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I got my ears re-pierced in November and everything went fine, the only problem was the girl had to pierce my left ear twice because the gun got jammed. Well they are all healed now and I've developed this problem with the ear that got pierced twice. When I try to change earrings it gets irritated and sometimes it starts bleeding. I thought it was because I pinched it with a hoop earring but now I'm thinking otherwise. Last night I left the earrings out and it almost seemed to close up on me. Has anyone else had this problem? I really don't want to let it close up and re-pierce it again!

2007-02-01 03:37:42 · 4 answers · asked by muppetbaby82 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

4 answers

Well I hate to say this but the same thing happened to me and the only way to fix it is to let it heal. The reason its still bleeding and easily irritated is from it being pierced twice. It created two holes. You may not see that you have two . Just think about how your ear is pierced. Normally the needle goes straight but if its jammed it will start straight and then move when jammed. After it jammed she has to pull it out and start again. Its almost imposable to go through the same hole straight if the original hole is not straight. pretty much you have a extra tunnel that never opened up on the other side of the ear it cant heal with you waring earrings it blocks the air and creates a Bacteria atmosphere. Leave you earrings out for a week or two, Their is a chance it may close but I know mine was just fine. It looked like it closed because it was irritated and swollen. One that went down it been fine. I really hop this helps and hope you understand what i was Trying to explain. GOOD LUCK.

Also use BACTIN its a antibacterial and is great it will help heal faster and with pain. Its white with a green top

2007-02-01 04:21:49 · answer #1 · answered by jeep00girl 1 · 1 0

i had that problem, i have 13 ear piercings and its tough! some i got pierced more then twice cause whenever i pierced on a store it got irritated, so i took the earring out waited till it got better and pierced again. but the other time it happen i just used some medicide u can buy at the store.

2007-02-01 03:43:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It could mean you have a slight infection, or it could mean your ears are now sensitive to certain types of metal.

Try putting in your starter studs or only pure gold & leave in for a few days. Are they still irritated? If no, then you've developed a sensitivity to cheap stuff (you go girl!). If yes, then you have a slight infection.

I had the problem when I got mine re-pierced. 1st time - no allergies to cheap earrings. Now, I can only wear pure gold or silver.

2007-02-01 03:48:22 · answer #3 · answered by CoronaGirl 3 · 0 0

Put some Neosporin or Bactracin on the back of the earring before and always putting them in your ear. Have someone else put it in for myou this time so they can line up the hole right then DON'T TAKE THEM OUT until your positive the hole is completely healed.

2007-02-01 03:48:07 · answer #4 · answered by Corina 6 · 0 2

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