Most IRAs have a minimum of $250. If you are under 50 years old, the maximum contribution is $4,000 per year. Speak to a financial advisor to determine which strategy would work best for you.
I recommend long-term investments to my clients with experienced managers. Banks have biased views on investments. Usually they recommend their own products, which typically under perform the market over long periods of time. Look for an independent advisor than can give you non-biased advice. Email me if you have any questions. (Make sure your account charges less than $15 per year). Good Luck.
2007-02-01 01:45:54
answer #1
answered by MR MONEY 3
First of all a thumbs up to ello guvna. Whilst I can understand what you are saying and the context that it is in. I understand why the IRA came about and why there is such resentment against the British. However at which point do you stop apply this template? The 1916 uprising, the Tan War?, The Cross border campaign in the 1950's, The mainland bombing campaign during the 70's & 80's? Whilst the notion of freedom fighters standing up against John Bull and the British Empire is all very well. One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist? I could easily ask you the question. In General do the British support the IRA? I know they bombed and killed civilians in Warrington & manchester and in Hyde park (to name but a few) can we understand what they did? I think the answer would be no, because the people who lost loved ones over the recent troubles aren't concerned with what happened 200 years ago, they are concerned that they lost their loved ones
2016-05-24 01:39:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Every company can charge you a different amount to start an IRA. But I would suggest going to and getting there customer service number. Ask them about wanting to open an IRA account and ask them for advise. Tell them you are not experienced and that you want their advise. I did that 10 years ago and they have been very good to me ever since. I do not have many complaints. They know what they are doing they have trained retirement specialists that will do there best to get you on track.
2007-02-01 01:44:05
answer #3
answered by Josher 3
Every financial institution sets their own policy.
Most will allow you to open an IRA with very little (probably <$250).
Some of the major online financial investment institutions include:
2007-02-01 04:20:49
answer #4
answered by derek 4
Personally, I'd recommend one of the online brokerages -- Schwab, Ameritrade, E*Trade. They'll have all the account opening forms for you online. Most of them do not charge any annual maintenance fees, either. Schwab and TDAmeritrade have branch offices in most cities where you can talk to someone in person who will help you.
2007-02-01 01:44:35
answer #5
answered by SDD 7
Go to any bank. They can give you all the details.
2007-02-01 01:39:55
answer #6
answered by fangtaiyang 7