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Mine are (in no particular order):
1) Incorrect use of lanes on the motorway (lane hogging)
2) Car infront only using foot breaks whilst stopped in heavy traffic at night, thus blinding me in a sea of red
3) No indication whilst on roundabouts
4) Undue slow driving on main roads / motorways (i.e. not trucks/caravans but cars driving at 30/40/50 on a straight, clear 60/70 road)
5) Speeding in heavily residential areas. There is no excuse for this.

I think many people do these things without knowing it or without knowing they're in the wrong and they're annoying and even endangering other road users. How can we educate these people?

P.S. Noone is perfect, I'm sure I do some annoying things too, so I would like your opinions so I can educate myself as well.

2007-01-31 20:49:53 · 45 answers · asked by Robin the Electrocuted 5 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

45 answers

1) Inappropriate speed - like outside a school, in residential streets or driving at 50mph in the middle lane of the motorway.
2) Impatience - especially with learner drivers, we all had the L plates once. Give yourself time to get there in one piece.
3) Talking on the mobile, drinking coffee, reading a map or otherwise not concentrating on the road.
4) Driving with Fog lights on when its not foggy - actually an offence under the Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations. Its not big or cool but a bloody nuisance, especially when they don't use them when it is foggy.
5) Tailgating - if I can't see your number plate in my rearview mirror you can not stop if I hit the brakes. Back off and give yourself and everyone else space.

There are many others, like incorrect positioning at roundabouts, driving with defective lights, throwing your ciggarette butts out the window (or any rubbish) but these are the big 5 for me.

I'm sure I do things that annoy others so it would be interesting to read this when finished to see if I go "oh I do that!"

2007-01-31 21:05:07 · answer #1 · answered by Alex MacGregor 3 · 1 0

A few themes cropping up here. My no.1 pet hate is impatient a**holes who charge up an empty filter lane, or similar, then try & push in at the last minute. You know who you are, & I WILL hit your car when you do it to me. The front of my car is much tougher than your door, believe me!
No.2 would be the mobile phone brigade. I was once knocked over by a dozy woman who was reversing into a parking space while on her phone!
No.3 is almost a separate question. Why can't taxi drivers park? How often have you been forced on to the other side of the road because a taxi is dropping off a fare whilst stopped in the road, when there is a parking spot right ext to them?
No.4 yes, indicators. Please use them, people. You might be David Blaine, I'm not.
No.5 tailgating. If you can read the dealer's name at the bottom of my numberplate, you're too close!
Thanks for this opportunity to *****, wonderful question!

2007-02-02 08:37:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Tailgaters. They don't seem to realize that if I didn't care so much about my new car, I'd brake check them and make them buy me a new car for being so stupid.
2. Speeders. You're not getting anywhere quicker by riding my butt til I move so you can go 90 on the freeway versus 65, which is the speed limit.
3. Cell phone users. I don't mind if you're on an important call (wife is in the hospital giving birth), but if you're just talking about Becky's new hair color and you magically forgot how to drive, that ain't cool.
4. Non-blinkers. I don't mean eyes. I mean turn signals. If you're going to merge, turn on your gdmnd indicator. I can't read your mind, and when you merge and almost hit me, don't get pissed because I honk my horn at you.
5. Last minute mergers. In my city, there's a lane on the freeway where it's an EXIT ONLY, like "Right Lane MUST EXIT", and everyone knows it's there, but they wait til literally the last possible second to cut you off so they don't have to loop around and get back on the freeway. I'd much rather you have to waste five minutes of your time finding a way back onto the freeway than to kill me or my loved ones. Thanks.

2007-02-06 16:47:55 · answer #3 · answered by Ginna G 2 · 1 0

1. One car taking two parking spaces.
2. Driving at night following a car who will not use full beam on an unlit road where you can't overtake them.
3. Blasted fog lights - front and rear.
4. Drivers who insist on staying in the middle or outside lane of motorways when the inner lanes are empty.
5. Lorry drivers who spend several miles trying to overtake another one going at the same speed whilst stopping anything else passing them.

2007-02-01 02:06:20 · answer #4 · answered by Ray P 4 · 0 0

Not allowing someone to drive slowly and carefully when they have a tank of tropical fish in the back. Wanting all cars doing the speed limit or under to go in the near side lane with the lorries lane so that they can't overtake easily. Indicating so late on roundabouts that the indicator is in the direction you have just been rather than the one you are going next. No one should speed in residential areas (30 limit areas). My real pet hate are cars that have to be frequently braking because they drive to close to the one in front - it uses fuel, it uses rake pads, it global warms

2007-02-04 01:00:37 · answer #5 · answered by Professor 7 · 0 0

I so agree with all your points! But here are my current top five bugbears... in no real order (and of course, there's more!)
1. The guess-what-I'm-going-to-do-next brigade -- drivers who don't use indicators. Ever. Is this some new religion?

2. The I'm-on-the-phone-don't-interrupt-me bunch -- on the mobile either while on the move (dangerous) or at the lights (so you sit there while the lights go green... and back to red again!)

3. The brake-dazzlers (like you, I hate having my retinas scoured)

4. Drivers who don't do a final "lifesaver" look before turning right to check for bikers/cyclists coming up on the outside.

5. Speeding on residential roads (same as you)

2007-01-31 21:10:10 · answer #6 · answered by phoenix2frequent 6 · 2 0

Mine are
1) Not indicating for junctions, it's a pain for pedestrians and other drivers.
2) Tailgating, especially when I'm driving at the correct speed limit.
3) Sluggish overtaking, i.e. staying parallel to a slow-moving vehicle rather than increasing speed to overtake. Or even slowing down to let other vehicles get past.
4) Parking on double yellow lines with hazard warning lights on to go to the shops.
5) Inconsiderate parking, taking up multiple spaces, boxing in other cars.

I do my best not to be guilty of any of these, but I will confess that I will be most scrupulous about sticking to the speed limit when someone is tailgating me.

2007-01-31 21:15:51 · answer #7 · answered by Nebulous 6 · 1 0

1. Dogs, or any pet, in laps of the driver, these people should be shot immediately
2. Cellphones, hands free or not no one needs to talk that much.
3. Slow drivers in the fast lane, these people should be flogged
4. Not using blinkers
5. People that don't turn right on red

Parking lot behavior.
1. People who wait while someone loads there car up with groceries so they can get thier parking space.
2. People who drive against the arrows
3. People that stop in front of the store to let someone out who is in perfect physical health
4. Those fatass' that ride the little scooters out of the store into the parking lot because there too lazy to walk.
5. The same people that drop someone off in front of the door then come back and sit in front of the door while they load there car up with groceries or whatever they have.

And my biggest pet peeve about drivers. People that park in handicap spaces that aren't handicapped. If it were up to me not only would it be legal to beat these people like the worthless individuals they are it would also be your civic duty. Just once id love to see someone in a wheelchair or with a Cane beat the hell out of one of these people, wouldn't that be funny. I can just imagine a guy with a Cane hitting someone while someone in a wheelchair kept rolling over the offending individual.

2007-01-31 21:13:01 · answer #8 · answered by heyhey95 2 · 1 0

Sometimes people don't switch of there bloody indicator lights after they have changed lanes. Then they drive past exits and drive straight over crossing with indicator lights on. This almost cause me to drive into someone because of this this. Basic all the other things the people have mentioned before me also irritate me to about other drivers.

Sometimes someone speeds like mad pass me and then both me and the other car stand still at the same red light. Thats a waste of fuel and doesn't save time.

2007-01-31 21:11:25 · answer #9 · answered by The Desert Bird 5 · 2 0

My biggest bugbear is someone carving you up or pulling out in front of you and then pretending you don't exist - if they dont look at you, it didnt happen. How annoying.

Others would have to be
- No indication,
- Those drivers which cruise up to trafffic/ traffic lights really slowly but are preventing you from making that left hand turn which is coming up before the traffic/lights.
- Middle lane hoggers
- 'Boom boxes' in residential areas past 11pm. I may be getting on a bit but surely that level of noise cannot really be enjoyable for the driver!

2007-01-31 20:58:31 · answer #10 · answered by Ally32 2 · 1 0

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