For your own self esteem.And quit living off me. I would be a lot prouder of myself if I had a Job rather then tell someone I live off the system , and what about your kid, the likely hood that they will grow up and do the same thing you do is a good chance, children mimic what there taught.I don't know any parent that doesn't want the best for there kids.
2007-02-01 04:27:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No we need to drop welfare after 2 years. Health care is needed , but a premium , needs paid each month, and get off your butt and work and pay rent.
Rent should only be low for the 2 years that you are on welfare. Then it should be set at affordable rates. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself not other tax payers.
And if you pop dirty from a drug test you dint need the welfare anyways. Lets take care of the dis sabled and seniors not people popping out babies that are too lazy to work.
ADDITION: No its to be used for a short time, then you get a job and care for yourself. Do research. Most woman that get on it at 17-18 have a kid stay on it the whole time they raise that kids, most have several more kids........
I have met people that brag about working under the table, while getting 800.00 in food stamps a month. This woman has 5 kids.
Her rent is paid for her, She turns in working 1 day a week, and has a husband living there and claims they are seperated.
She gets 1500 in child support a month, but buys the kids NOTHING.... And got back 6000.00 last year in taxes that she said she spent on clothes and just that lasted a month. That money should have went to the state to feed and house her .
She has been on welfare since she was 16 is now 37. Wont work more hours cause " they might lower her food stamps"
So not all of the ones on welfare need it, they just know how to work the system.
Her 6 kids will be on welfare and their kids too....... its not a life style its a helpping hand..........
2007-02-01 12:22:45
answer #2
answered by tammer 5
Because those programs are meant to help out those less fortunate and in need of temporary help (except for univ. health care that is) They're not supposed to be a way of life. You use those things becuase you have no other choice.
Why are rich people evil? And what makes you think that ONLY rich people will pay for your proposed lifestyle? Everybody who pays taxes subsidises those things. And lastly, why should we subsidize you becuase you WANT to. There's a difference between NEED and WANT.
Get a job and just put down the pipe.
2007-02-01 12:25:21
answer #3
answered by dapixelator 6
As a stoner to another stoner. I don't agree with any of those things. I believe in abolishing welfare, privatizing health care, and you have to earn your keeps. I'm a hard working american citizen unlike you. If you want to sit around all day and stay blitzed that's you business, but don't go stealing mine or any other hard working americans money to support your cause.
2007-02-01 12:19:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your Avatar picture and name pretty much sum you up. It's people with attitudes like yours that contribute to all the people on welfare and on waiting lists for Section 8 housing.
2007-02-01 12:23:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What makes rich people evil?
2007-02-01 12:18:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Maybe you should go to the French or Dutch boards and ask this question there. That's exactly what they have and it seems to work for them.
2007-02-01 12:19:50
answer #7
answered by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5
Typical reasoning of a mental midget.
2007-02-01 12:18:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Nice play. Im not buying it.
2007-02-01 12:19:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
That's not really how it works.
2007-02-01 12:19:02
answer #10
answered by Take it from Toby 7