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It was the most magnificently awful interview I have ever seen! The guy who agreed to be interviewed was a poster child for the school of Idiot Thinking. He came out with such gems as "We don't need an increased police presence here because Muslim extremists aren't targeting Muslims", and "This is terrorism by the police - we are being terrorised in our own country". All this on the back of a plot to behead a British Soldier!!!

But to the question: this seems like a change in approach by Muslim extremists from mass casualties to targeted, potentially more emotive acts on home soil. If this is the case, should we now be more or less scared? It's the mass casualties that scare me, but I can see the point of view which says that these more calculated and potentially easier-to-carry-out acts of terror are even more terrifying because of the sinister motivation. What do you think?

Or, like the super thick student, do you feel terrorised by the police and unafraid of assassins???!!!

2007-01-31 20:49:29 · 12 answers · asked by PETER G 3 in News & Events Current Events

12 answers

He also came out with, "Why didn't the police consult with community leaders BEFORE they raided premises." I will leave the rest to your imaginations!

2007-01-31 21:10:04 · answer #1 · answered by pageys 5 · 5 1

Only the politically correct BBC would give airtime to such a prat. Presumably, when he uses the word "we" he is referring to the fact that the Muslim community don't need protection. In any event, students are constantly being brainwashed by left wing lecturers. Beware the concept of the moderate Muslim, because, when push comes to shove, it is the extremists who are in control. It was known in Nazi Germany that the vast majority of the population were not Nazis and didn't even agree with it. When the Communists took over in Russia, again, the majority didn't agree with Communism. All of these people had one thing in common, they were the moderate peaceful apathetic majority. They didn't think that a minority of extremist hotheads could take over whilst they, metaphorically speaking, slept in their beds. THEY WERE WRONG. They wrongly believed that the moderates were in control.

2007-01-31 21:53:20 · answer #2 · answered by Veritas 7 · 4 0

Hi Peter G ,, This one is a case for an "Intensive Care" Session in an Appropriate Home for the Very , Very Stupid ---- But Shame on the BBC for allowing Clowns Like this to even appear on our Television Screens ---- BUT When you see some of the Gabbling , Barmy Politicians and the "Unelected" Idiots Ranting and talking Bollocks ---It causes one to Wonder just what is the Agenda of the Producers of these Programmes -- which serve no Purpose whatsoever ????????????

2007-01-31 21:45:20 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

I was a bit baffled by the community saying the area had once again been 'targetted' by police. I mean, what are they supposed to do when they have evidence to suggest such a terror plot is being hatched. Look in an area five hundred miles away???

2007-01-31 20:54:11 · answer #4 · answered by Eden* 7 · 6 0

I saw the interview and was very concerned at what was said,I noted that the student being interviewed had nothing to say about the poor soldier whose life was in danger.
I have always said that anyone,regardless of religion,colour or,creed who does not like living in western society should get the hell out of the country they hate.
We should not have to put up with threats of any kind from radicals whose sole purpose in life is to destroy the country they call "their home"after all,they enjoy the freedom and rights that we all are entitled to.
I can see in the very near future Vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and then we will all have problems and to be honest this whole mess terrifies me.
Most people of all faiths are happy to get on with their lives in a peaceful and lawful way and we all should help to get rid of those who strive to destroy everything we have worked so hard to put in place.

2007-01-31 21:12:41 · answer #5 · answered by mentor 5 · 6 1

It is truly amazing that these people are complaining of being "targeted". Well, guess what guys - you are!
Not for your own individual actions, but for the actions of those within your community who are either taking these actions, planning these actions or who are happy to not grass on anyone who they know or suspect are involved.
You reap what you sow!
All British people (I am a born Australian who has lived here for 10 years and I consider myself to be British as I have chosen to live here), irrespective of belief, heritage etc, must stand against this behaviour and you know what? I fit means that some of your liberties go as a consequence, then tough luck. It's a damn sight better than being blown up on your way to work or having your head cut off on you tube!

2007-01-31 20:57:39 · answer #6 · answered by Carl N 2 · 5 0

We are supposed to appease all Muslims, give in to any and all of their demands and generally give up our freedom and individuality. They will not be happy until we are all brain washed into banging our heads on the floor 5 times a day. Freedom of speech does not exist in this country any more for fear of upsetting these over sensitive, reactionary religious fanatics. The best thing for Britain would be for them all to **** off back to an Islamic country where they can live happily ever after. The sooner this evil religion joins all the other dead religions like the south american sun worshipers into history the better.

2007-01-31 21:08:02 · answer #7 · answered by ANON 4 · 6 1

I didn't see that interview but by the sound of it that student probably doesn't pay attention in class otherwise he would be more intelligent and wouldn't come out with crap like that. You are right in your observation that they are now moving to different acts of terrorism. My main worry is that they might start kidnapping beautiful british women and sell them to men in Pakistan or Iraq. That would be my absolute nightmare.

2007-01-31 21:01:51 · answer #8 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 3 0

the student was indeed an idiot, the Muslims are trying to spread fear through the non Muslim community, of course that strategy will never work, ask Mr Hitler and the IRA

2007-01-31 21:09:43 · answer #9 · answered by Me 3 · 5 1

particular, I even have! :p I munch on peanuts lots so I continually have them in my kitchen, and a few cases i did not have something for breakfast so I merely ate peanuts. ^.^ they are not very filling in spite of the undeniable fact that, yet a minimum of it substitute into something. ^.^ (((Hugs))) ??

2016-10-16 09:51:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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