Doesn't look right on a man, especially big diamond ones. \but, the pirates of old used to wear the big hoopy ones.
2007-02-01 04:12:24
answer #1
answered by Taylor29 7
I think it it completely depends on the guy, and his style.
Some men look good with earrings (some with just one, and some with two), while other guys look ridiculous wearing earrings, or any kind of jewelry for that matter.
It also depends on the guys attitude, how he acts and carries himself. If he is confident with himself, and carries himself with pride, earrings won't make break that.
I, generally, prefer that they only wear one, if any, but it doesn't necessarily have to look stupid. Everyone is different, and I think it's great that guys can now wear earrings at all, without being ridiculed.
2007-02-01 04:32:04
answer #2
answered by c_lotty2001 2
I think it's hott. Pierced ears are most attractive on men when they're gauged but I like any kind on each ear (matching is fine) more than just one.
2007-02-01 04:16:28
answer #3
answered by Jack-A 3
my boyfriend has a small stud in each ear, they match. i think he can pull them off. my brother has a hoop in each ear and i think it works just fine. as long as they are guaged a little higher then a regular girl hoop.
as an aside, my dad has like five earrings. he's a badass.
2007-02-01 04:13:02
answer #4
answered by haleysname 3
I like one earring on men, I think it's kind of sexy and projects a little bit of unorthodoxy. But two earrings on men, looks ridiculous to me.
2007-02-01 04:09:51
answer #5
answered by queenofwands022 1
I've always considered earrings on a man as being a little kinky.
2007-02-01 04:30:55
answer #6
answered by Auburn 5
I see nothing at all wrong with guys wearing earrings. It's no more wrong than women wearing pants.
2007-02-01 09:51:55
answer #7
answered by Popppy 4
I'm torn between thinking it makes them look gay and it makes them look like they are really in love with themself. I personally dont care for it much.
2007-02-01 04:13:26
answer #8
answered by Cuppycake♥ 6
Must be accompanied by a parrot on the shoulder, and and an eye patch, then it's OK, Pirates AHGRRR cool !
2007-02-01 04:10:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i no i think it looks reali stupid and i think even 1 earing dosent look nice i hate men who wear earrings YUCK !
2007-02-01 04:12:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous