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Birth Place is ghaziabad-Delhi Border.
Pls let me know which name is better as per numerology

2007-01-31 19:27:51 · 7 answers · asked by sugandha_k2001 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

7 answers

The aura of a 2-Day can be strongly felt all around you, Six. This bodes well for your personal and business connections. Lately you may have been feeling torn between work and family. On a day like this, however, you will more than likely be able to regain your equilibrium on these issues. Colleagues will be empathetic to your personal concerns. They may even assist in the tasks at hand in order to permit you to leave earlier then originally scheduled. Take full advantage of this by making your way home to loved ones quickly, Six.

2007-01-31 21:53:19 · answer #1 · answered by p0pr0xy 2 · 0 0

It says that you must pray and ask God's help in everything you do... Have a good day!

2007-01-31 19:40:28 · answer #2 · answered by tatal_nostru2006 5 · 0 0

Try this book.

"kero's book of number" or "Numerology by Kero's".

2007-02-01 00:11:51 · answer #3 · answered by minootoo 7 · 0 0

Everything is in a name

SUSHMA MOHAN speaks to Nehru, a numerologist who swears by the power of a number in altering a person’s destiny.

“When man slumbers, God speaks to him in numbers” goes a saying on numerology. But does numerology really work?

“Definitely,” says Penamal Sanjeevan Nehru, a Hyderabad-based numerologist who has his own success story to tell in support of this claim.

It all started many years ago when Nehru (then Penamala Sankariah) was working as a designer of the thermal power stations, for BHEL in Tirupati. When, despite years of hard work, he saw success evading him, he decided to quit his job and join politics. Nurturing his ambition to make it big in politics, he started working with NTR. But here too, the story was no different, as luck played spoilsport once again.

“Dejected by the repeated failures I had to face in all my endeavours, I started seeking answers to life’s questions in the occult. And I was drawn towards numerology, in which I found answers to all my doubts,” Nehru reminisces.

“Convinced of the effectiveness of numerology after months of in-depth study, I decided to change my name. One day at 6:00 am, I put up a board in front of my house with my new name Penamal Sanjeevan Nehru on it, and my life changed forever,” says Nehru.

“Within two hours, I had a group of business contractors from Delhi at my doorstep willing to buy 14 acres of my land, which fetched me good money,” Nehru adds, narrating how numerology changed the course of his life for the better.

Now, Nehru is an accomplished numerologist whose clientele ranges from common people to celebrities.

Though one’s birth number and destiny number cannot be changed, suitable alterations to one’s name to make it compatible with the birth/ destiny number can ensure better luck to the person, Nehru asserts.

Numerological corrections to one’s name, in addition to bringing better luck, can cure physical ailments too, he claims. But how does numerology, that is based on the values assigned to each number by Cheiro, one of the most famous occult figures of the early twentieth century, work?

He answers this question with an example.

“A dancer without her anklet may not attract the audience’s attention. Similarly an anklet without dancing legs, may be just a disturbance. But an anklet and a dancer together can create magic. Numerology is like the anklet that magnifies a person’s talent, good luck and happiness,” he says.

When a person’s name complements his birth number, the good vibrations created by this new harmony lead to betterment in all aspects of one’s life, explains Nehru who has predicted the outcomes of many elections and other events with startling accuracy. This admirer of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has a couple of suggestions to make when it comes to the name of the country.

He says, “India, to shine, will have to change its name to ‘Bharat’ because the name ‘India’ corresponds to number ‘12’ which is a victim number. As long as the country’s name remains India, she will face obstacles for development.”
The other change he suggests is in the name of Jammu and Kashmir, to avert further bloodshed in the region.

“Unless Sonia changes her name, she has no chance of becoming a prime minister,” is what he has to say about the political career of the Congress leader Sonia Gandhi.

Even as sceptics refuse to give any credit to numerology for its “powers to bring good luck,” this branch of occult studies is enjoying popularity among the people from all walks of life.

Jitender Revankar, a dentist from Bangalore, who was guided by Nehru to change his name, says his life changed for the better almost instantly, all thanks to numerology.

“The same evening that I changed my name, I had the maximum number of patients visiting my clinic. The next month, I had the maximum turnover of my entire career of five and a half years,” he says.

Sudhakaran took one of his relatives who was facing problems in her personal life, to Nehru, and a simple correction in her name, brought the lady out of her miseries.

Though based in Hyderabad, as a numerologist, Nehru travels to all major cities in the country.

Currently writing a book on numerology, Nehru also has a website: www.nehrunumerology51.com

Contact Nehru on: (040) 32426726. In Bangalore

2007-02-04 02:05:09 · answer #4 · answered by veerabhadrasarma m 7 · 0 0

aadya is better.

2007-02-01 00:18:03 · answer #5 · answered by toploser 5 · 0 0

For Name: aadya
(Note: For best results, use the exact spelling as first recorded at birth.)
Usually not very emotional, you are in this life to take action.
You want to lead and direct.
You are independent at heart and desire to reach your goals by your own efforts and intelligence. You have a strong creative force with many original and interesting ideas. There is much inner strength available to you. Rarely do you shirk responsibilities.
You are proud of your abilities and seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness.
Others will respect and help you, like a true leader deserves, so long as you acknowledge and validate the interests and desires of others as well as your own. Be kind and generous, and you can be a recognized leader.
You can display conceit and intolerance of people who are considered inferior -- boastful, egotistical, critical, impatient of trifles -- especially when you feel impeded. When you are headstrong, impulsive, or highly willful, you may appear contrary, bossy, dominating, or egotistical. You tend to be impatient with those who are resistant to change.
You can be reticent, and can lack self-confidence. Sometimes you won't take a stand for fear of hurting others. Yet, something continually keeps urging you forward.
You want your home, spouse, and family to be a credit to you.
Overall, you are loyal in friendship, fair in business, a safe leader, and work diligently. You are capable of great accomplishment.

Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you. Others tend to see you as loyal, dedicated, dignified, and honest with a desire to perform the work at hand instead of taking a lot of time for fun and pleasure. You seem to be thrifty, prudent, and orderly.
If you focus overly much on work, others tend to see you as someone in a rut and unable to change habits.
Your self-image can suffer if you do not receive compensation or praise, at least recognition, for your labors.
The practical aspects of your personality can be enhanced by wearing tailor-made clothing of straight lines and good material, neat rather than showy.

Your Quiescent Self: ********* away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, "shoulds", and "shouldn'ts" — this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams. Family, society, country, and civilization are better off because of your tireless efforts and meticulous attention to detail. You are the pillar of society. A staunch patriot. Your rewards are accomplishment, duty, Love, and appreciation.
Your thoughts and pleasure are the creation of firm foundations upon which family and society as a whole can prosper. ;

Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days. Your destiny is to promote the idea of liberty for all; knowing that happiness cannot last without the right to be free. You know progress comes through change, by entertaining new ideas and trying new methods. Your destiny includes helping people live life more fully and with more joy. You are versatile and clever.
You are comfortable interacting with people of diverse races and backgrounds, a natural lecturer or teacher, an artist with written and spoken words, and capable of understanding many different viewpoints. You insist on having freedom of action and speech. Your life changes often, sometimes unpredictably, and you enjoy it because each change brings new opportunities to understand and absorb yet more aspects of life. You love travel and the open spaces, and you have the best opportunities to succeed in occupations that have those qualities and also bring you in contact with people, including sales, acting, speaking, teaching, commercial artist, legal fields, or as a writer or editor.
You are striking, attention getting, entertaining, and find it easier to move about than to make permanent associations with people or undertakings.


Second, the path you are traveling in this life. It is derived from what you typed in the "Birth Date" area. Here is where you find the type of events that tend to effect you as a person.

Your Life's Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path. For Birth Date: May 31, 1900
Your path is along the lines of expressing self-reliance, individuality, and the proper expression of will.
You may have been born into a family with domineering, interfering, or unyielding parents. Be that as it may, there probably was tension and conflict of will during your growing up years.
Your life is strewn with challenges and opportunities to express your will, your independence, and your initiative.
You are a leader, strongly individualized, and demand the right to think and act according to your own ideas and convictions. Originality, invention, will power, and courage are native to you. You have keen perception and good concentration.
Be wary of any tendency to start a project, then becoming bored with it and starting a new project before completing the first. Develop your body, mind, and spirit to the highest point of efficiency. Refuse limitations. Cooperate without losing your individuality.
You seem to complete tasks better when left alone. Promotion to positions of leadership come easier to you than to some people, especially if you make yourself invaluable wherever you find yourself. Ambition is a significant driving force.

This Year's Path: Here is what you are likely to encounter this year — your feelings, your predominant perspective, and the type of situations, circumstances, and opportunities you tend to attract during the calendar year. For Year: 2007
This year you realize completion and/or fulfillment of some of your dreams. During the year you can let go of the old and undesirable to make way for the new and worthwhile.
Things that have been lagging behind want to be finished up this year. Some things seem to finish themselves. In general, this is not a good year to begin new projects.
Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving, and this can be one of the most wonderful years of your life. Keeping your mind open for broader interests and larger activities seem more natural to you this year. Make your interests more of a universal, rather than personal, nature.
Love affairs get your attention, maybe even your own.
You find yourself cultivating music, writing, and other arts, and expressing love to the many and toleration of all. The "brotherhood of man" is your keynote. Respond to the urge to do good works.

Next Year's Path: For Year: 2008
More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you.
Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead.
This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years' experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don't do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice.

2007-01-31 21:19:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The reading on the Date of birth is the same it is only the name that changes so I did both names for you ok : )

Name Analysis: Aadya

Expression: 5
The Expression number shows us who we truly are, what we came into this life already knowing. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act. We attract people and situations to us that require our Expression so that they can further evolve. In this way we play the role of teacher. Naturally we are attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so the Expression number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career as well. Our Expression is the vehicle, with all its virtues and vices, that drives us along the path of our Destiny. It is the essence of our identity. You use life changes like rungs on a ladder. Growth, variety, beginnings and endings are constant elements in your life. You are able to let go of anything or anyone in order to further your growth. Because of this ability, coupled with a talent for translating new ideas into logical, useful explanations, you would make a great teacher and/or writer. Travel is something you are made for, even if only through your mind.

Soul Urge: 3
The Soul Urge number has also been called Heart's Desire and Spiritual Urge. It is our secret, innermost longing. Our dream, our motivation, the fuel that energizes our journey. The Soul Urge number reveals what we secretly strive to be or accomplish. Some have said that this number tells us what we have been in previous lifetimes, the accumulated growth of our soul. Your urge is to bring hope, joy and beauty to all you meet. You feel the best when you are in beautiful and comfortable surroundings. You have a creative essence and use your inspiration and imagination to make others happy. You enjoy attention and admiration, and you desire recognition for your talents.

Persona: 11
The Persona number describes the way we appear to the outside world, the first impression people have of us. We may not even be aware of how we are perceived by others because we are so often focused on our inner world, and many times the inner does not match the outer. Persona gives us a peek at some hidden talents we have. The talents that we use to get along in the world and in some instances, protect us from it. It is likened to a bag of tools (jewels) that we carry with us along the way. Some may detect a glow around you and feel drawn to you by fate. The glow is a reflection of the refined and inspirational energy that courses through you, seemingly from other worlds. You may be an artistic genius or any other kind for that matter, but one thing is for sure, you have a powerful effect on anyone who enters your life. You are not afraid to recreate yourself as is necessary at your accelerated pace and other people follow your example becoming more of who they really are.

Name Analysis: Navya

Expression: 9
The Expression number shows us who we truly are, what we came into this life already knowing. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act. We attract people and situations to us that require our Expression so that they can further evolve. In this way we play the role of teacher. Naturally we are attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so the Expression number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career as well. Our Expression is the vehicle, with all its virtues and vices, that drives us along the path of our Destiny. It is the essence of our identity. You have a vision of a perfect world. Forgiveness, Love and altruism are the path you walk. You are the idealist, and you do everything in your power to live up to your ideals in order to be a good example for others to follow. Inside, you know that you will be imitated, so you are extremely aware of your every "imperfection". Letting go of people and places when you have fulfilled your role with them is an important lesson for you. There are many that need to be touched by your wisdom.

Soul Urge: 2
The Soul Urge number has also been called Heart's Desire and Spiritual Urge. It is our secret, innermost longing. Our dream, our motivation, the fuel that energizes our journey. The Soul Urge number reveals what we secretly strive to be or accomplish. Some have said that this number tells us what we have been in previous lifetimes, the accumulated growth of our soul. Peace and harmony is your desire. You are a natural mediator as you are genuine, tactful and adaptable. You tend to put your own will aside for others and it is difficult for you to make decisions. This may cause others to see you as shy, or lacking confidence. Your sensitivity and gentleness can be a great healing force bringing harmony and support to others.

Persona: 7
The Persona number describes the way we appear to the outside world, the first impression people have of us. We may not even be aware of how we are perceived by others because we are so often focused on our inner world, and many times the inner does not match the outer. Persona gives us a peek at some hidden talents we have. The talents that we use to get along in the world and in some instances, protect us from it. It is likened to a bag of tools (jewels) that we carry with us along the way. There is an air of mystery and secrecy about you. You are poised and sophisticated, and prefer to dress in a clean, well-groomed and understated way. You seem unapproachable to others because of your introspective and analytical temperament. You are the philosophical loner, the probing seeker, and only those of like-mind really understand.

March 31, 2004

This Year: 7
During the 7 vibration you will want to rest, reflect, and analyze your goals, relationships, and where you'd like to go from here. It is a time of introspection, so you may find it necessary to withdraw from life a little bit and go off by yourself. It is a good time to write about your contemplation, as your perception goes deeper now and you have the opportunity to tap into "higher knowledge", which could certainly benefit others as well as yourself. The 7 vibration is surrounded by an air of mysticism from ancient times. It governs the musical scale, the color spectrum, and even the days of our week. It is a time of completion.

Personal Month September: 9
Tie up loose ends. Finish your projects and clean up. Don't start anything new this month, unless it's a month long something. Take all the clothes you no longer wear to the Salvation Army. Give anonymously to a favorite charity.

Life Path or Destiny: 4
The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny. Foundation and order are your words to live by. Practical, patient and persistent, you can build anything your heart desires the "old fashioned way". Step-by-step, from A-Z you will build an empire that is solid and enduring. Speculation and shortcuts will thwart your previous efforts. Your destiny is about achieving high goals through sound, practical reasoning and methodical, orderly efforts.

The destiny is divided into 3 great cycles, each governing us for specific durations throughout our life. The Seed cycle begins at birth and colors our experiences through childhood and adolescence. During the year nearest our 28th birthday, we move into the Fruit cycle which remains throughout the middle part of our life until the year nearest our 56th birthday, and the Harvest cycle carries on from there. Taken all together, the cycles show us our particular path that will lead to the fulfillment of our destiny.

Seed: 3
A child under this cycle tends to be very expressive. They talk and sing and dance in circles. Three's love to be noticed, and will usually be appearance conscious from early on. As teens, they usually write, draw or paint very well, and a telephone seems to grow out of their ear.

Fruit: 4
This is a time for practical, step by step efforts and responsibilities. Order, details, plans and logic all come under four. Creativity can be focused into something of practical, functional use. This is a time of learning that nothing comes without an appropriate exchange of energy. It is a time for building things; buildings, bridges, families, and futures.

Harvest: 6
During this cycle you are likely to be surrounded by loved ones, neighbors, flowers, and pets. All revolves around your home and the magnetism of your warmth and love. Helping those in need is a common aim for the 6, and it is a good time to volunteer or organize fund raisers for your favorite charities.

The four pinnacles reveal the high spots or heights of attainment that we are likely to encounter as we move along the path of our life. The 1st pinnacle lasts from birth to around age 28. The 2nd pinnacle lasts for 9 years after that. the 3rd pinnacle lasts 9 more years, and the 4th pinnacle carries on through the rest of our life. The peak of the pinnacle is reached during the next 1 personal year. Pinnacles are like sudden inheritances from a benevolent aunt, they can transform the prevailing energies completely and suddenly. It is useful to look ahead and prepare for our pinnacles so that we can maximize their gifts to us and shape them into the most positive manifestation.

First Pinnacle: 7
You are wise beyond your years. It's a good time to study and contemplate life and yourself. Spending a lot of time alone is necessary to search the depths, analyze, and attain knowledge. You may be very drawn to spiritual subjects now.

Second Pinnacle: 1
This is a period of independence, action and new beginnings. Through the power of concentration and the power of desire, manifestation is very easy during this vibration.

Third Pinnacle: 8
Good judgment, practical decisions and disciplined efforts are magnetizing abundance and prosperity to you during this period of accomplishment. Business and material success is very possible at this time, so think big!

Fourth Pinnacle: 9
Some call the 9 vibration "payday". All of the experiences before now have accumulated into a sense of understanding or knowing, and it is a good time to share your knowledge with others.

The three challenges show us the major influences demanding our attention during specific sections of our lifetime. The 1st challenge influences the years from birth to age 28. The 2nd challenge takes over from age 28 to 52, and the third affects us our whole life. Challenges shape our attitudes and can affect our health. These vibrations that challenge us, cause either an exaggeration of the associated qualities or a lack of them, both of which are extremes which need to be brought into balance.

First Challenge: 1
The 1 challenge child usually has a misleading impression of authority or gender roles and especially of the active or assertive role. They may be raised in a physically violent atmosphere and learn to explode when their frustration builds. The creative impulse is often stifled by control or confused and tied to acceptance or rejection. The 1 therefore learns to manipulate creatively in an effort to gain love and in contrast, becomes dependent on those whom they are manipulating. One result is that they break away from parents and subsequent relationships in a kind of revenge, and feel resentment for being forced to break away. With the development of overview, compassion, and intuition the 1 can balance this challenge.

Second Challenge: 2
This is the challenge of sensitivity and self-sacrifice. Two's look for needs to be filled in others and attempt to fill those needs while ignoring their own, all with the hope that someone will take care of them in return. It is possible that a two challenger can manifest just the opposite as well and be preoccupied with their own needs, feelings, desires, beliefs to the point that other people are only here to fill their endless requirements. Balance is found between the independence of 1 and the self-expression of 3.

Third Challenge: 1
The challenge of ambition and will-power. The 1 challenge holder may feel that their natural will and desire to create, explore and discover, is being thwarted by external circumstance or authority. This may lead them to snuff out their own bright flame in an effort for harmony. The challenge is to acknowledge this tendency and to force themselves to forge ahead and assert their will against, or in spite of opposition. The key is to act upon one's firm decisions, making sure it is the best choice and then committing to the final outcome. The opposite of this is possible where the challenger is so focused on their own will and desires that they trample over everything else in their path. In this case the remedy is to realize that we are all sharing this experience together, and to act accordingly.

Love & Blessings

2007-01-31 20:57:56 · answer #7 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

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