A Manufactured home is delivered on a trailer.
A Trailer is always a trailer.
A Mobile home can easily become a trailer again.
Manufactured homes also have floor joists that sit on a foundation. Trailers use the frame and wheels for their foundation. Mobile homes keep the frame rails from when they were a trailer and are set on blocks and the wheels / axles removed. The trailer that manufactured homes are delivered on is not part of the home and is re used to deliver another module.
If one lives in a manufactured home they arent referred to in Jeff Foxworthy jokes either. Real estate agents are notoriously horrible at distinguishing between mobiles and manufactured. I have sold 2 story homes that were manufactured homes. They are often exceptional deals per sq/ft when compared to site built homes that often arent nearly as good. Mobile homes have really became an affordable alternative as well and their features and quality has risen over the years.
2007-02-01 15:15:50
answer #1
answered by Kevin H 4
A trailer is also known as a singlewide mobile. It comes with a tongue on the front so it can be pulled from site to site. A doublewide is two mobiles as described above. They are pulled to the site seperately then joined together. They have tongues too. A manufactured home is frequently called a modular. It is manufactured similar to a doublewide but has no wheels and no tongue. It is brought in by a flatbed truck then rolled off sideways onto a foundation. The undercarriage is stronger than the doublewide.
2007-02-01 05:49:00
answer #2
answered by dreamgirl 5
Manufactured homes are homes built as dwelling units of at least 320 square feet in size with a permanent chassis to assure the initial and continued transportability of the home. All transportable sections of manufactured homes built in the U.S. after June 15, 1976 must contain a red label on the home; the label is the manufacturer's certification that the home section is built in accordance with the HUD construction and safety standards.
Prior to June 15, 1976 factory built homes were refereed to as mobile homes and they were not required to meed HUD building standards. These mobile homes may appear to be similar in appearance but may have a lower quality of construction due to the lack of construction and safety standards.
Trailer is similar to an RV as you usually do not remove the tongue and axles and is usually used for recreation. They also do not have to meet HUD code.
Modular homes are factory built homes but they are built in accordance with Uniform building code (UBC), or the local building code to were the modular home will be placed. These building codes are the same for site built housing, therefore of all the factory built housing, modular homes have the highest quality.
There are several factors that go into determining which category a factory built home belongs, but the above is a brief, simple run down. If you want more info you should visit the HUD website.
2007-02-01 07:02:36
answer #3
answered by greenshirt 2
I own a mobile home, in a community of both mobile and manufactured homes. As a rule of thumb, a mobile home is up off the ground, sitting of blocks (and the wheels have been removed. A manufactured home sits right on the ground (sometimes a 'basement' of sorts is under it.). Mobile homes usually have skirting around them and steps/porches leading up to the doors. Both are constructed much the same way and come in all sizes and floor plans. And if you were to drive through our community, you would not be able to guess which was mobile or modular (except for the steps leading up to the door) A trailer is usually of a size you can pull behind your truck/car and usually not more then maybe 8 or 10 feet wide (this is just a guess). By the way, we love our mobile home, it's a double wide and we have over 2000 sq ft...hope this helps. :)
2007-02-01 05:19:22
answer #4
answered by 49erfan 4
the wonderful term is synthetic homestead, yet I nonetheless call it a double extensive w/linked storage. have been given rid of a house and loan, offered this place and a refrigerator magnet that asserts Trailer Trash. satisfied as a clam i'm : )
2016-11-23 20:36:50
answer #5
answered by blomquist 4
a trailer is a small living unit, usualy used for camping. big enough for a bed and some storage space.
a mobile is the same thing only bigger and it comes with it's own bathroom and shower. like a small hotel room with wheels.
a maunfactured house is a house, only it's made somewhere and then brought to your chunk of land in 2-3 peices and then assembled.
2007-02-01 05:13:48
answer #6
answered by polara 3