I love ELMjunburkes answer.
It shows that he can work very hard and yet, pull himself out of that hamster wheel, pause, look around, and can observe what others are doing. Hey, one person is goofing off. I can work hard at that too.
Hard work is very appreciated. But I have to teach you to look at work in five year sections. You can do it for less., such as three.
Remember that your capital in working very hard, labor intensive, body injuring due to repititive actions or motions, is your one and only physical body. When you damage that one and only body, you are damaged either temporarily or for life.
Sure, suffer by toiling hard if you must earn your daily bread, but always be on the lookout for better jobs..
By the time you are getting good praises from the boss from your fine and outstanding work habits, you are ready to leave for the next better job.
And dont mind the lazy ones. Without them around, you will not shine nor stand out for being a great worker. Remember that.
2007-02-01 04:48:39
answer #1
answered by QuiteNewHere 7
no longer inevitably. My cousin is a male leo (Aug 22) and works his **** off for everythingggggggggg. I artwork with 2 Leos, one male, one lady. the female (Aug 3) is somewhat no longer easy working. I somewhat have on no account met somebody hardworking and proactive in my existence. EVER. She does everyones artwork for them and does not ever whinge. i be attentive to she's a leo so I on no account neglect to tell her she is favored. the different, the male (Aug 3 too) is somewhat lazy. He has psychological well-being matters to be honest and purely daydreams all day. he's no longer even there lol. i'm a Leo (Aug 5) and that i'm a million/2 a million/2. i will laze around all day and there is actual no longer something you may say or try this gets me out of that temper yet when I snap out of it i do no longer give up. So no longer everyones the comparable inspite of the shown fact that it would look like a large distinction on your circle, it won't be in mine. no longer each trait of your sign fits you. alongside with the Leo at artwork the three different those that artwork the toughest are a Pisces (March 17 and 13) and Sagittarius (Dec third) and that i've got on no account heard those 2 and not easy artwork interior the comparable sentence lol. Everyones diverse.
2016-12-16 18:41:43
answer #2
answered by andie 4
I am a hard worker and i agree that staying busy makes the day go by faster! But i work at an oil refinery and sometimes i have nothing to do! I am just so bored roaming the Internet! Its not that i don't want to work, but i just don't have enough to do! I love my job it's just that is doesn't keep me busy enough for the entire day!
2007-02-01 04:43:49
answer #3
answered by ♥**Me**♥ 3
I am going to be truthful. I am one of the lazy ones. I appreciate hard work but most times people aren't recognized for it. I work hard when I know that I have to meet my deadlines but other than that I practically just 'cruise'. BTW if you knew the amount I make you would know why. I'm just giving them what they paid for.
2007-02-01 04:50:50
answer #4
answered by RACQUEL 7
I paid my dues in high school, college and law school.
While my peers were smoking dope, ditching school, and surfing, I was hitting the books and getting straight A's.
Early in my career, I put in long hours, with no days off. I lived humbly, and did not get into debt.
Now, I am reaping the rewards, and don't have to work that much. Now, I am lazy, because I can afford to be.
2007-02-01 04:47:04
answer #5
answered by Jack Chedeville 6
Most of the time I have so many irons in the fire
that I feel like a cowboy at branding time !!
There are very few "down" days at what I do
and have had my day of "carrying" the unwilling or inept worker at other things that I have done--- and of recent years -- have no toleration for that at all !!!
2007-02-01 04:45:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i like to go to work and have the time go by fast so the more I do the faster the time goes by. In that time I don't worry about what the others are doing unless they are in my sight and sleeping or goofing off and then I say i thought we were all here to work? My mistake! Then I just go on my way and get back to work. I don't worry about them and I don't worry about there comments either!
2007-02-01 04:40:06
answer #7
answered by Tigerluvr 6
i'm a hard worker even though i don't stand on my feet all day as you do. i'm a secretary and i know in order for things to run smoothly in the office, i have to stay on my p's & q's. i dislike a lazy person greatly.
Mom of B & D
2007-02-01 04:37:25
answer #8
answered by Mom of B & D 5
I'm so lazy that I woke up at 6 this morning with absolutely nothing to do, and here it is Noon and I haven't done half of it.
2007-02-01 04:42:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I work real hard at being lazy.
2007-02-01 04:37:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous