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After the recent raids in birmingham we once again hear from the muslim community how they are being victimised like forrest gate Etc. What is this.... Did i see muslims on peace marches against terrorism after 7/7 9/11 etc etc etc.. i think not. All we get from the muslim council etc are weak we are together speeches stances. Pathetic!

2007-01-31 19:09:09 · 27 answers · asked by tom 1 in News & Events Current Events

27 answers

Your point ....is ????? Please learn how to ask a question, instead of polluting cyberspace with words and phrases that - in the order you put them - do not make any sense.

2007-01-31 19:13:47 · answer #1 · answered by MM 4 · 2 12

I believe that if there was a segment of C of E group who were blowing up innocent people and the likes the C of E would:
1. Not tolerate it
2. Would exclude members like that from the C of E church
3. Would try to stop them before they actually do something rather than taxpayers wasting police money on keeping them at bay.
4. Would be absolutely ashamed of themselves rather than supporting some activities.
The list could go on, but I think it is really the Muslim community who could stop this nonsense and not 'us'. So by ignoring what is going on and then having the cheeks to say that they are all being victimised for a few idiotic ones is just absurd. I belive that it is only the Muslim community who could put a stop to this and nobody else. So why aren't they doing something about it? By not doing anything, to me, they are symphatising with them and giving their blessings. A muslim of such kind cannot call himself british.

2007-02-01 04:29:30 · answer #2 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 2 1

Hey if beheading one of the Muslims own young guys who are trying to be integrated into a British society isn't a sin I don't know what is..

For all the Muslim leaders out there, how can you condone this.. The British Police force is doing you a favour by removing these dangerous people from the streets.. I just hope our British Judges support them and lock these guys away for a long time.

If you want to complain against anyone.. you should complain about those men who wanted to take someone's son away from them in the most horrific way.. If you came to the UK from another country and have settled here.. why can't you live in harmony with our laws..

You can have your beliefs and practice them within your own communities.. but don't try and enforce them on us.. If people want to live by Islamic laws.. why not go live where they practice them openly..

This is Britain.. I can't see that the Pakistani government or any other Muslim government would consider my wishes if I went to live there.. Not even consider them.. At least these guys have the right to express their oppinions here.. But don't kill people for disagreeing with them..

I wouldn't go to another country and plan to kill someone because they wouldn't let me have my way so why should someone come here to do that..

Peaceful people can live in harmony and get over their views without going to those extremes.

I'm not a racist and I have some good Muslim friends who live peacefully within the community.. I just think there is a better way to put forward the views of the Muslims without resorting to this type of barbaric violence..

I agree with the question asker..It's about time the Good Muslims in this country condemned the ones who plotted to kill one of their own.. and supported our Police Force for stopping this barbaric plan from taking place.

2007-02-02 10:39:08 · answer #3 · answered by Britlass 2 · 0 0

You need to put all this into perspective. The Muslim Community are just as law biding as anyone else. In every section of the community there are extremeists. Have we already forgotten about both the Protestant and Catholic extremists plotting in the UK during the troubles in Northern Ireland?

And to answer your question, yes there were Muslims joining the peace movement with the rest of us. It is part of human nature that we see only what we want to see and this is what is inherently blinding us from the truth.

The bottom line is that anyone who murders in the name of their God is not a religious person at all and should not be treated as such.

2007-02-04 19:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by The Trainer 2 · 0 0

Why do we hide behind reallity the people at this moment in time that are threatening our way of life are Muslims,who are we supposed to look at.If some body has converted to that religion that is their problem but surely the majority look like Asians and I don't mean far eastern asians.I also mean the ones that we can look in the face and know what we see.

2007-02-01 20:18:35 · answer #5 · answered by norfolk'n good 3 · 0 0

As someone once said " All it takes for evil to flourish is that good men do nothing". I know that many Muslims are good people, but the general Muslim community should be more active in their condemnation of terrorism in their name.

2007-02-01 05:32:02 · answer #6 · answered by motomarco9999 2 · 1 0

It is a matter of allegiance. Is the person's loyalty with their religion ir with their country? In the west, most people will see no conflict between the two, but for Muslims, the contrast is very prominent. They go to live in the west, yet continue to be loyal to where they came from. I'm sorry, but this is not possible, Yes, you can have ties to your place of origin, but not to the extents that we see.
I often wonder why Muslims, and i mean those who leave their countries not those born in the west, sorround themselves with other muslims, live in the same neighborhoods and continue to speak their naive lanaguages and in general do very little toward integrating with the rest of society. This is without even mentioning clothing and the veil worn by women.
So why the hell did you leave your country? If you love your country's culture's so much, why didn't you stay there?
I know that diversity and multiculturalism are a good thing, but when you refuse to even become a small part of your new society then that is different. Bringing in parts of your culture is something that will enrich your new home, whether that is Britain, the USA or any other country, but doing that and shutting out everything else is very dangerous and we are paying the price for that now. New generations of western born Muslims are growing up and being taught hostility and contempt to the place they live in and the people that sorround them.
So it is no surprise that Muslims, and i am one by the way, begin to criticize and attack their new home country.
If you hate Britain that much, then go back to Pakistan, India, Egypt, or wherver you came from.

2007-02-01 03:30:58 · answer #7 · answered by Mohamed K 2 · 12 2

We find hate where we want it, Muslims, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindus.................... the list is endless, the common factor is " Religion breeds hate and intolerance", it's about time all religion was banned and the churches disbanded and their monies given to the poor.

Don't be misled by the media breeding discontent and race hatred in order to divert attention from Blair & Bush lying about 'WMD' starting a war and profiting from Iraq's oil. Maybe Tony will sell George a knighthood!

Is it any wonder the Muslems are willing to die for their beliefs when we see how much corruption is present in UK & USA politics.

2007-02-01 07:50:31 · answer #8 · answered by john k 5 · 1 1

I know what you mean. Hitler wasn't challenged by his peers and look what happened there!!!
If the Muslim community continue to see it as a western problem this will not stop.
We are all in this together.
We all need to Stop hiding behind closed doors and weed out the bad apples!!

2007-02-01 05:49:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Muslims in question were allegedly plotting to decapitate a British soldier who had served in Afghanistan simply for that reason. I'm glad they raided them and arrested them. I hope they can prove their guilt or innocence justly because It would be a terrible loss if one of our soldiers, who are true heroes, was to be murdered in such a horrible way!

The Muslim community should wake up and realise that we're NOT actually picking on the Muslim faith. They have to realise that the vast majority of terrorist actions at the moment are carried out by staunch believers of Islam, We are singling the individuals out, not Muslims in general. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most of the terrorists are Muslim. We're not against the General Muslim community.

2007-02-01 03:22:33 · answer #10 · answered by genghis41f 6 · 10 1

As per the questioner.

Muslims and Islamics are found to have caused previous bombings. Isn't it strange that the police target these communities for future bombers? Wake up and see sense, people of Asian origin!

2007-02-01 10:13:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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