clinic and get a check up and get on birth control. It will help ease your fears about your body. Good Luck!

2007-02-05 02:44:12 · answer #1 · answered by steffers4979 4 · 0 0

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