Jeans, a skirt!
2007-02-01 04:17:57
answer #1
answered by lonely as a cloud 6
Boots are in the fashion this winter weather there wedges, heels or flats. You can wear most things with then although skinny jeans tucked into your boots look great this winter and will keep you warm. You can also wear skirts with your boots, buy some footless leggings and wear your boots over them or patterned tights will look great. Try Primark for tights and leggings, as you can get some cheap things in there and they are all in fashion.
Hope this helps!?!
2007-02-01 04:42:20
answer #2
answered by H 2
I always tend to wear my boots with a pair of skinny jeans tucked into them. It's good for winter, keeps the legs warm!
Some people wear them with skirts and dresses, but I rarely think that looks good in my opinion. x
2007-02-01 03:59:48
answer #3
answered by Mae 2
As you don't say which gender you are or what style of boots they are, its pretty hard to tell. I'd go with the jeans/wide trousers brigade, but they look kinda cool with pretty skirts and dresses if they are the right style (and you are female). Hard to say without actually seeing them. Perhaps if you browsed fashion magazine sites, you may get some ideas of things which are similar to stuff in your wardrobe. Have fun trying different combinations, and creating your own style.
2007-02-01 04:15:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i admire them! I used to have those ankle boots while i grew to become into youthful. They have been slid on and that they have got been apartments. i assumed they have been the best issues. I grew out of them and that i've got no longer seen the rest like them for the reason that. I had them in a white pair and a black pair. I want ankle boots frequently, yet I do like boots that circulate as much as the knee or greater for different events.
2016-09-28 06:54:11
answer #5
answered by ? 4
2007-02-01 03:57:02
answer #6
answered by ***J*** 2
A Latex Catsuit looks fantastice with some sexy boots!!!!
2007-02-01 04:10:01
answer #7
answered by hotblack_b 5
jeans or knee high boots with knee length skirt.
2007-02-01 04:38:26
answer #8
answered by karen h 3
Depends, some look good with jeans and others look good with skirts.
2007-02-01 11:42:34
answer #9
answered by cheerio_93 2
with a mini skirt
under or over jeans & any top
2007-02-01 04:39:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous